Vocabulary List 5 and Worksheet
inflect (2 meanings)
novitiate (2 meanings)
Vocabulary List 5 and Worksheet
Circle or underline the letter of the sentence that uses the word incorrectly.
- A) The film received three Academy Awards, Hollywood’s highest accolade. B) Touching him on the shoulder with his sword, the king conferred the accolade of knighthood on the young man. C) The people gathered in the streets to accolade the victorious army. D) The accolades of the crowds meant little to the old actress.
- A) Joy is the antipathy of sorrow. B) My feelings toward her can only be described as antipathetic. C) His antipathy toward his native land is understandable since he was treated badly there. C) An antipathy to soap and water is common in children.
- A) She wore a vivid red carmine draped across her shoulders. B) The draperies were of rich velvet, dyed a deep carmine. C) The sea glistened carmine in the setting sun.
- A) The neighboring towns and villages gradually coalesced into one sprawling city. B) In 1854 a number of political parties coalesced to form the Republican Party. C) Stars are formed by the coalescence of masses on interstellar dust. D) The tar has coalesced to her coat, and nothing could remove it.
- A) Poker players and politicians must both learn to dissimulate, for to show their true feelings can often be disastrous. B) He tried to dissimulate, but his true feelings showed through. C) They look the same, but actually they are quite dissimulate.
- A) Her egotism is monumental; every sentence begins with “I.” B) He is too egotistical to notice that he has not close friends. C) It is completely egotistical which you choose, as they are both alike. D) She is such an egotist that she is completely indifferent to the feelings of others.
- A) The doctor gave him some ointment to treat his skin eruption. B) She erupted a back muscle while trying to move a heavy trunk. C) Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano and can erupt at any time. D) One moment he was sitting quietly, the next he had erupted into a violent rage.
- A) She handled the matter felicitously and with speed. B) We were charmed by the felicity of her greeting. C) With a house in the country and a stable of horses, his life was indeed felicitous. D) They were charged with possessing a deadly weapon with felicitous intent.
- A) A rising inflection of the voice at the end of a sentence usually indicates a question. B) The pronoun “he” can be inflected to form the possessive adjective “his.” C) Heavy losses were inflected on the enemy in yesterday’s fighting.
- A) Each citizen has a duty to serve as a jurist when called. B) Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935), of the United States Supreme Court, was one of this country’s greatest jurists. C) Lord Coke, a seventeenth century English jurist, wrote many learned books on the law.
- A) The river begins to meander when it reaches the plain. B) We meandered across the town, looking idly in the store windows. C) The kite string was so meandered that we could not unwind it from the spool. D) The novel is a meandering account of a girl’s growing up in the Midwest.
- A) The Internal Revenue Service was the nemesis that finally jailed Al Capone. B) Nemesis pursued anyone defying the gods, or so the Greeks believed. C) She threatened to nemesis anyone who disobeyed her. D) After fleeing for many weeks, he finally turned and faced his nemesis.
- A) She tried to novitiate a number of improvements but met with little success. B) the young novitiates were addressed by the abbot, who warned them of the rigors of the monastic life. C) The serious musician must undergo a long novitiate of practice scales and octaves. D) Before becoming a nun or a monk, a person must undergo a novitiate of at least one year.
- A) He refused to be seen driving last year’s outmoded car style. B) The manager’s thinking is outmoded, and the board is thinking of replacing her. C) The piston aircraft was quickly outmoded by the jet airliner. D) They outmoded her into thinking it had been her own idea.
- A) The protocol was signed by all those present. B) For many years he was chief of protocol in Washington. C) The guests were arranged according to strict protocol, the ambassadors in front. D) They looked very grand in the uniforms of protocol for the Prussian army.
- A) Her specious reasoning fooled us for a while since we had no reason to doubt its correctness. B) They are not very bright and are easily misled by such specious arguments. C) The judge rejected the claim because of its obvious speciousness. D) The tall ceilings increase the speciousness of the room.
- A) James Whitcomb Riley wrote poetry in the vernacular. B) They have a vernacular for picking up languages. C) Sailors speak in the vernacular that is impossible for landlubbers to understand.