International Perspectives on Public School Systems

International Session
at the 2018 AERA Annual Meeting

Theme: The Dreams, Possibilities, and Necessity of Public Education

April xx, 2018, 8:00am - 10:30am (tba)

New York City, New York

8:00 – 9:00 / Breakfast Talk
Welcome: Annika Wilmers (DIPF, Frankfurt) and Gustavo Fischman (Arizona State University; chair of the
International Relations Committee/AERA)
Public Education and Citizenship Education
Chair: Jeanne Powers (Arizona State University)
·  Hermann Josef Abs (University of Duisburg-Essen)
·  Joel Westheimer (University of Ottawa)
9:00 – 10:30 / Six Parallel Roundtables
Table 1: / School leadership and public school development – Is it about the position or is it about the person?
Chair: Rick Mintrop (University of Berkeley)
Presenters and Participants
·  Susanne Böse (DIPF Berlin)
·  Stefan Brauckmann (University of Klagenfurt)
·  Ellen Goldring (Vanderbilt University)
·  David Kemethofer (Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich)
·  Petros Pashiardis (Open University of Cyprus)
·  Carsten Quesel (FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland)
·  James P. Spillane (Northwestern University)
·  Jonathan Supovitz (University of Pennsylvania)
·  Pierre Tulowitzki (The Ludwigsburg University of Education)
·  Rose Ylimaki (University of South Carolina)
·  Michelle D. Young (University of Virginia)
Table 2a/b: / Migration, Refugees, and Public Education: Challenges and Opportunities
Chair: Lisa Damaschke-Deitrick (Lehigh University), Alexander Wiseman (Lehigh University)
Presenters and Participants:
·  Hermann Josef Abs (University of Duisburg-Essen)
·  Elisabeth Bruce (Lehigh University)
·  Lisa Damaschke-Deitrick (Lehigh University)
·  Ericka Gelegher (Lehigh University)
·  Kathy Georgiades (McMaster University, Hamilton)
·  Ingrid Gogolin (University of Hamburg)
·  Stefanie Greubel (Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, Alfter)
·  Julia Heimler (University of Hamburg)
·  Débora Maehler (GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim)
·  Jutta von Maurice (Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories – LifBi, Bamberg)
·  Maureen Park (Lehigh University)
·  Steffen Pötzschke (GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim)
·  Verena Schmid (University of Heidelberg)
·  Alexander Wiseman (Lehigh University)
Table 3: / International Large Scale Assessments and their effects on policies, educational quality and research
Chair: Nina Jude (DIPF, Frankfurt), Janna Teltemann (University of Hildesheim)
Presenters and Participants:
·  Anne Gisske (University of Applied Sciences and Arts, FH Dortmund)
·  Viola Hartung-Beck (University of Applied Sciences and Arts, FH Dortmund)
·  Nina Jude (DIPF, Frankfurt)
·  Bob Lingard (University of Queensland)
·  Kerstin Martens (University of Bremen)
·  David C. Miller (American Institutes for Research - AIR, Washington DC)
·  Barbara Muslic (Freie Universität Berlin)
·  Rolf Strietholt (TU Dortmund University)
·  Janna Teltemann (University of Hildesheim)
·  Yemurai Tsokodayi (American Institutes for Research - AIR, Washington DC)
Table 4: / Digital education policies and practices: Structures, cost and Ownership of schooling assessments
Chair: Sigrid Hartong (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg), Sieglinde Jornitz (DIPF Frankfurt)
Presenters and Participants:
·  Andreas Breiter (Institute for Information Management Bremen - ifib)
·  Sigrid Hartong (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg)
·  Jenny Janovitz (University of Pennsylvania) (tbc)
·  Sieglinde Jornitz (DIPF Frankfurt)
·  Steven Lewis (Deakin University, Melbourne)
Table 5: / Global Education Industry
Chair: Marcelo Parreira do Amaral (University of Münster), Sabine Hornberg (Technical University Dortmund)
Presenters and Participants:
·  Sabine Hornberg (Technical University Dortmund)
·  Alexandra Ioannidou (German Institute for Adult Education - DIE, Bonn)
·  Tavis D. Jules (Loyola University Chicago)
·  Hans-Georg Kotthoff (University of Education, PH Freiburg)
·  Christopher Lubienski (Indiana University Bloomington)
·  Marcelo Parreira do Amaral (University of Münster)
·  Antoni Verger (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Table 6: / Challenge of Translation: International Perspectives on Translation Processes in the Field of Education
Chair: Norm Friesen (Boise State University)
Presenters and Participants:
·  Kathrin Berdelmann (DIPF Berlin)
·  Inès Dussel (CINVESTAV Mexico)
·  Norm Friesen (Boise State University)
·  Musab Hayatli (cApStAn, Philadelphia)
·  Michael Uljens (Åbo Akademi University, Turku)
·  Britta Upsing (DIPF Frankfurt)