October Kindergarten News
· In literacy we will be learning to recognize and the letter sounds through the Jolly Phonics program- z, w, ing, v, oo, y, x, ch, sh, voiced th/unvoiced th, qu, ou, oi, ue, er and ar. This will be the last of the Jolly Phonics letter sounds. Please work with all the sounds as this will greatly benefit your child in his/her reading and writing.
· In literacy we will be learning to read and write the sight words- my, see, on, and, to
· In literacy our Shared Reading Books will be-My Friend at School, In the Mirror, Monster Sandwich and The Pumpkin
· In literacy we will finish the Launch Unit (Reading Fundamentals) and begin the Fiction Unit (Reading Fundamentals)
o Students will learn to recognize text and genre, features/schema, make inferences, find word meaning, speak to communicate, listen and respond to text, engage in discussion/collaboration, determine importance, synthesize story information, visualize, question, compare and contrast stories and work on concepts of print
· In literacy we will be working on the RAZ kids reading
· In literacy we will continue to work on writing in our journals (spelling words by ourselves using Jolly Phonics sounds)
· In Writers Workshop we will begin to learn How Writers Write (Writing Fundamentals) and the routine of Writers Workshop
· In fine motor skills we will continue to learn how to correctly make upper case letters and begin lower case letters using Handwriting without Tears method
· In math we will work in
o Module 2
§ Counting and Cardinality (using a five frame)
§ Measurement and data (finish sorting and create yes/no graphs to collect data)
o Module 3
§ Counting and Cardinality (learning to subitize-instantly recognizing a collection of objects without needing to count objects and learn how to use a number track)
§ Geometry (introduction to spatial language)
o Module 4
§ Counting and Cardinality (numbers beyond 10)
§ Measurement and Data (learn the language related to length)
· In science we will begin our Physical Science unit on observing objects and how things move
· In science we will learn about the season of Fall and the changes that occur during this time of the year
· We will be continue to work on school responsibilities- listening and following direction the first time, doing “Quality Work”, using words to let others know what we need, keeping our hands and feet to ourselves and becoming more independent in self help skills
· In social studies learning about Christopher Columbus, the concept of self, friends and family.
Important Dates:
Wednesday, October 4th- Walk to School Day
Monday, October 9th- No School (Columbus Day)
Thursday, October 19th- Early Dismissal
Tuesday, October 31st - Halloween Party
* Keep working on letter recognition, letter/sound relationships and the sight words taught to date.