Component of Fitness:Agility

Name of Test:Illinois Agility Run


The course is 10m in length and 5m in width. Set up the cones as follows:

Start by lying face down on the ground behind the starting cone (just to the right-hand side). The four cones at the centre (2.5m in) should be spaced 3.3m from each other. When your tester shouts “GO” get up and run the course as quick as you can. Do not knock or step over any cone.

NB! You must go around the cones

Equipment Needed:

You need a stopwatch, measuring tape and 8 cones

Rating / Males / Females
Excellent / < 15.2 / < 17.0
Above Average / 16.1-15.2 / 17.9-17.0
Average / 18.1-16.2 / 21.7-18.0
Below Average / 18.3-18.2 / 23.0-21.8
Poor / > 18.3 / > 23.0

table source: Davis B. et al; Physical Education and the Study of Sport; 2000 (From

Component of Fitness:Balance

Name of Test:Flamingo Balance Test


Stand on the beam with shoes removed. Keep balance by holding the instructor's hand. While balancing on the preferred leg, the free leg is flexed at the knee and the foot of this leg held close to the buttocks. Start the watch as the instructor lets go. Stop the stopwatch each time the person loses balance (either by falling off the beam or letting go of the foot being held). Start over, again timing until they lose balance. Count the number of falls in 60 seconds of balancing. If there are more than 15 falls in the first 30 seconds, the test is terminated and a score of zero is given.

Attempt on both feet (

Equipment Needed:

Stopwatch, metal beam 50cm long, 5cm high and 3cm wide

Component of Fitness:Co Ordination

Name of Test:Alternate Hand Wall Toss


1. Stand facing the wall behind the line marked 2m from the wall on the ground.

2. Your partner will say 'go' and start the stop watch.

3. Throw the tennis ball underhand against the wall.

4. On the rebound, catch the ball with the opposite hand.

5. Continue to throw the ball against the wall underhand and catch with the alternate hand for 30 seconds.

6. Record the total number of successful catches in 30 seconds

Equipment Needed:

Wall with a flat surface, tennis ball, measuring tape, stopwatch

Rating / Score (in 30 seconds)
Excellent / > 35
Good / 30 - 35
Average / 20- 29
Fair / 15 - 19
Poor / < 15


Component of Fitness:Speed

Name of Test:20m Sprint


Set up a running lane 20m in length with a clear start and finishing point.

The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 20 meters, with the time recorded.

Start from a stationary position, with one foot in front of the other.

The front foot must be on or behind the starting line.

This starting position should be held for 2 seconds prior to starting, and no rocking movements are allowed.

Sprint as fast as you can down the lane.

Record the time to 2 decimal places

Equipment Needed:

Stopwatch (timing gates), cones

Component of Fitness:Power

Name of Test:Standing Long Jump


Stand behind a line marked on the ground or mat with feet slightly apart. A two foot take-off and landing is used, with swinging of the arms and bending of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject attempts to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet without falling backwards. Three attempts are allowed. The closest point of the students to the start line (generally a heel) is the measured point

Equipment Needed:

Standing long jump mat or measuring tape

The following table is for male athletes (adapted from: Hede et al. 2011):

Age / Excellent / Above average / Average / Below average / Poor
14 / > 2.11m / 2.11 - 1.96m / 1.95 - 1.85m / 1.84 - 1.68m / <1.68m
15 / >2.26m / 1.26 - 2.11m / 2.10 - 1.98m / 1.97 - 1.85m / <1.85m
16 / >2.36m / 2.36 - 2.21m / 2.20 - 2.11m / 2.10 - 1.98m / <1.98m
>16 / >2.44m / 2.44 - 2.29m / 2.28 - 2.16m / 2.15 - 1.98m / <1.98m

The following table is for female athletes (adapted from: Hede et al. 2011)

Age / Excellent / Above average / Average / Below average / Poor
14 / >1.91m / 1.91 - 1.73m / 1.72 - 1.60m / 1.59 - 1.47m / <1.47m
15 / >1.85m / 1.84 - 1.73m / 1.72 - 1.60m / 1.59 - 1.50m / <1.50m
16 / >1.83m / 1.83 - 1.68m / 1.67 - 1.58m / 1.57 - 1.45m / <1.45m
>16 / >1.91m / 1.91 - 1.78m / 1.77 - 1.63m / 1.62 - 1.50m / <1.50m

The world record for the standing long jump is currently held by Arne Tvervaag (Norwegian) who, in 1968, jumped 3.71 meters. (

Component of Fitness:Reaction Time

Name of Test:Ruler Drop Test


The person to be tested stands or sits near the edge of a table, resting their elbow on the table so that their wrist extends over the side. The assessor holds the ruler vertically in the air between the subject's thumb and index finger, but not touching. Align the zero mark with the subjects fingers. The subject should indicate when they are ready. Without warning, release the ruler and let it drop - the subject must catch it as quickly as possible as soon as they see it fall. Record in meters the distance the ruler fell. Repeat several times (e.g. 10 times) and take the average score.

Equipment Needed:

Meter Stick, table, chair

Norms adapted from Davis (2000)for 16 to 19 year olds.

Excellent / Above Average / Average / Below Average / Poor
<7.5cm / 7.5 - 15.9cm / 15.9 - 20.4cm / 20.4 - 28cm / >28cm