Discrete Structures I

Do all steps with detailed explanations.

  1. Use the following Hasse diagram:

(a) List the ordered pairs that belong to the relation. Keep in mind that a Hasse diagram is a graph of a partial ordering relation so it satisfies the three properties (reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive).

(b) Find the (Boolean) matrix of the relation.

  1. Assume the Boolean matrix below is MR and that MR represents the relation R where R represents the connecting flights that an airline has between 4 cities: a, b, c, and d.

The 1 in row a column b means there is a flight from city a (Manchester) to city b (Boston). The 1 in row x column x means that there are planes in airport x. In general, there is a 1 in row x column y iff there is a connecting flight between (from) city x and (to)city y. That is, the rows of the matrix represent the cities of the origins of the flights and the columns represent the destination cities.

Let MR =

(i) Let a stand for the airport in the city of Manchester, let b stand for the airport in Boston, c stand for the Chicago airport, d for the airport in the city of Denver. Is their a flight from Denver to Chicago? Explain.

(ii) Compute and interpret the Boolean products: MR 2, and MR 3. (Remember to use Boolean arithmetic).What do these Boolean products give you? That is, explain what the Boolean entries in the matrices MR 2 and MR 3 mean.

(iii) Now call the given matrix A and compute A2 and A3, using regular, not Boolean arithmetic. What do these products give you?

(v) What does MR + M2R + M3R + M4R give you? Note, this is Theorem 3 page 602where the text’s symbol, v, for Boolean addition is replaced by +, another symbol for Boolean addition .

  1. Make up a question using the idea of question 2 (Something you do at work, home, something you’re interested in.) See 3 below for an example you can do.
  1. Find the least number of cables required to connect eight computers to four printers to guarantee that for every choice of four of the eight computers, these four computers can directly access four different printers. Justify your answer.

If #2 is not clear here is an example which may help you to understand #2

Let D= days of the week {M, T, W, R, F},

E = {Brian (B), Jim (J), Karen (K)} be the employees of a tutoring center at a University and let

U = {Courses the tutoring center needs tutors for}

= {Calculus I (I), Calculus II (II), Calculus III (III), Computers I (C1), Computers II (C2), Precalculus (P)}.

We define the relation R from D into E by d R e, if employee e is scheduled to work on day d. We also define S from E into U by e r u, if employee e is capable of tutoring students in course u.

For example, the matrix MR indicates that on R (Thursday) that J (Jim) is available to tutor but Brian and Karen are not.

Assume MR = and MS =

(a)Interpret the above matrices with respect to the above relations.

(b)Compute, (use Boolean arithmetic) and use the matrix to determine which courses will have tutors available on which days.

(c)Multiply the above matrices using regular arithmetic. Can you interpret this result?