Academies Finance
Section 15 - Reports
Page 2 Printing Reports/Printing to PDF
Page 3Print Options
Page 4 Viewing Multi-Page Reports/Exiting Reports
Page 5Emailing Reports
Page 6Emailing PDF Reports
Page 7Review Commitments
Page 8Financial Statements
Page 11AR(All)
Page 12AR(Exc Cap) / AR (Exc SF)
Page 13AR (Exc CAP/SF) / AR (SF)/Specific AR / Specific Nominal/
Page 14WGA/ Capital (Fixed Assets) /Department/Dept Exp&Inc
Page 15Specific Department
Page 16 School Fund/Activities Account
Page 18Monthly Profile
Page 19Dept Monthly Profile (Exc SF) / Dept Monthly Profile (SF) / Transaction Reporting
Page 25Paying-In Slip/Inv No
Page 26Monthly Monitoring Report
Page 28Unreconciled Transactions
Page 30Payments/Income in Advance/Find
Page 31 Open Monthly Exported/Asset Register (Assets from Orders)
Printing Reports
Printing to PDF
If you wish to print a report to PDF press Ctrl and P on the keyboard. If the currently viewed report has an associated filter form (such as the AR) or the Print Options form (as below) the following message may appear:
Click Yes if the stated report is the one required, or No if it is incorrect -if it doesn’t appear then the following screen will be displayed as if Yes had been selected:
After the report has been printed and saved, the folder containing the report will open on screen:
Please Note: The reports will be saved with the ‘“Report Name”&”as at dd-mm-yyyy” (where dd-mm-yyyy is today’s date).
Print Options
Several reports within StarAcademy will open with a “Print Options” form:
Viewing Multi-Page Reports
When viewing reports in StarAcademy only one page of the reportis shown on screen. To scroll through subsequent pages you can either use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard or the scroll buttons in the bottom left hand corner of the report:
1 = Go back to first page of the report
2 = Go back one page
3 = Current Page Number
4 = Go forward one page
5 = Go to the last page of the report
Please Note:If these buttons cannot be clicked the report is only one page long. Overtyping the Current Page Number with another number will jump to the typed page number after pressing the Enter key.
Exiting Reports
Emailing Reports
This process will only work if Microsoft Outlook is installed on the Computer being used.
You will then be prompted for an email address:
Please Note: Any report emailed from within StarAcademy will be sent in a “Rich Text Format” (rtf). This means that the reports will not email exactly as they appear on screen. Any formatting such as highlighting in bold, any lines or any pictures will not be shown on the exported file.
If your Academy has Microsoft Office Document Image Writer, or any similar programme that saves electronic copies of your printing (e.g. PDF Creator) you can simply select to print the order using this software (via the Printersbutton on the ‘Main Menu’ – see Section 1, Page 6) and then attach the file that is created to an email.
Emailing PDF Reports
If you wish to print a report to PDF and then email it press Ctrl and K on the keyboard. If the currently viewed report has an associated filter form (such as the AR) or the Print Options form (as below) the following message MAYappear:
Click Yes if the stated report is the one required or No if it is incorrect.
After clicking YesStarAcademy will assess whether the computer has Microsoft Outlook as the default email account. If Microsoft Outlook is the default email provider on the computer an email will open with the PDF report attached.
If Microsoft Outlook is not the default email provider on the computer the following message will appear:
Click OK. If Microsoft Outlook is not the default email provider for the computer the process for printing the report to PDF will be followed. After the report has been printed and saved, the folder containing the report will open on screen.
Please Note: The reports will be saved with the Report Name and as at today’s date.
This report can then be manually attached to an email.
Review Commitments
From the ‘Reports’ tab click ‘Review Commitments’. This will generate a list of all outstanding orders and lettings/invoices (if applicable) currently held within StarAcademy.
Double click any of the order lines shownto view the original order. At this point you can then add more lines to the order if you wish to by clicking‘Add a line’. Any line of the ordercan be amended until it has been marked as paid or part paid.
Double click any of the debtorsinvoices shown to view the original invoice. Please Note:You will only be able to view the invoices via this screen i.e. you will not be able to make any changes to the invoice.
If you wish to search for specific commitments selectone of the criteria as shown below:
Please Note: This will filter the lists shown on screen to the requested criteria. If you wish to view a printable report click the ‘Advanced Report’ button.
Please note: The effect of using the filters in the three main boxes (Supplier, Nominal and Department) is cumulative and more than one filter in each box can be selected. If the AR Group is selected all Nominal Codes belonging in that Group will be selected in addition to any filters in the other two boxes that have been selected.
If the Debtorsreport is selected the option to select commitments for the Future Yearwill be available. Place a tick in the box to review Future Year Invoices.
Please Note: Unless otherwise stated all the following reports will beproduced to include all transactions/budgets entered up to and including the Accounting Period shown at the top of the screen – this period can be amended as necessary to select the view that is most relevant. ALLCommitments will be included irrespective of which period is selected – they will be included no matter when they were entered onto the system.
Financial Statements
By selecting this option the following screen will be displayed:
Please Note: Unless otherwise stated the following reports will beproduced to include all transactions/budgets entered up to and including the Reporting (Accounting) Period shown at the top of the screen – this period can be amended as necessary to select the view that is most relevant.
Trial Balance
The Trial Balance shows the total expenditure and income spent or received to date for each Nominal Code and the balances of each bank account and the VAT control account.
Cash Flow
A Cash Flow report for the year is produced – this facility will be made available in a future upgrade.
Year-End Reports – Balance Sheet
A standard Balance Sheet is produced.
Year-End Reports –Resources Expended
A report is produced that provides an “Analysis of Resources Expended by Expenditure Type”
Year-End Reports – Fixed Assets
This list shows the history value of all Fixed Assets during the year broken down by type of Asset.
Auditors Pack
This produces a set of the following files in both Excel and PDF format for the specific use of the Academy’s auditors:
Year-End Reports – SOFA
This produces a “Statement of Financial Activities for the Period Ended 31 August 20xx”.
Year-End Reports – Charitable Activities
A list of Charitable Activities expenditure split between Unrestricted and Restricted funds.
Year-End Reports – Debtors/Creditors
A list of “Debtors / Creditors for the Period Ended 31 August 20xx”.
Year End Journals
TheDisposalsandDepreciationbuttonsare used solely for Half-Year (month 7) and Year End processes.
Pension Liability – this allows the Pension Liability Journal to be processed.
Stock - this allows the Year End Stock Journal to be processed.
Year End Processes
The Prior-Year Creditor/Debtor button is used only after the Preliminary Year End process has been completed and before the Finalise Year End process is started – it allows late entry Prior Year Creditors and Debtors to be posted in Period 13 (Prior Year) after the Preliminary Year End has been run.
The Finalise Year End button is used only towards the end of December when the auditors have signed off the accounts and the final Year End is ready to be processed.
All these functions are fully described in Section 17 -Year End.
Drill Down Options on Summary and Detailed ARs
A new feature available on Summary and Detailed ARs is the option to select a Budget, Month, To Date or Commitment figure and ‘drill down’ to see the detailed transactions that make up this figure.
You can only drill down on selected individual totals (AR Group on the Summary AR and both Nominal Code and AR Group Total on the Detailed AR) – not the overall Income or Expenditure totals.
Budget drill-down:
Double-click the Budget figure you want the details for:
the budget history will be shown for this particular entry:
Press close to return to the AR.
Month or To Date drill-down:
Double-click the expenditure or income figure you want the details for:
…….and the transaction history will be shown for this particular entry:
Press Close to return to the AR.
Commitments drill-down:
Select and double-click the commitments figure you want the details for:
…….and the commitments report will be shown for this particular entry:
Press Close to return to the AR.
From the ‘Reports’ tab click AR (All).
The default view for the budget control report is the Summary AR which only shows total budgets for each AR category. To view a detailed AR, which will show each Nominal Code’sbudget, click Detailed in the ReportTypebox. To see the ARwithout Commitmentsclick Remove Commitments.
If Budget Profiling has been selected on the School Details screen the Report Type box will include an extra button – Profiled. If this is ticked when either the Summary or Detailed report is requested then the Budget figure used to calculate the % Spent figure in the last column will represent the amount of budget profiled to have been spent by this period of the year.
For example – if a Budget of £2,000 has been allocated for the whole year then an unprofiled spend of £500 within the first two months of the year would represent a % Spent of 25.00% - effectively an overspend as on a budget spread across the year only 16.67% should have been spent within the first two months.
However if the Budget had been profiled so that 35% of the budget (£700) would have been spent in the first two months then a £500 spend would represent a % Spent of 71.43% - actually representing an underspend.
AR (Exc Cap)
This is the same format report as the printed standard AR Report but with no Capital Codes included.
AR (Exc SF)
This is the same format report as the printed standard AR but with no School Fund Codes included.
This is the same format report as the printed standard AR but with no Capital or School Fund Codes included.
This is the same format report as the printed standard AR but with only School Fund Codes included.
Specific AR
When this option is chosen an additional box will open up beneath with a drop down list of all the AR Categories. Select the one required and the following style report will be produced. It includes a total line for the AR selected followed by a list of all transactions raised in the current month plus a list of all the commitments currently outstanding.
Specific Nominal
This report uses the same AR selection facility as Specific AR above but instead of listing the totals, current period transactions, year to date and commitments for the AR as a whole it will instead break the AR down to its constituent Nominal Codes, starting a new page for each change of Nominal Code. Otherwise the detail contained within the report is in an identical format to the Specific AR report. As the report is broken down to Nominal Code level there is no overall total for the AR as a whole. To do this the Specific AR report will need to be displayed.
This produces a report of all Income and Expenditure Nominal codes in the format of an AR but it excludes the AR Subtotals and groupings and any codes included in AR Groups 2, 4, 99 and 100.
Capital(Fixed Assets)
This produces a report of In-Year Fixed Assets (Capital) and includes all non-zero Capital Income and Expenditure.
From the ‘Reports’ tab clickDepartment:
Please Note: Department Codes highlighted in red are inactive codes (see Section 3).Department Codes that are marked as belonging to School Funds will not be included in this report but can be seen in the School Fund report following.
Departments will be listed together in their relevant Groups and those with no Groups allocated will be listed first – effectively in a “No Group” grouping.
At Summary level details will be shown at Departmental level within Group and a new page can be started for each Group by ticking the Page per Groupbox.This may prove useful when printing Departmental BCRs for Department heads etc.
At Detailed level the individual Nominal Codes used within each Departmentwill be included, a blank line being included instead where no expenditure has been made or income received so far in the year. A new page can be started for each Department by ticking the Page per Dept field.
Dept Exp/Inc
This produces an Income and Expenditure report for a specific department with all Invoice Numbers and Details shown up to and including the currently selected Reporting Period.
Specific Departments
To view the Department BCRfor specific Departments click theSpecific Departmentbutton. This will open drop down lists to choose the department, group or contact as required.
Click the Print All button above the Department drop down list to automatically print the detailed Departmental BCR for all activeDepartments held within the system. Each Department will be printed to a separate sheet. Specific Departmental reports can also be exported to Excel.
Click the Print All button above the Group drop down list to automatically print the Group BCRs for all Groupsheld within the system, with each Groupprinted to a separate sheet (this will include inactiveDepartmentswhich will be highlighted in red).
Please Note:If you select the Departmentreport for a specific Contact you will only be able to view the Summarylevel BCR. This report will show individual Department Codesthat the Contactis listed against only and not any Groupsthey may be responsible for.
School Fund
This is in the same format as the Department report referred to above and shows details of all Groups, Departments and Nominal Codes for all Departments linked to the School Fund. There is no Budget allocated to a School Fund – instead any Brought Forward Balance will be included instead.
Activities Account
This facility allows a report to be printed of all the transactions related to a specific Activity that can then be signed off by the Trip Organiser, the Fund Treasurer and the Chair of Governors. The report is in two parts:
From the drop-down list select the Activity to be examined and select the relevant Reporting Period from the drop down list. If there is an excess of income over expenditure you will be asked to detail how this will be re-allocated, either in terms of a refund to the parents or by transfer to the Accumulated Fund or a combination of both.
If there is an excess of Expenditure over Income then you will be asked to detail how this will be funded – either by a contribution from the Accumulated Fund, from Charitable Donations, Parental Contributions or Other (or any combination of these).
The Date of the Activity should also be completed (for clarification) and then the report can be printed for the agreement of the individuals mentioned above.
Please Note: Although the report shows any Gross figures that are relevant the difference between expenditure and income only takes account of the Net figures involved (i.e. it assumes that any VAT expenditure will be reclaimed from HMRC) - in the screen shown above for example the net expenditure would have been £1,979.17 leaving a net contribution required of £129.17.
If the Department for which an Activity is added doesn’t belong to the School Fund then it will not be included in this process – i.e. any Department for which an Activity is added must first be marked as belonging to the School Fund.
Any details entered as part of this process are not held permanently on the datafile, they are entered only as a means of preparing the report for the consideration of and signature by the relevant individuals.
Monthly Profile
From the ‘Reports’ tab click Monthly Profile.
This report provides a summary of all expenditure / income against each AR category for each month.