Title of ManualDate Issued/Updated
Ministry of Forests
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Ministry of Forests
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Table of Contents
Purpose of this Guide......
How to Use this Guide......
Conventions Used in this Guide......
Other Helpful Documentation......
2)Chapter of Manual
First Section Heading......
3)Next chapter
Section Heading......
Purpose of this Guide
This guide was written to…
How to Use this Guide
Instructions on how to use this guide
Conventions Used in this Guide
Edit following as required
In this guide there are various visual and naming conventions used to present similar material in a standardized way. The conventions are shown here so that you will know what they mean.
This section, on visual cues, shows the types of phrases or material that will look different from the rest of the normal text.
There are five levels of headings in this guide, each printed in a different typeface, and indented differently from the left margin.
Heading 1 is 18 point Arial, bold, black - flush left
Heading 2 is 14 point Arial, bold, dark blue - flush left, with 1.5 point border line across page
Heading 3 is 12 point Arial, bold, dark green – flush left
Heading 4 is 12 point Times New Roman, bold, black - indented .25"
Heading 5 is 12 point Times New Roman, black, underlined - indented .5"
Revised text
A vertical bar in is shown in the outside margin beside every line of changed text since the last revision.
Examples are separated from the text above them, like this:
The example will be displayed in Arial 10 point, blue text, and the example itself will be within two blue lines like the one you see above and below this paragraph.
Notes, Tips and Warnings
Notes, tips and warnings are enclosed in a red box, like this:
You should read any information you see between two red lines like this because it may prevent you from making a mistake.
Notes are displayed in Arial 10 point, red text between two red lines like the one around this note.
Naming Conventions
You may use more than one term or phrase to refer to a single procedure or function. This section shows the preferred ministry naming conventions for the phrases used in this guide.
"Type" vs. "Enter" (or "Input")
Ask users to: "Type the following information, then press ."
This ensures that the key is pressed when necessary.
Do not use the word "input" as a verb. It is not clear enough.
"Press" vs. "Depress"
Use the word "press". It is clear and concise.
Other Helpful Documentation
Links to other information
2)Chapter of Manual
Introduction for this chapter
First Section Heading
Introduction for this section
Subsection Heading
Text of subsection
- Bulleted list
- Alpha
- Bravo
- Charlie
- Sub point item a
- Item b
- Item c
Level 4 heading
Level 4 text
Level 5 heading
Level 5 text
Examples are in this style
Notes/warnings are in this style
3)Next chapter
Introduction to this chapter
Section Heading
Introduction for this section
Subsection Heading
Text of subsection