Association for Achievement and Improvement through Assessment
Leading in learning through AssessmentWeb site: / President: Keith Remnant ()
Vice-President: Rick Barnes ()
Secretary: Pauline Cue, ()
Treasurer: Mike Viner, ()
Membership Secretary: Elizabeth Lewin
Communications Officer: David Bartlett ()
Immediate Past President: Fiona Hartley, ()
Record Of Executive Committee Meeting
Friday 30 April/ Saturday 1 May 2010, 10.00 a.m. for 10.30,Friends’ Meeting House, 173 Euston RoadLondonNW1 2BJ
Present: / Apologies:Rick Barnes
David Bartlett
Angela Cale
Pauline Cue
Liz Depper
Fiona Hartley (Friday) / Cathy Openshaw (Friday)
Sarah Patterson
Keith Remnant
Juliet Sizmur
Jean Sloan (Friday)
Mike Viner / Janet Earl
Phil Mostert
Jeanne Mundy
Ann O’Connor
Agenda Items: Key Issues, Decisions and Actions / Actions / Regions
Keith was welcomed back and thanked everyone for their work in his absence.
The minutes of the previous meetingwere amended and agreed.
Matters arising:
The London regional plan has still not been received.Keith will follow up.
It was agreed not to amend the membership form at present, but to review the list of interests if needed at a later date.
Publications – Nigel Williams had asked for some copies, which were sent.
The TA document will be sent back to Juliet for final proof reading.
The leaflets have all been sold. The new version should be sent to Liz. 5000 to be published (in packs of 10). A note needs to go on the website that it is being updated. / KR, AO’C
Future of AAIA
The agenda was rearranged to allow for discussion on this crucial topic.
Although AAIA is in its strongest financial position ever, and publications are selling well, issues are:
- It is difficult to recruit officers and regional reps (this is also a problem for other organisations).
- The age profile of the Executive is very high
- There are fewer LA assessment people because of changes to LAs
- However, new members are joining from schools
- The political future is unknown.
The constitution will have to be rewritten, but this will need to be approved by the AGM so there will be an interim period. Therefore we need nominations for 2010-11 Officers – Pauline will update the nomination form and send it to regional reps. Mike, David, Pauline, and Elizabeth are prepared to stand next year.
If no nominations are forthcoming, the constitution allows us to ask for nominations from members.
Keith will talk to Aspect about the proposals.
It was agreed that there should be paid administrative support for officers when required. / KR, RB, FH, EL
KR /
The Executive Plan was passed round for updating / JS
Consideration of AAIA’s position re APP etc. This was postponed until the next meeting / LD
President’s report
Nothing further to report
Vice - President’s report
Nothing further to report
Treasurer’s report – AAIA is in a healthy position, despite more expenditure eg on website development. Pauline will send a card to Pat to thank her for her work with publications.
/ PCMembership Secretary’s report.
There is a large number of forms to process.Keith write to Malcolm him to thank him for his work in previous years and to state he could collect any publications which Malcolm still has. Liz will check the amount of publications held in Suffolk.
Secretary’s report.
The Aspect report has been sent. Pauline was thanked for this.Keith and Elizabeth will find out if we can still claim £5 from Aspect for each Aspect member. / KR, EL
Communication Officer’s report and website
The new site has been built; it was shown to the Executive. When ready, it will have the same address as the old one. The pictures taken last week have not yet been processed.David has started putting the content in, but needs a tutorial. It was suggested that others also need to be trained, eg possibly Elizabeth, Pauline and Liz Rivett. David will explore this. / DB
Conference 2010
The draft programme was discussed and amended. Participants will choose two workshops from a list. Four have been arranged from within the region.
Mike will ask locally for someone to run a post -16 one.
Sarah will consider if anyone locally could run an Early Years workshop.
Rick will approach Di Pardoe.
Publications will be marketed at conference; arrangements will need to be made for transportation.The flyer and programme will go out to members asapfrom the membership secretary.
Rick will send Sarah the evaluation form for last year, and Sarah will update it
Rick was thanked for organising the conference so far.
Future conferences:
2011 – Bournemouth - the timescale will be the same as 2010
2012 – Midlands? Timescale to be decided. / MV
Marketing Strategy
Discussion of this was postponed pending the review of AAIA’s future.
CfSA is now expected to be self- funding. There is a meeting soon to consider issues. They are looking for members for the board (Fiona is a member of the current board – Keith will contact Fiona for more details and circulate them.)The most recent and future primary subject booklets (which include the assessment booklet) are now on line not hard copy. We could make a link to it from our website. / KR
CiEA are also approaching the time when self – funding is required, and they need more members. The next meeting is on 3 June: Keith will try to be able to go and if not will ask Fiona.The Annual Conference is 17 -18 July. Last year representatives from AAIA were invited. There will be more info on 3rd June. Stakeholder meetings are on 2nd Sept and 2nd Dec. Keith and Rick will continue to keep in touch with them.
David will send the CD of photos to Pat. Keith will investigate banners with Pat once she has the pictures.
It was suggested that Robin and Hellen could produce a booklet on assessment for students. / KR
The KS2 test boycott was discussed.Executive members have been invited to OFQUAL regional conferences (all meetings at 1.30 pm.) The following can attend:
Birmingham 16 June: Cathy, Elizabeth Leeds 23 June: Mike, Sarah
London 29 June: David, Rick, Pauline
Bristol 1 July: Juliet + colleague from region.
Keith will find out more details.
EYFSP – the lock will go on other software, though the timescale is unclear. It was reported that the DCSF consultant charged with investigating putting the eProfile on line was invited to the EYFS group’s meeting, but the timescale for his project was very short and he was unable to attend.
AAIA has been invited to the annual e-assessment conference in Dundee in Sept but this is unfortunately not practical.
Honorary membership was proposed for Fiona and Mike. Keith will write to tell them.
Teachers’ TVhas a live debate on 17 May with an invited audience and asked David for suggested names of a range of people on assessment. In addition to those suggested, David will find a practitioner. / As listed
Next meeting 7th July
AAIA is affiliated to the Association of Professionals in Education and Children’s Trusts (ASPECT) Page 1