NCKU ’s “Aim for the Top University Project”

Application Form forRecruiting Distinguished Scholars–Renewal

*Thisapplication formis enacted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the Chinese original.

Last updated on May9, 2013

1. Personal Information

Chinese Name / English Name
(last), (first) (middle)
Nationality / □ ROC Nationality □ Alien Nationality( Nationality)
□ Dual Nationality( Nationality Nationality)
Current Address
Recruited Types of Position / Faculty Evaluation Committee Approval not qualified for NSC Research Grant / □ Distinguished Visiting Chair Professor
□ Visiting Professor □Visiting Associate Professor
□ Visiting Assistant Professor
□ Visiting Specialist
□ Visiting Chair Professor
□ Visiting Research Fellow / □ Visiting Associate Research Fellow
□ Visiting Assistant Research Fellow
□ Research Professor
□ Associate Research Professor
□ Assistant Research Professor
□ Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Faculty Evaluation Committee Approval required and qualified for NSC Research Grantor teaching / □ Project-Appointed Professor
□ Project-Appointed Associate Professor (duty mainly on teaching)
□ Project-Appointed Assistant Professor
□ Project-Appointed Research Fellow
□ Project-Appointed Associate Research Fellow (duty mainly on research)
□ Project-Appointed Assistant Research Fellow
Lab Environment Related / □ Yes □ No
Period of Recruitment / Initial Period : (Month/Day/Year) To: (Month/Day/Year)
Renewed Period: (Month/Day/Year) To: (Month/Day/Year)
Salary / Initial Salary: Renewed Salary:
Source of funding
Applicant’s Personal Information
Name / Contact Phone No.
College/Department/ Research Centre
Fax No. / Email Address

2. Information about the Purpose of Recruitment

□To Participate in Research Project
Project Title
Project Director / Tel. No.
Fax No.
Period of
Project / From: (Month/Day/Year) To: (Month/Day/Year)
□ To Participate in Teaching Project
(Faculty Evaluation CommitteeApprovalRequired)
Teaching Subject
□To Participate in Technology R&D and Management
Project Title

3. Process of Approval

Approval Units / President
(Please approve the recruited scholar’s qualification) / Head of Department/
Graduate Institute / Dean of College/director of ResearchCenter (Please approve salary.) / Headquartersof University Advancement
Review Units
Center for Environmental Protection, Safety and Health
□Medical (health) examination report is still within the validity period.
□Medical (health) examination reporthas been submitted.
Personnel Office
Accounting Office

NCKU ’s “Aim for the Top University Project”

Personal Information Form



ID Number 簽 名: 身份證號碼 / Date:
Chinese Name / English Name / (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)
Nationality / Gender / □M □F / Date of Birth
/ 19 / /
Address / □□□□□
Telephone / (Office) / (Home)
Fax / E-Mail

Please only list university-level degrees or above, or the highest level of education attained. If currently enrolled, please write “In Attendance” under “Degree.”

School / Location / Major / Degree / Dates Attended
/ to /
/ to /
/ to /
/ to /

Please list full-time jobs in fields related to the current project in reverse chronological order.

Employing Organization / Department / Position / Dates of Employment (year/month)
Current Position: / /
Past Positions: / / to /
/ to /
/ to /
/ to /
/ to /


Please list subjects in fields related to research.

2. / 3. / 4.


1. Please list in detail academic works published in the past five years.

2. Please sort all academic works into four categories: (A) journal articles, (B) conference papers, (C) books or book chapters, and (D) technical reports or other works.

3. Please list the works in chronological order and according to category. Please provide the following information in this order: names of authors (in the order as they appeared upon initial publication), year and month of publication, work title, name of the journal, and page numbers.

NCKU ’s “Aim for the Top University Project”

Application Form forRecruiting Distinguished Scholars to

Participate in Research Projects

  1. Reasons for Recruitment. (Please provide the following: (1) the importance of the work the science and technology personnel is to participate in; (2) the degree of correlation between his or her specialty and the project; (3) the contents of the research or teaching or work of the science and technology personnel. If this is an application to renew, please provide the work progress from the previous term of employment.)
  1. Description of the Employee’s Work.
  1. Work items expected to be completed and specific results.

NCKU ’s “Aim for the Top University Project”

Application Form forRecruiting Distinguished Scholars to

Participate in Teaching Projects

  1. Please describe the teaching project in detail (including teaching outline, course plan, detailed description for implementing the project, and so on).
  1. Please describe the expected benefits in detail.

NCKU ’s “Aim for the Top University Project”

Application Form forRecruiting Distinguished Scholars to

Participate in Science and Technology R&D and Management Projects

  1. Please describe the contents of the proposal in detail.
  1. Work items expected to be completed and specific results. (Please list the work items and goals expected to be achieved within the execution period, the assistance that the project will bring to the research work of the applying agency, the potential gains in economics and other applications, and training benefits that the personnel can gain from participating in the project.)


 延攬優秀人才工作報告表

NCKU ’s “Aim for the Top University Project”

Work Report Form for Distinguished Scholars

□續聘continuation of employment□離職resignation


Name of the Employee / 男 女
Male Female / 聘 期
Period of Employment / from 年(y) 月(m) 日(d)
to 年(y) 月(m) 日(d)
The project title of research, teaching, technologydevelopment and management / 計畫主持人
Project Investigator
(Head of Department/Center)
Grant Number /

HUA - - -

Please summarize the entire research, teaching, or science and technology R&D and management work process (To be completed by the employee)
Please evaluate the performance of research, teaching or science and technology R&D and management Work: (To be completed by Project Investigator or Head of Department/Center)
Has the expected goal of recruitment been achieved?
What are the methods, professional knowledge, and progress of the research, teaching, or R&D andmanagement work?
How have the research, teaching, or R&D and management results of the employed person given benefit to the project (or your unit)?
How has the employed person, during his or her term of employment, benefited your unit or the relevant domestic academic field?
Please describe the specific work performance, or the results of research, teaching, or R&D and management work:
(6)是否續聘受聘人?Will you continue hiring the employed person?□續聘Yes□不續聘No

※此報告表篇幅以三~四頁為原則。This report form should be limited to 3-4 pages in principle.


This report form can be downloaded in