The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17th October 2016, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.
Present: The Mayor Cllr Matthew Lloyd (ML), Councillors: Brian Cloke (BC), Terry Dagnall (TD), Keith Hardcastle (KH), Dave Edwards (DE) Eric Saxby (ES) Patrick Wilkinson (PW) Kerri Dawson (KLHD) Shannon Jobling (SJ)
Press: 0 Public: 7 Ward councillors: L.Healing
Minute / Points raised or agreed / ActionBy
a) / Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. Apologies tendered by Cllr Stewart Winters
To receive resignation from Cllr John Tasker, South Ward. Letter of resignation read out and accepted. ERYC advised of vacancy. A letter of thanks will be sent to John Tasker.
Election of Deputy Mayor. TD elected. Chains were presented and photos were taken.
To receive Deputy Mayor’s signed declaration of terms of office. TD signed his declaration of terms of office. KLHD to send to ERYC
Declarations of Interest:
To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. DE declared an interest in item 12a as a member of NHW (Neighbourhood Watch). ML and PW declared a non pecuniary interest in item 12e as members of the association. DE declared an interest in item 12f as representative of ERNLLCA.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.
Minutes: To confirm (or receive) that minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place.
Confirmation of Town Council minutes 26.9.16. Subject to minute number 5999 reading as ‘new councillor for the South ward’ and not North ward, the minutes of the meeting were AGREED as a true record and signed by the Mayor.
Receive minutes from: Withernsea Festivals Committee 20.9.16. Received. Meeting date noted.
Receive minutes from: Christmas Lights Committee 20.9.16. Received.
Receive minutes from: Finance Committee 27.9.16. Received.
Receive minutes from: Christmas Lights and Tourism joint committee 11.10.16. Received.
Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. Agreed.
No police present but reports circulated.
Next Police and Partners meeting for Holderness will be held on 17.11.16 at 10am in shores.
A member of the public asked if WTC had a plan of action regarding the proposed closure of the Withernsea MIU (minor injuries unit). Cllr BC spoke about consultations and the need for us all to stand together and a case has been put forward to keep it open as 15,000 people need is. Ward Cllr LH also spoke as she is involved, and is meeting ERCCG body tomorrow re: proposals. Others encouraged to attend. A campaign will be held outside the Withernsea unit on Friday 28th October at 11.30. All to attend and support. Consultation will take place in the Meridian Centre 21.11.16. Meetings need to be worker friendly and on evenings.
A report of rats near the fishing compound was reported. Fishermen to be contacted and ERYC to be advised.
Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.
ERYC regeneration is looking at the possibility of Promenade markers along the Promenade as a suggestion from the seafront plan, and mini information boards though no funding has been sought yet. Further input will be requested as and when the project develops.
Places are available for residents to take part in a workshop to help ERYC prioritise their 2017/18 budget on 24.11.16 in Beverley at 10am. Further details available if anyone is interested.
The Smart Homes project has fallen through as it appears Heron are in direct talks with the owners. If any properties would benefits of the 3D cover/wrap, ERYC to be informed. The second phase of shuttering for the Old Boat Shed, Sherzade, Goldchain, Fishing tackle shop and Game king should now be completed.
Cllrs KH and PW will attend the ERNLLCA district committee on 24.10.16 at 7.30pm in Hornsea village hall. Former ERNLLCA employee Gareth Roberts has passed away. WTC has expressed our condolences.
The next Withernsea and South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership meeting is on 18.10.16 at 2.30 in shores.
There are three nominations for the election for two vacancies to WTC ON 3.11.16. Lucy Carter, David Hillman-Barnett, and Felicity Walmsley
The police Chief constable Justine Curran has requested a list of future meeting dates in order to ascertain if available to attend, to discuss matters as per our email re: policing matters.
The Pop In – no response from valuation office as of yet, and only a few responses from interested users, Suggested it is put in the Newsletter and deferred for a while longer to enable responses came in.
The DVD re: dredging is in. Cllrs asked to arrange a viewing time in the cinema.
Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. Cllr LH congratulated Cllr TD on his election of Deputy Mayor. LH has had a site meeting at Wesley court and reported back positively on the varied accommodation available. Completion is hoped for the first week of November. No allocation made for tenancies. WTC asked to get info out re: MIU meetings and consultations. Everyone to be aware and to attend and support. A banner will be suggested to ERYC. MP Graham Stuart has a surgery on Saturday.
Cllr LH is aware of the negative comments on facebook re: police and advised the policing issues are not the police officers fault. It’s a lack of resources. LH to be informed of any feedback re: a meeting with WTC.
The Withernsea MIU remains the main subjects of concern 4,500 signatures have been obtained so far. WTC offered to help print and circulate posters. Everyone, Cllrs and residents need to attend meetings, campaigns and consultations and fight, Cllr TD suggested each individual Cllr writes in and WTC.
The next agenda to include: WTC opposing the closure of the Withernsea MIU.
Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from WTC members representing the WTC at external meetings. PW: Withernsea 17. No funding available for a Viking Festival. Funding granted by ERYC for beneath the guiding light at the lighthouse exhibition.
TD: a feasibility study for the market traders obtaining the Piggy Lane market continues.
The new Chair of SHAPE who met on 29.9.16 is BC. An event is being held on 29/10 at St Patricks Church Hall, Patrington.
ML, BC and PW attended an East Coast community fund meeting. £465,000 of funding is available every year for 20 years and will be launched in December 2016 to 15.3.17 for the first round of application. It covers a large area. As a community project, BC suggested a manager for the Meridian Centre.
Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. None.
Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council.
To confirm Neighbourhood Watch representative (DE). DE confirmed as representative.
To elect safety officer (1). DE elected.
To consider email and donation request from Withernsea Entertainers.* WTC are unable to make a monetary donation. The Mayor may consider a donation from his own fund at his discretion. Fundraising and other sources to be suggested though we are happy to assist with promotions.
To consider contents of email and signage suggestion for the fishing compound.* It was Agreed that suitable signage is to be purchased and erected in the commercial fishing compound to deter children playing in there. Fishermen to be advised of the same and discouraged to bring children into the workplace. The CIO ha been copied into the email re: The Meridian Centre.
To consider support for the objectives of Withernsea Pier and Promenade Association (ML). The above was formed in 2016 to build and run a pier. They now plan to seek a consultant for a feasibility study to determine if the idea is possible. The idea was supported by BC and KH.
To consider attendance at ERNLLCA Conference on 18.11.16 in Hull. * No one wishes to attend.
To consider Housing Vision - response due by 24.10.16.* Cllrs encouraged to complete individually and advise the Clerks when they have done so. A hard copy will be run off for any Cllr needing it.
To consider Community Led Housing response by 31.10.16 * As above
To consider email re: Electric vehicle charging points. It is unlikely WTC will install charging point. It was suggested the item be put to local supermarkets, ERYC and the local petrol station
To consider request for bus shelters and litter/dog bins. One bin on Hollym Road would be beneficial. To be priced up for a bin/poop bin. ERYC to be asked to supply one initially. Bus shelter request to be put to Hollym Parish Council as it is out of our parish.
Property Officers report. To receive and consider any action required. Property officers did not meet, however Cllr DE reported on the access road in front of Belvedere that leads to Pebbles care home. A letter re: maintenance to be sent to Pebbles. Break ins at the allotments with items stolen have been reported. Fencing panels are urgent on plot 1 Kirkfield.
(meeting adjourned to allow Cllr LH to speak)
Cllr LH re-iterated there is not enough police on the ground, which isn’t their fault. A property burglary nearby has security arrangements in hand.
Meeting resumed
The stage door to the rear of the stage needs putting back on and the electric cupboard door needs to be checked for security. TD reported the Southcliff Gents toilets door is rotten and needs replacing.
Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made.
Planning Appeal re: Land north of Industrial Units, Beacon Industrial Estate, Hull Road, Withernsea for the erection of 4 dwellings with detached garages by Mr Kelly. Appeal start date: 27.9.16. Noted.
Appeal Decision: APP/E2001/W/16/3151522 re: 6 Hollym Road, Withernsea for Mr Kelly. Appeal dismissed on 23.9.16. Noted.
Financial matters.
To approve payment schedule for September 2016.* The payment schedule for September 2016 was AGREED and signed by the Mayor.
To receive conclusion of Audit from PKF Littlejohn.* Conclusion of Audit was received with the clerks comments clarified re: other matters previously stated
Councillors reports. TD thanked fellow Cllrs for his election to Deputy Mayor. He looks forward to working with the Mayor and WTC, and is keen to keep stability amongst Cllrs.
To resolve that members of the press and public be excluded as matters of a confidential nature are to be discussed. AGREED. SJ also left the room.
Part 2. Private Session.
In Camera.
To receive recommendations from the Finance committee on staff matters. Upon the recommendation of the finance committee that met on 27.9.16, it was AGREED that a permanent contract of employment to be offered to SJ upon completion of her apprenticeship at the start of the new financial year. A temporary contract/probation period will cover until 1.4.2017.
Meeting closed at 8.10pm. End. / KLHD