Ecuador Study Abroad-June 2015
Department of Latin America & Latina/o Studies
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
524 West 59 Street, Room 8.63.01, New York, NY 10019
LLS-290-Special Topic- Racial Subordination and Community Justice in Latin America
Monday-Friday-10:40 a.m. - 1:10 p.m.
Faculty: Luis Barrios, Ph.D., BCFE
Office: 8.63.04
Phones: Office: (212) 237-8747Department Office: (212) 237-8749
Class 1: Undergraduate-Monday through Friday:
This is a 3-credits course that will be taught by Prof. Luis Barrios a faculty member from the Department of Latin American & Latina/o Studies. This course critically analyze how approximately 150 million people of African descent in Latin America yet Afro-descendants have been consistently marginalized as undesirable elements of the society. Latin America has nevertheless long prided itself on its absence of U.S.-styled state-mandated Jim Crow racial segregation laws. This course disrupts the traditional narrative of Latin America’s legally benign racial past by comprehensively examining the existence of customary laws of racial regulation and the historic complicity of Latin American states in erecting and sustaining racial hierarchies.In addition, this course explores how restorative justice has been implemented as an alternative strategy to reform their justice systems, increase citizen confidence, pursue national reconciliation, and build a ‘culture of peace.’
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Become well acquainted with the current literature on race, racism and restorative justice in Latin America;
Recognize crucial perspectives on “race” and their social political implications in Latin America;
Apply basic argumentation concepts to selected race topics in Latin America;
Critically examine basic racial concepts and theories that have been used to explain the statuses of various racial groups in Latin America.
Five specific quotations capture core elements of my approach to teaching:
1- Most teachers teach facts, good teachers teach ideas, great teachers teach how to think. Jonathan Pool
2- It is absolutely essential that the oppressed participate in the revolutionary process with an increasingly critical awareness of their role as subjects of the transformation. Paulo Freire
3-Critical pedagogy needs to establish a project of emancipation that moves beyond simply wringing concessions from existing capitalist structures and institutions. Rather, it must be centered around the transformation of property relations and the creation of a just system of appropriation and distribution of social wealth. Peter McLaren
4-True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice. Martin Luther King
5-The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. Dante
1-Group Assignment 40%
Each student will form part of a group that is going to discuss one of these two topics:
- Afro-Ecuadorians’ Historical Struggles for Autonomy, Land, and Inequality: Esmeralda: Roots of Territory, Resistance, and Autonomy
- Afro-Ecuadorians’ Historical Struggles for Autonomy, Land, and Inequality: Valle de Chota: An Unjust History of Labor and Land.
In the fourth week of classes each groups is going to deliver a Latin American class power point-presentation that demonstrate:
Knowledge of mechanism for afro-descendants discrimination,
Knowledge of employment, education and racial earning inequality,
Knowledge of urban vs. rural work,
Knowledge of censuses and self-identification,
Knowledge of terms used to categorize afro-descendants.
Knowledge of human rights situation of afro-centric religious practices,
Knowledge of human rights situation of black women, and
Knowledge of human rights situation of LGTBQ afro-descendants
2-Term Papers-APA Style: 40%
You must write one short paper focusing on the readings and visual material from one week.
2a-Paper proposal: You must turn in a printed sheet with your name, last four digits of SS, and one paragraph summarizing what you plan to do for your paper topic, and listing 4 academic sources you will consult. This one page is due on Monday, June 13.
2b-Structure of the Paper: The paper must be no less than 10 pages. You should start with a 1-2 page introduction that summarizes your topic, questions, argument, method and conclusions or findings. The main body of the paper, 5-6 pages, should present the materials you reviewed, include any narrative, present any data, and develop your analysis or argument. Although you certainly may state your own view on the topic, make sure to distinguish between the materials you present and your own views on that material. The conclusion, some 1-3 pages, should recapitulate your findings and indicate what further considerations might be explored in future research. Also the bibliography must be APA style. Please visit JJAY’s Library Web Site to learn about this bibliographical style (it has a great and easy ppt. on APA).
2c-Paper is due on Friday, July 24, 2015and will not be accepted late. You may always turn your paper in early. I do not accept papers that you have prepared for other courses. Your paper must be an original work.
3-Class Participation: 20%
4- Blackboard:I will use Blackboard to communicate with you (i.e. to make announcements) and so that youcan each communicate with one another. Anything I hand-out in class will also be posted onBlackboard; so the syllabus, class schedule, etc. are all there. I recommend getting quicklyacquainted with Blackboard and checking it on a regular basis. Also, please make sure toupdate your Blackboard account so that your correct email address is noted. You do not need toapply for Blackboard access. If you are registered, you will automatically see this class whenyou log-on to the intranet.
Your grade will be determined by the following scale:
Group assignment40%
Term Paper40%
Mandatory Readings:
Hernández, T.K. (2012). Racial Subordination in Latin America: The Role of the State, Customary Law, and the New Civil Rights Response. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. ISBN-10: 1107024862
Beck, S.H., Mijeski, K.J. & Stark, M.M. (2011). ¿Qué es Racismo?Awareness of Racism
and Discrimination in Ecuador. Latin American Research Review, Vol. 46, No. 1.
Scuro, P. (2005). Threats and prospects for restorative justice in Latin America.
Retrieve from: e_in_Latin_America
Wachtel, J. (2011a). Restorative Practices in Latin America: Part 1
Wachtel, J. (2011b). Restorative Practices in Latin America: Part 2 ica_Pt_2.pdf
Supplementary Readings:
Hand, C. A., Hankes, J. & House, T. (2012). Restorative justice: The indigenous justice system.Contemporary Justice Review 4: 449-467.
Pali, B. (2014). Art for social change: exploring restorative justice through the new media
documentary Inside the distance. Restorative Justice. 2(1):85-94.
Marder, I.D. (2014). Waves of healing: using restorative justice for street group violence. Restorative Justice. 2(1):103-106.
Visual Material:
Gates, H.L. (1999). Black in the Latin America. Afour-part series on the influence of
African descent on Latin America.
Gates: Video; Haiti & the Dominican Republic: An Island Divided
Gates: Video; Cuba: The Next Revolution
Gates: Video; Brazil: A Racial Paradise?
Gates: Video; Mexico & Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet
First Week:Readings: Beck, Mijeski, & Stark, pp. 102-125; Hernández, pp.1-46.
-¿Qué es Racismo?Awareness of Racism and Discrimination in Ecuador.
-Racial Innocence and the Customary Law of Race Regulation
-Spanish American Whitening the Race -the Un(written) Laws of Blanqueamiento and
-Gates: Video; Haiti & the Dominican Republic: An Island Divided
Second Week: Readings: Hernández, pp. 20-47 & 101-140;Scuro, pp. 1-6.
-Threats and prospects for restorative justice in Latin America.
-Brazilian "Jim Crow": The Immigration Law Whitening Project and the Customary Law of Racial Segregation- A Case Study
-Brazil: At the Forefront of Latin America Race-Based Affirmative Action Policies and Census Racial Data Collection.
-Gates: Video; Brazil: A Racial Paradise?
Third Week: Readings: Hernández, pp. 48-73; Wachtel,pp.1-6.
-The Social Exclusion of Afro-Descendants in Latin America Today
-Afro-Descendant Social Justice Movements and the New Anti-Discrimination Laws
-Restorative Practices in Latin America: Part 1
-Gates: Video; Cuba: The Next Revolution
Fourth Week: Readings: Readings: Hernández, pp. 171-238;Wachtel, pp. 1-6.
-Restorative Practices in Latin America: Part 2
-The United States-Latin America Connections
-Gates: Video; Mexico & Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet
The Following Policy Applies to this Course:
Attendance: The success of a seminar depends on the participants’ investment of themselves in every aspect of that seminar. It is essential that you attend every class and that you come prepared to participate fully. Excessive absence is cause for failure in this course.
Tardiness: Everyone knowshow a latecomer can disrupt a class by distracting students and instructors causing them to lose their train of thought. However, everyone can have a difficult day that makes it impossible to be on time for class. Therefore, you have a grace period of two tardy days. Being late three times will constitute an absence.
Late papers: Late papers or projects will not be accepted except in extraordinary circumstances.
College Policy on Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else's ideas, words, or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one's own creation. Using the ideas or work of another is permissible only when the original author is identified. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations, require citations to the original source.
Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism.
It is the student's responsibility to recognize the difference between statements that are common knowledge (which do not require documentation) and restatements of the ideas of others. Paraphrasing, summarizing, and direct quotation are acceptable forms of restatement, as long as the source is cited.
Students who are unsure how and when to provide documentation are advised to consult with their instructors. The Library has free guides designed to help students with problems of documentation.
College Policy on Cheating: Students are prohibited from using books, notes, and other reference materials during examinations except as specifically authorized by the instructor. Students may not copy other students' examination papers, have others take examinations for them, substitute examination booklets, submit papers written by others, or engage in other forms of academic dishonesty. An instructor who determines that such violation has occurred may follow the options stated below.
Resolving Allegations of Cheating and Plagiarism: Allegations of cheating may be referred to the Vice President for Student Development to be handled under the Student Disciplinary Procedures in Article 15 of the Bylaws of the CUNY Board of Trustees, copies of which are available in the Library. Plagiarism may be either an academic infraction or a disciplinary infraction depending on the nature of the allegation. The key factor in determining whether an allegation of plagiarism should be treated as an academic or disciplinary matter is whether resolution of the issues involves primarily a question of fact or primarily a question of professional academic judgment (i.e., a judgment involving the professor's expertise, or a subjective evaluation of the student's work product, or both). For example, whether a student did, in fact, plagiarize from another source frequently involves primarily a question of fact. In such circumstances, the matter may be referred to the Vice President for Student Development for the initiation of a disciplinary hearing.
However, the primary issue in a plagiarism case frequently is whether the ideas and/or language expressed by a student were original or were the ideas of another. In such cases, the matter is more properly characterized as academic, for which the faculty member should award a a grade appropriate to the circumstances.
Sometimes, whether a question of fact or an academic judgment is at issue is not clear. When a faculty member is not certain whether a particular case of plagiarism ought to be treated as a disciplinary infraction or an academic infraction, the faculty member should consult with the Vice President for Student Development. If the Vice President determines that the matter is disciplinary, the matter will be handled as a disciplinary violation under Article 15 of the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, If it is determined that the matter is academic, the Vice President will refer the matter back to the faculty member, and the College's established procedures in terms of grading and appeals will be followed.
In some instances of plagiarism, a faculty member may wish to impose a grade reduction penalty to a student as well as seek the imposition of one of the penalties that may be authorized only by a disciplinary committee convened pursuant to Article 15 of the Bylaws, such as disciplinary probation, long term suspension, or exclusion. Where the faculty member refers a case to the Vice President for Student Development for referral to a Judicial Committee, the faculty member must hold the grade in abeyance until the Judicial Committee has determined whether the student is guilty or innocent of the charges. After the Judicial Committee has rendered its decision, a grade that is consistent with the findings of the committee may be awarded by the faculty member.
Student Appeals in Questions of Academic Honesty: If a student has been penalized for cheating or plagiarizing, he or she has a right to appeal an academic sanction to the Judicial Committee. Appeals are made through the Vice President for Student Development. Generally, such appeals are filed on the issues of whether (a) plagiarism did in fact occur; and/or (b) the imposition of such sanction is grossly disproportionate to the offense involved. A presumption strongly favoring proportionality shall attach to the appeal and the burden of proof lies with the student. In the case of the imposition of disciplinary sanctions, the appropriate rules, regulations and bylaws of the Board of Trustees concerning student discipline are followed. Appeals regarding disciplinary sanctions imposed by the Judicial Committee can be made to the President of the College.
Template for Analyzing the Logic of an Article or Movie/Video
Take an article that you have been assigned to read for class,
completing the Alogic@ of it using the template below. This template
can be modified for analyzing the logic of a chapter in a textbook.
The Logic of A(name of the article)@
1)The main purpose of this article is
(State as accurately as possible the author=s purpose for writing the article)
2)The key question that the author is addressing is
(Figure out the key question in the mind of the author when s/he wrote the article.)
3)The most important information in this article is
(Figure out the facts, experiences, data the author is using to support her/his conclusions.)
4)The main inferences/conclusions in this article are
(Identify the key conclusion the author comes to and presents in the article.)
5)The key concept(s) we need to understand in this article is (are)
______. By these concepts the author means
______. (Figure out the most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the author=s line of reasoning.)
6)The main assumption(s) underlying the author=s thinking is (are)
______. (Figure out what the author is taking for granted [that might be questioned].)
7)a) If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications
______. (What consequences are likely follow if people take the author=s line of reasoning seriously?)
8)The main point(s) of view presented in this article is (are)
______. (What is the author looking at, and how is s/he seeing it?)
2001 Foundation for Critical Thinking
The Problem of Egocentric Thinking
Egocentric thinking comes from the unfortunate fact that humans do not naturally consider the rights and needs of others, nor do we naturally appreciate the point of view of others or the limitations in our own point of view. We become explicitly aware of our egocentric thinking only if trained to do so. We do not naturally recognize our egocentric assumptions, the egocentric way we use information, the egocentric way we interpret data, the source of our egocentric concepts and ideas, the implications of our egocentric thought. We do not naturally recognize our self-serving perspective.
As humans we live with the unrealistic but confident sense that we have fundamentally figured out the way things actually are, and that we have done this objectively. We naturally believe in our intuitive perceptions-however inaccurate. Instead of using intellectual standings in thinking, we often use self-centered psychological (rather than intellectual) standards to determine what to believe and what to believe and what to reject. Here are the most commonly used psychological standards in human thinking.
IT’S TRUE BECAUSE I BELIEVE IT. Innate egocentrism: I assume that what I believe is true even though I have never questioned the basis for many of my beliefs.
IT’S TRUE BECAUSE WE BELIEVE IT. Innate sociocentrism: I assume that the dominate beliefs within the groups to which I belong are true even though I have never questioned the basis for many of these beliefs.
IT’S TRUE BECAUSE I WANT TO BELIEVE IT. Innate wish fulfillment: I believe in, for example, accounts of behavior that put me (or the groups to which I belong) in a positive rather than a negative light even though I have not seriously considered the evidence for the more negative light even though I have not seriously considered the evidence for the more negative account. I believe what Afeels good. What supports my other beliefs, what does not require me to change my thinking in any significant way, what does not require me to admit I have been wrong.
IT’S TRUE BECAUSE I HAVE ALWAYS BELIEVED IT. Innate self-validation: I have a strong desire to maintain beliefs that I have long held, even though I have not seriously considered the extent to which those beliefs are justified, given the evidence.
IT’S TRUE BECAUSE IT IS IN MY SELFISH INTEREST TO BELIEVE IT. Innate selfishness: I hold fast to beliefs that justify my getting more power, money, or personal advantage even though these beliefs are not grounded in sound reasoning or evidence.
Since humans are naturally prone to assess thinking in keeping with the above criteria, it is not surprising that we, as a species, have not developed a significant interest in establishing and teaching legitimate intellectually standards. It is not surprising that our thinking is often flawed. We are truly the Aself-deceived animal.