IBS Advertising Insertion Form

International Biometric Society • Internationale Biometrische Gesellschaft • Société Internationale de Biométrie

Reach thousands of Statisticians, Biometricians, and Mathematicians .

Do you have vacancies to fill? Are you running a promotion, courses, selling software, or consultancy services of interest to statisticians, biometricians, and mathematicians? Consider advertising on the IBS website. All ad rates shown below are in US Dollars.



Advertise on the IBS Website with a Sidebar Panel.

Sidebar ads are displayed on all IBS website pages. Advertisement Panel Block Specs are:

350 x 250 (pixels); Maximum file size 40k (panel placement shown below)

Price shown in USD: q $115.00 (For 1 week) or q $400.00 (For 1 month)

Text: Provide an advertisement photo in the above pixel size or provide 100-250 character description of the ad.

*Website Sidebar Panel: Big Ad Block*

*This is the ACTUAL website sidebar ad block size*


Job Advertisement in the Online Career Center:

Price USD: q$200.00 (For 30 day ad) or q$400.00 (For 60 day ad)

Ads must be ina publishable text format with full contact information including telephone number, email and/or mailing address. Please attach a 300 word limit job ad description in Microsoft Word or PDF document.

To reserve advertising space, send completed website advertisement insertion form with payment to:

International Biometric Society

1120 20th Street NW, Suite 750, Washington DC 20036-3441 USA

Scan or Fax to: +1 202-216-9646 Email:

For information about advertising in online print editions of the Biometric Bulletin, please visit: http://www.biometricsociety.org/publications/advertising/

IBS Website Advertising Form

International Biometric Society • Internationale Biometrische Gesellschaft • Société Internationale de Biométrie

Please complete the ad insertion forms and enclose with payment.

Contact Person______

Name of Advertiser______

Company Name ______

Address ______

City ______State ______Zip ______Country ______

Email ______Telephone ______Fax Number ______

Provide a short description of advertisement via Microsoft Word or PDF document.

Career Center and Website Postings may take up to 2-3 business days to process. Payment is due before posting.

If requesting a purchase order, please enclose a copy of IBS invoice with your payment. Invoice payable only in US Dollars.

Check payments made payable to:

International Biometric Society

1120 20th Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20036-3441 USA

Credit Card payments can be scanned to: Email: or Fax +1-202-216-9646

IBS Tax ID #: 86-605-3027


qJob Advertisement in the online Career Center (30 day ad $200.00 /60 day ad $400.00)

qWebsite Sidebar Panel Ad (1 week $115.00 /1 month $400.00)


qVisa qMasterCard qAmerican Express

Name on Card: ______

Credit Card #0000000000000000 Exp. Date00/00 Security Code0000

Card Billing Address ______

Signature______Date______Total Enclosed in USD $______

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