Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am

thankful that thorns have roses.”

-Alphonse Karr

Dear Grand Oak Families,

As I have reflected on our third year together, I have been amazed at how fast time has gone. It seems that each year that goes by things move even faster. My mother always told me this would be the case, but as a young boy I never truly believed her- well, she was right again! This year has been a wonderful growing experience for our school community as we have worked together to build a loving and nurturing environment where learning comes first. I can’t wait to see the momentum carry on next year.

The teachers at Grand Oak work very hard and it is wonderful to see the strides that some of our children have made. I am also thankful for all of the parents that take their time to show they are invested in their child’s education and work in our classrooms and hallways. We must continue to set the bar high and pledge to meet the needs of all our children and we will continue to strive for that excellence. This year we have supported our children by being visible in school, supporting teachers, donating time and money for play equipment and resources, and we have seen students and teachers finding new ways to expand learning and build excitement. This has been done by through our Personalized Learning program which let students move forward once they showed mastery and the use of Genius Hour to build creativity and a love of learning.We also have been able to showcase our teachers with both local and national tours of educators coming to see the innovative ways they teach! We are truly on the right path at Grand Oak and I am proud to be principal!

The quote that I have chosen for our final newsletter ties in to the philosophy that I have been talking about all year. Constantly looking at the “positive” side of things and filling buckets helps to create an environment of energy, positivity and it sets the stage for an environment where people want to work and students want to learn. Though this can be “easier said, then done” in some instances we must constantly teach our students that this is the best approach and model it (because they are watching).

Please take time this summer to continue to challenge your students academically and challenge them to read daily. Make some academic work non-negotiable and fight against apathy and the summer slide. Education is a year round experience and if we want our children to be truly independent and excited learners then we must create the environment to do that. This will allow them to make a smooth transition back to school in August and will allow children to feel successful as they enter in to a new year.

The staff and teachers at Grand Oak wish all of our 5th graders the best of luck as they head out on a new journey to middle school and we wish all of our families that will be leaving us best wishes. Enjoy a wonderful last weekof school and a very restful and relaxing vacation and take on the challenge of filling buckets each and every day! We will see you in August!


Mr. Giovanelli

I will be sharing information and ideas from a book entitled 180 Days of Manners by Forrest and Menger. Our focus will be on good manners and how they should be used in all that we do :

  1. Use Good Manners When Visiting Neighbors-This summer make it a goal to be the best mannered friend you can be. When you are visiting a friend or neighbor’s house always show respect, look adults in the eye, and say please and thank you. This will go a long way with created a wonderful reputation for you!
  2. Use Good Manners by Respecting your Neighbors Property- When visiting neighbors and friends make sure to be very careful as you move around the house, don’t touch decorations, and don’t damage items in or outside the house. By treating their home with respect they will want to invite you back!