Preliminary Graduate Directed Project Proposal

Information SystemsGraduate Program

School of Information Technology


For additional information about Graduate Directed Projects, please visit:

  1. Fill in the requested information and print out the resulting document. Keep all labels and section headings in document. Be sure to adhere to all guidelines provided, including approximate length of the document. This document is available electronically at T:\Graduate Program\Project\Preliminary Project Proposal.doc or
  2. Obtain the signed approval of your proposed committee chair on the cover sheet of this proposal.
  3. Submit cover sheet and proposal to the ITK Graduate Advisor according to the following schedule:

Fall Registration:April 1

Spring Registration:November 1

Summer Registration:April 1

Once your preliminary project proposal is approved, you will be given a permit to register for your first ITK 494 hours. You must register for a total of six hours of ITK 494 over at least two semesters. You may register for a maximum of 4 hours in any single semester.

  1. During your first semester of ITK 494 enrollment, discuss possible committee composition with your committee chair and/or with the ITK Graduate Coordinator. You must have at least one member on your committee in addition to you committee chairperson. Once a tentative agreement is reached, contact other member(s) to obtain their consent to serve on your committee.
  2. Prior to the next semester of ITK 494 enrollment, complete the Final Graduate Directed Project Proposal and have it signed by your committee chair AND other member(s). Submit cover sheet and final project proposal to the ITK Graduate Advisor according to the same schedule provided above. You will not be allowed to register for the second semester of ITK 494 until the Final Project Proposal is submitted and approved.

Preliminary Graduate Directed Project Proposal

Information SystemsGraduate Program

School of Information Technology

Cover Page

Please type or word-process only, single-spaced.
Note for students who are also working part-time or full-time: A project must be planned and completed by the student outside of a current work environment. Projects must not be an assigned part of your workload.
Student Name:



Daytime Phone:

Planned Graduation Semester:

ITK 494 registration permit requested for ______for ______credit hours.

Semester/Year (1-4)

Project Title:

I agree to serve as chair for this project and approve the attached project proposal.

CHAIR: ______

Name (typed) Signature Date


CO-CHAIRS: ______

Name (typed) Signature Date


Name (typed) Signature Date


Date Received

/ School Approval by / Approval Date

Project Description

Project Title:

Student Name:

Approximate lengths are given as a guide for each question. The entire project description should not exceed 3 pages, single spaced. It should be word processed, using the following headings.

  1. What will be produced by this project? Provide a brief overview of the products to be delivered by this project. (1/4 page)
  1. Who is the product for? Who will use it? Describe either the specific individual(s) or the general type of user for whom the project results are intended. (1/4 page)
  2. How will the product be used? Describe its components, functions and how it will actually be used when completed. (1/2 page)
  3. Why do this project? What are the benefits or advantages? What is the need? (1/3 page)
  4. What hardware and software environment will be needed? Are there any differences between development and actual use? Describe as much as is known or estimated. (e.g., Oracle 9i, UNIX environment, single user vs. multiple users, mainframe, etc.) (1/4 page)

Updated 4/2/2010