Subject: Mathematics

Duration: 45 min

Grade level: 8-th level, 14 year-olds

Title: Lets Explore a Mathematician


- to give students an understanding of where mathematics has come from which will allow students to understand what types of things a mathematican does and how many nationalities are involved;

- to clarify own thinking, use the skills of reading, listening, and viewing to interpret and evaluate mathematical ideas.

Methods and Approaches

Active learning


online resources:

Encylopedia britannica

Click on your mathematicians Name to get information on them


















Other Mathematicians

General search Engines Type "Your Mathematicans Name"


Math is an important part of everyone's life. To truly understand math we must first realize where it comes from. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by reasearching famous mathematicians and what they accomplished. This project will require you to make some informed choices, as well as practice good time management skills. You will have to prepare and present a project to the class informing us why your mathematican was the most important mathematician in history.

The Task

You will prepare a presentation that will include:

  • Two Visual Aids(Pictures, Maps, Diagrams)
  • Written Report (Report, Newsletter, Brochure)
  • Works Cited Page (Bibliography)

5-Minute Presentation (Power point,Internet, Oral Presentation)

The Process

The following are sugested steps to complete this project. You may have to do these in a different order or a couple of the steps at the same time.

1. Choose a mathematician from the list provided. Choose your person wisely. Some of the people you have heard of in the past are not the most fun or interesting.

2. Establish your working environment. How much time do you have?

3. Find the sources you are going to use to find information

4. Do preliminary research to find a point to focus your attention on for your mathematician.

5. Divide the project into small pieces that can be started and finished in one class period.

6. Begin your research. Make sure to list ALL sources so that your works cited page is easier.

7. Take careful notes, small errors will make your argument less persuasive. (Based on facts)

8. Organize your material into a logical order that flows smoothly from one point to another.

9. Create you presentation. Make sure you do a thorough job and that you persuaded you audiance that you mathematician is the most important.

10. Create your visual aids. Make them large enough to be seen from the back of the room. Make sure that they support your main idea.

11. Create your works cited page. Make sure to list every source. Practice your presentation. It needs to be approximately 5 minutes long.

Evaluation: small projects

  • Do you have all the components of the project?
  • Is your presentation well organized, understandable, and persuasive?
  • Is your reasoning cleasr and supported by facts?
  • Are your visual aids large enough and easy to read?
  • Is your project completed on time?