Bogalusa City School System

District Technology Plan

Adopted on 03-17-03
Bogalusa City School System Technology Plan

S. Gregory Genco

Bogalusa City School Board

Raymond E. Mims


District 3

Donneen McCullough

Vice President

District 5

Michael Applewhite

District 6

Eleanor Duke

District 2

Darren Reeves

District 7

Paul Kates

District 1

Howard Stewart

District 4

Bogalusa City Schools Technology Plan


Introductionpg. 4

Statement of Goal and Objectivespg. 5

Objective 1: Accesspg. 6

Objective 2: Integration of Technologypg. 9

Objective 3: Professional Developmentpg. 11

Objective 4: Instructional and Technology Leadershippg. 12

Objective 5: Technology Policy, Accountability, and Leadershippg. 15

Objective 6: Partnershipspg. 17

Objective 7: Public Awareness and Understandingpg. 18


  • Needs Assessment Datapg. 19
  • Identification of Budget Strategies and Year One Budgetpg. 21
  • Evaluation Strategiespg. 22
  • District Assurance (signed by Superintendent and Board)pg. 23
  • Review Assurance (signed by Superintendent and Principals)pg. 24
  • Technology Plan Development Team Members (listed by namepg. 25

and occupation)

  • Acceptable Use Planpg. 26

Bogalusa City Schools Technology Plan


The Bogalusa City School System is located in a small, economically deprived community. With the LEA’s poverty level at 41%, household data indicates that over 80% of our students lack access to technology in their homes. Through existing technology funding, we are providing professional development for teachers and working toward the National Technology Goal of one computer per classroom. In addition, we are providing extensive professional development for teachers to work toward gaining the skills necessary to integrate technology into their classroom curriculum. Through the local, state, and national technology initiatives, Bogalusa City School System is working to increase the technology literacy of teachers who in turn will produce technology literate students.


It is the vision of the Bogalusa City School District that all faculty, staff, and students own the educational technology resources and skills necessary to emerge as life-long learners capable of critical thinking and problem solving. We envision our students as successful and productive 21st Century Citizens. The technology will supplement, not supplant the current education process and be used to enhance the learning environment, and actively engage students.


Our vision will be accomplished by providing state of the art equipment, high quality professional development, and an open forum for exchanging ideas among faculty, staff, students, and community that actively engages everyone making our vision become our reality.

Bogalusa City Schools Technology Plan


Overarching Goal

All Bogalusa City Schools’ educators and learners will benefit from technology-rich environments that support student achievement and produce lifelong learners able to succeed in an information society.

Objective 1: Access

All learners will have access to current and appropriate information technology resources.

Objective 2: Integration of Technology

Technology will be integral to standards-based student learning and school improvement.

Objective 3: Professional Development

All teachers will have access to ongoing professional development that prepares them to effectively use and integrate technology into the curriculum to enhance standards-based teaching and learning.

Objective 4: Instructional and Technology Leadership

Building and district administrators will demonstrate leadership in the use of technology to support standards-based school improvement.

Objective 5: Technology Policy, Accountability, and Leadership

The district will provide continuous leadership, guidance, and resources to schools to meet the rise and demand of educational technology.

Objective 6: Partnerships

Partnerships will be developed with key education stakeholders to maximize the effective use of technology resources.

Objective 7: Public Awareness and Understanding

All stakeholders will be made aware of key proceedings and opportunities that impact educational technology as it relates to standards-based school improvement.


/ Improved student learning and achievement
Objective 1 / Access: All learners will have access to current and appropriate information technology resources
Target Year: 2006 / Evidence Sources / Data Collection Methods
1A. All instructional spaces, faculty offices, and administrative offices will have multimedia computers with printing access and Internet connectivity. /
  1. End of the year Louisiana school surveys
  • District Technology Survey
  • School Visits

1B. By 2004, at least 75% of students, educators, and parents will use technology as a communication tool linking school, family, and community. /
  1. E-mail archives and number of hits on the web site
  • End of Year Technology Report
  • School website
  • Teacher log of parental contact

1C. Technology will be integrated into the teaching and learning environment as defined in the school improvement plan. /
  1. Lesson plans reflecting technology use
  2. Technology component in the school improvement plans
  3. Goals, objectives, and strategies that reflect technology integration
  4. Objectives and student activities that reflect technology integration
  5. Indications that instructor uses technology in teaching
  • Teacher Evaluations
  • Lesson Plans
  • School Improvement Plan
  • School Education Technology Plan
  • Student Evaluations/ Surveys

1D. All students, teachers, and administrators in Louisiana will have free access to high quality online resources provided by the state. / 1. Numbers of students and teachers with free access on file /
  • Usage reports generated by Online Resources
  • End of Year Technology Report

1E. All students will use age appropriate technology to conduct research, to solve problems, to analyze data, to collaborate, and to communicate with experts and peers. / 1. Electronic portfolios
2. E-mail archives /
  • Student and educator portfolios including
-student created web pages,
-electronic presentations
1F. Every school teacher will have at least a 5:1 student to computer ratio of multimedia, fully functioning, Internet-enabled computers. / 1. Annual student-to-computer ratio data /
  • District technology survey
  • School technology survey
  • Onsite visits

1G. At least seventy-five percent (75%) of all instructional spaces in PK-12 classrooms and teacher preparation method courses will exhibit a minimal ratio of 5:1 student-to-networked computer, one networked teacher computer, one networked printer, and a large screen display. / 1. Annual student-to-computer ratio data /
  • School technology survey
  • District technology survey
  • Onsite visits

1H. All schools will have a school-wide LAN connected to a district WAN at T-1 or better / 1.End of the year Louisiana school surveys /
  • School Technology Survey
  • School Visits

1I. At least 75% of students will use software packages including a productivity package, virus protection, and software that promotes open-ended reasoning and higher-order thinking skills. / 1. Student portfolios /
  • Portfolio assessment
  • Student technology survey

1J. Every student, administrator, and teacher will receive high-quality technical support so that there will be at least one part-time technical support person for every 600 computers (can be provided by dedicated staff or equivalent services) / 1. Documentation of onsite faculty/staff.
2. Work order logs /
  • District Technology survey
  • School technology plan
  • Online database

1K. The district is CIPA compliant and each school will post, disseminate, and review the district’s Technology Acceptable Use Policy with faculty and students. / 1. Acceptable Use Policy /
  • District and school websites.
  • School meeting attendance sheet
  • Current signed AUP.

Strategies / Timeline
Use Classroom Based Technology Funds, NCLB Funds, Title I Funds, Local Funds and E-rate funds to purchase equipment for each classroom in the district to have networked computers with Internet access and printer / ongoing
Implement a new computer maintenance plan with a maximum of 48 hours down time for all classroom computers / Fall 2002
Students will have access to a multi-media computer lab at each school site / Beginning Spring 2003
Provide parents with teacher email addresses / ongoing
Supply all faculty, staff and students with an email address / ongoing
Provide all teachers with a copy of the Louisiana K-12 Technology Guidelines, and NETS student standards / Spring 2003
All schools will utilize high quality online resources provided by the state / Beginning Fall 2002
Develop and implement a long-range technology plan that reflects needs of the 21st century to equip all districts/schools with technology necessary to support the teaching and learning process and instructional management needs / Fall 2002 – Spring 2003
Develop and maintain staff to support the technical infrastructure / ongoing
Meet with all schools to disseminate the Acceptable Use Policy and explain how it should be implemented / ongoing


/ Improved student learning and achievement
Objective 2 / Integration of Technology: Technology will be integral to standards-based student learning and school improvement.
Target Year: 2006 / Evidence Sources / Data Collection Methods
2A. Technology will be integrated into the teaching and learning environment as defined in the school improvement plan. /
  1. Lesson plans reflecting technology use
  2. Technology component in the school improvement plans
  3. Goals, objectives, and strategies that reflect technology integration
  4. Objectives and student activities that reflect technology integration
  5. Indications that instructor uses technology in teaching
  • Teacher Evaluations
  • Lesson Plans
  • School Improvement Plan
  • School Education Technology Plan
  • Student Evaluations/ Surveys

2B. All students will use age appropriate technology to conduct research, to solve problems, to analyze data, to collaborate, and to communicate with experts and peers. / 1. Electronic portfolios
2. E-mail archives /
  • Student and educator portfolios including
    student created web pages,
    electronic presentations

2C. All students, teachers, and administrators in Louisiana will have free access to high quality online resources provided by the state. / 1. Numbers of students and teachers with free access on file /
  • Usage reports generated by Online Resources
  • End of Year Technology Report

2D. Use of current research-based learning strategies through the utilization of technology will increase annually and will be included in revisions to the school improvement plan. / 1. Documentation of technology use in lesson plans.
2. Teacher and student created projects. /
  • Observation instruments for teachers.
  • Classroom observations
  • School-improvement plans

Strategies / Timeline
Include a technology liaison as a member of the school improvement committee / ongoing
Offer all classes in the Louisiana computer education course of study / ongoing
Provide opportunities for educators and students to participate in the Louisiana VirtualClassroom and SDLN projects / ongoing
Involve educators in professional development opportunities in the use of the Louisiana K-12 Database / ongoing
Disseminate Louisiana K-12 Educational Technology Standards, State Standards for Distance Education, and NETS documents to educators / Annually every August
Promote the usage of online resources such as MarcoPolo, ThinkQuest, and Making Connections / ongoing
Arrange Online Database training with schools / Annually


/ Improved student learning and achievement
Objective 3 / Professional Development: All teachers will have access to ongoing professional development that prepares them to effectively use and integrate technology into the curriculum to enhance standards-based teaching and learning.
Target Year: 2006
/ Evidence Sources / Data Collection Methods
3A. All teachers will engage in professional development activities that demonstrate how to integrate digital content into their standards-based educational objectives and how to develop appropriate assessment measures to evaluate this benchmark. / 1.Lesson plans
2.Teacher portfolios
3.Classroom activities
4.Student products /
  • Administrator evaluation of lessonplans on an on-going basis
  • Technology portfolios
  • End of the year State/District Performance Reviews

3B. All teachers and teacher preparation faculty will be trained in software that uses technology to perform administrative tasks efficiently: e.g. digital records, such as electronic gradebooks, IEPMaker, attendance, planning, etc. /
  1. Gradebooks in Classroom Module
  2. Sign in sheets
  3. Other created digital records
  4. Agendas
  • School administrators review in Principal Module
  • Classroom Module reports
  • Agendas

3C. All teachers and teacher preparation faculty will engage in coordinated and multi-faceted, interactive professional development that includes group instruction, one-on-one, face-to-face, and online experiences. /
  1. Teacher created products
  2. Teacher portfolios
  3. Sign-in sheets
  4. SchoolTech and LATAAP Facilitator logs
  • Online evaluation of professional development
  • Publications and presentation documentation
  • SchoolTech and LATAAP Logs

3D. All teachers and teacher preparation faculty will be provided professional development designed to prepare them to integrate technology into classroom instruction. /
  1. Anecdotal records
  2. Surveys
  3. Student Products
  4. District Education Technology Plans
  5. Professional development activities to include:
-Continuing education coursework
-University-based Technology coursework
  • State, district, and/or school technology surveys
  • National/ State/ Local Surveys and studies
  • Performance reviews
  • School Improvement Plans
  • District Technology Plan

3E. All PK-12 teachers will receive instructional technology support on an on-going basis from a technology facilitator from the school/district so that there will be at least one half-time support person to support every site or every 20-30 teachers/administrators. This person will assist in the achievement of technology competency and integration of technology into the curriculum. /
  1. Job descriptions
  2. Work logs
  3. Faculty professional development training
  4. Mentoring programs
  5. Online workshops
  6. District Technology Plan
  7. School improvement plans
  • SchoolTECH Facilitator Logs
  • Student technology-driven projects
  • Feedback and evaluation forms

Strategies / Timeline
Allocate sufficient funds and resources for professional development and technology support personnel / Ongoing
Provide opportunities for all teachers to enhance their educational technology knowledge and skills by developing professional development programs, funding substitutes, and providing travel assistance / Ongoing
Implement Classroom Module (an electronic gradebook, attendance, and SIS module for classroom teachers) in all classrooms for lesson plans, grading, and management of student data / Ongoing
All schools will develop and continuously update technology plans. / Ongoing
Place a certified technology facilitator at each school site who will provide high-quality continuous professional development that spans the full academic year. / Ongoing


/ Improved student learning and achievement
Objective 4 / Instructional and Technology Leadership: Building and district administrators will demonstrate leadership in the use of technology to support standards-based school improvement.
Target Year: 2006 / Evidence Sources / Data Collection Methods
4A. All educational administrators/leaders willfacilitate and assess the integration of technology and curriculum in instruction. /
  1. Louisiana Assessment Program; Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching
  2. ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)
  • Teacher observation forms
  • Surveys
  • Interviews

4B. All educational administrators/leaders will provide opportunities for continuous professional development and ongoing systematic mentoring to support use of technology in teaching and learning. /
  1. School improvement plans
  2. Workshops and seminar course outlines and handouts
  3. Number of teachers participating in INTECH
  • District survey
  • Professional Portfolios

4C. All educational administrators/leaders will routinely model appropriate use of technology resources to support administrative and instructional functions. /
  1. Administrator portfolio
  2. Data collection (grades, absence reports, etc.)
  3. Number of principals participating in LEADTECH
  • District survey
  • Evidence of leadership as reflected in minutes/ e-mail of information shared at faculty meetings

4D. Educational administrators/leaders who design instructional budgets will provide for technology hardware, software licenses, connectivity, technical assistance, maintenance, digital content, and professional development. /
  1. Budget reports
  2. District Technology Plans
  3. School Technology Plans
/ Budgets
4E. All educational administrators/leaders will use a variety of emerging technologies (i.e., e-mail, voice technologies, school intranet) to communicate with stakeholders. /
  1. E-mail archives
  2. E-rate plans
  • System activity logs
  • Archives

4F. Educational administrators/leaders will include components of effective technology integration in the development of school improvement plans. / School Improvement Plan /
  • School improvement plans

4G. Educational administrators/leaders will support, evaluate, coordinate, and modify their district and school technology plans annually to maximize financial resources and to address “state of the art” curriculum standards. / Revised plans /
  • End of year reports
  • Revised Technology Plan

Strategies / Timeline
Provide funding and technical support for professional development for administrators and school leaders. / Ongoing
Central Office superintendent, facilitators, supervisors, and principals will participate in the LEADTech program. / Ongoing
All schools will develop and continuously update technology plans. / Ongoing
Implement Classroom Module (an electronic gradebook, attendance, and SIS module for classroom teachers) in all classrooms for lesson plans, grading, and management of student data. / Ongoing
The district will employ a District Technology Facilitator in order to implement and evaluate technology plans, professional development, technical support and serve as a liaison to the State Department of Education. / Summer 2002
Provide technical infrastructure (equipment and personnel) to support the effective use of instructional technologies / Ongoing
Develop district-wide systems of communication that support the effective use of electronic communication / Ongoing
Adopt certification for district technology coordinators and building level facilitators / Fall 2003
Appoint a committee to research and compile information about technology resources appropriate for grade range and student needs, and provide a plan for dissemination and integration of these resources. Coordinate with school improvement teams and district assistant teams / Annually each fall


/ Improved student learning and achievement
Objective 5 / Technology Policy, Accountability, and Leadership: The district will provide continuous leadership, guidance, and resources to schools to meet the rise and demand of educational technology.