Environmental Sciences Section (ESS) Phone Conference

April 15, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Participants: - Judy Morgan – Chair (Environmental Science Corporation); Robert Di Rienzo (ALS Laboratory Group); Coy Doe (UL); Jack Farrell (Analytical Excellence); Bruce Godfrey (Curtis & Tomkins); Tom Hungerford (S-F Analytical Laboratories); Bob Johnson (Horizon Technology); David Kliber (S-F Analytical Laboratories); Allison MacKenzie (Edward S. Babcock & Sons); John Overby (American Enterprise): Fredo Pierii (Weck Labs); Joanne Simanic (Microbac Labs); Joann Slavin (H2M Labs); David Speis (Accutest Laboratories); Steve Vanderboom (Pace Analytical Services); Robert Wyeth (Columbia Analytical Services); David Friedman (Friedman Consulting); Milton Bush (CEO); Richard Bright (COO) & Tony Anderson (Section Executive Officer).

1.0  Call to order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 11:03 a.m. EST.

2.0  Introductions:

Members introduced themselves as they joined the call.

3.0  Anti Trust Statement:

Mr. Anderson read the Anti Trust Statement.

4.0  Review and Approval of March 18, 2010 Teleconference Minutes:

The minutes were tabled for adoption at the next meeting so that they can be amended to correct the names of two attendees and revise agenda item 13.0 with a secretaries note to reflect that the action discussed at the meeting on further review did not occur.

Action: Mr. Anderson to amend the minutes of the March 18, 2010 meeting and re-circulate.

Mr. Wyeth asked if some from NACLA could come on the next call. Mr. Bush explained that a webinar is being prepared especially to inform specifiers of the benefits of using NACLA and this would be also presented to the ESS. The website for NACLA is nacla.net.

Action: Mr. Bush to schedule a NACLA webinar for the ESS.

Action: The chair asked that everyone visit the NACLA website prior to the webinar.

5.0  Update on “The Value of Independent Testing” initiative:

Mr. Bush reported that a first cut of “The Value of Independent Testing “ video had been sent to the Government Affairs Committee for review and comment. From comments already received a shortened version of maybe 2 to 3 minutes is needed, before rolling it out on the Hill. In the May/June newsletter, members will be directed to the video by a link. ACIL has secured a URL www.independenttesting.net specially for videos and other promotional material as a separate web site but linked to the main ACIL site. The FSS is also preparing its own video on food safety.

6.0  Update on Sample Bottle Issue:

Ms. Morgan reported that she had nothing further to report on the sample bottle issue, but she will continue to follow up with DOT. Mr. Speis asked if we have someone from DOT for the session planned at the NEMC meeting in August on the new requirements. Ms. Morgan reported that DOT has committed to the session, but has not yet confirmed who will be presenting the information.

7.0  Membership:

Mr. Bright reported that membership retention is on target and the membership goals set for the year may be exceeded. He went on to state that development of membership has to be driven from the sections by identifying the top 5 or 10 prospects to target and explaining the value proposition of the ESS and ACIL in general. He explained that depending on the prospect lab, he had several strategies for soliciting membership. For large prospects a one on one meeting with key decisions makers and ACIL staff could be set up, a teleconference call is another alternative, or an invitation to an educational event such as the one planned for the CMET or the one for the ESS. Teledyne has kindly offered to host a lunch and a visit of their plant in Ohio on May 19 and use the event as an opportunity to recruit ACIL prospects. Later in the year, probably mid to late June, it is hoped Agilent can do something similar on the west coast.

Mr. Bush explained that funds had been allocated to start working on marketing tools. He went on to state that there has already been success with membership initiatives with Intertek and Silliker rejoining ACIL. Mr. Bright asked that anyone knowing prospective labs in the Mason, Ohio vicinity to let him know and Tony would send them an invitation letter and flyer.

Action: All section members to suggest possible membership targets, particularly in the Mason, Ohio vicinity.

Action: Mr. Anderson will send prospects invitations.

Ms Morgan suggested an advocacy committee of the ESS be put together and asked Ms. Mackenzie to coordinate. Mr. Wyeth and Mr. Godfrey volunteered to work with Ms. Mackenzie.

Both Mr. Godfrey and Mr. Friedman asked for some promotional materials to take to the Water Security Alliance Summit in San Francisco in June.

Action: Mr. Kliber to work with Mr. Bright to put something together for the value proposition.

Mr. Bush suggested that the value proposition could be put on a flash drive with the Value of Independent Testing video The position paper suggested by Messes Carter, Wyeth and Bush at the last meeting, could also be put on the same flash drive.

Action: Mr. Wyeth and Mr. Carter to start a draft of the position paper.

8.0 Strategic Plan Update:

The working group (WG) held a teleconference call on April 9, 2010. Mr. Friedman explained that some priorities from the earlier documents were changed. The plan update has been sent to Mr. Bright and Mr. Bush and it will be sent back to the WG next week. Then the next steps will be determined. For budgeting purposes, Mr. Bush has added to the plan the requirement for an ESS section meeting at the annual meeting with a follow up meeting at the winter meeting.

Action: Mr. Friedman to distribute again to the WG.

9.0  EPA Water Security Alliance Summit update:

9.1 Position Paper

As has already been reported, Mr. Carter and Mr. Wyeth are working on a position paper.

9.2 Survey on private sector resources for incident response

Mr. Friedman has put together a draft survey. Although the EPA has plenty of data it may still be necessary to collect more data on private sector capability. Mr. Godfrey also suggested that the USDA and FDA may also have capacity.

Action: Mr. Friedman to send Mr. Bruce his draft survey.

Action: Mr. Friedman to have further discussions with EPA to better assess the need for the survey.

10.0 Update on SW-846 Method 8270D and meeting DOD QSM requirements:

There is a very long list of compounds listed in the method, some of which are poor performers with respect to accuracy criteria. DOD/QSM has very specific criteria for all compounds. The DOD gives very little relief unless many labs are requesting some relief from their findings.

Action: All members are asked to send comment to Ms. Morgan regarding 8270D and meeting the QSM requirements.

11.0  ELAB Report:

Mr. Speis reported that there has not been an ELAB meeting since the last ESS meeting and had nothing to report.

12.0  Seal of Excellence Program: (SoE)

Mr. Anderson updated the meeting on the program. Some applications had been received but to speed up applications, the deadline date of August 2 was being pulled forward. There would be a new mailing going out shortly indicating a new deadline date.

13.0 A.O.B.

Action: Mr. Anderson to check with Mr. Singh that he still wants to be on the Dues working group.

Ms. Morgan informed the meeting that in today’s Washington Post it was announced that Senator Lautenberg would be sponsoring a bill to update TSCA and it would be a significant departure from the current legislation.

Mr. Farrell asked about the contract issues with the EPA. Mr. Friedman stated that the issue had been resolved but had no specific information.Ms Morgan asked that it be added to the next meeting agenda.

Action: Mr. Friedman to speak with Mr. Bright about how the issue was resolved with the EPA.

Action: Mr. Anderson to place the item on the agenda of the next meeting.

Secretary's Note: Regarding Linkedin and other internal section communication options, Mr. Bush reminds the section executive committee that he is still awaiting the final process document from Chair Morgan so that it can be provided to adjunct counsel for an opinion on the antitrust implications for ACIL offering such a program to the section.

14.0 Next Conference Call: May 20, 2010; 11:00 a.m. EDT

15.0. Adjournment: 12:01 p.m. EDT


ESS EC Minutes 041510