Valley School Class 3 November 2017
Our topic this ½ term is Aliens and we will be learning about …
CommunicationLanguage and Literacy / In Literacy we will continue to learn all about stories in familiar settings. This half- term our story is ‘My teacher is an alien’ by Bruce Coville.
We will also carry on our good work on our communication skills through intensive interaction, PECs, Circle time, IEP Communication targets, etc., and also practice our mark making skills and prewriting activities using a variety of different resources, such as early pen skills like tracing and joining dot to form letters.
Maths / In Maths, our focus continues to be on counting songs, games and activities but we will also start to explore 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World / In Geography we will learn all about our school environment and the staff who works in it.
In Science we will explore Light and Dark.
Personal Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
/ We continue to develop our independence when arriving in school, eating, choosing activities, going to the toilet, brushing teeth and getting ready for home.
Computing / Children will develop their ICT skills through the use of iPads, switches, Sound Beam System, switch boxes and toys.
Creative / Children in Class 3 will be exploring and comparing instruments that make high and low sounds, and also the timbre.
We will have fun being creative and will produce great pieces of art related to autumn and winter natural events and celebrations.
Physical Development
/ We will continue to use our Ball pool, Hydrotherapy, VAMP/Multi-sensory group, Sensory Integration/SPOT games,
Dance and Child led play.
All children will be working on their either individual IEP targets, key skills or curriculum related targets during lessons.