
ARISS Web Quest

If you have never been on a web quest print off these questions and write the answers on the paper you print. Keep this site up because you will need to hold the control key down and click on the blue links below to find the answers. Remember that you can always click on the back button to get to this page. Good luck and may Sponge Bob be with you on your travels through Interspace

  1. According to the Space Station part of this web page who is the commander aboard the space station? ______
  1. According to the Space Station part of this web page who is the flight engineer and only cosmonaut aboard the ISS? ______
  1. According to this website what is the Space Stations time in orbit? ______
  1. According to the second paragraph on this web page how many people will the next space craft be able to take to the moon? ______
  1. According to the article on this web site is there a green house on Mars? ______
  1. Molecular biologist Rob Ferl says there are two reasons for learning how to grow plants on Mars on this site. List one of them in your own words. ______
  1. This site shows a schedule of when the ISS will be over Detroit, MI. How many times will the ISS be over Detroit this month? ______
  1. Mission 12 was launched on what date according to this web site? ______
  1. William McArthur was born in what state? ______
  1. On this site under experience (in the first sentence) Commander McArthur graduated from where in June 1973? ______
  1. Under space flight experience Bill McArthur’s first mission was on what space shuttle? ______
  1. According to the same site what other missions has Bill McArthur been on? ______
  1. Why do Astronauts living in space have to be careful when they eat? ______
  1. In the few seconds before they launch the shuttle what is sprayed all over the launch pad? ______
  1. As soon as the shuttle leaves the launch pad command control is given to what space center to start the roll? ______