Leadership Council Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2016 10:30– 12:00 AM Central Time
Zoom Web Conferencing Software
Present: Dennis Headrick, Doug Kittle, Lori Biesecker, Kelly Clapp, Kim Dale, Connie Eichhorn, Jody Tomanek, John Blaylock, Deborah Brennan, Retha Dunn
Absent: Carol Andringa, Allyson Olson, Julie Otero
- Welcome & Introductions.
- Kim Dale is the new LC member representing Western Nebraska CC in place of Jason Stratman
- Approval of Feb. 5thMeeting Minutes. Motion to approve minutes. Motion passed.
- Presentation and Discussion of NDE Survey.
Professional learning survey of teachers and school counselors to bring in a more focused effort on the professional development that NDE is offering. The purpose was to look at what topic areas around teaching and learning do teachers and school counselors want to see in professional development.
- Ryan Foor, Deputy State Director, Nebraska Career Education
- A Copy of the survey was sent to all PFI Members
- Bi-Monthly Directors Report & Budget.
- Final project report Engaged Learning Experience – The project goal was to improve student learning by equipping faculty to successfully implement engaged learning tools and techniques in their classrooms by bringing a wide variety of innovative, interactive practices and resources together in a single comprehensive curriculum for instructors
The training was offered as a series of eight classes, with a full-day face-to-face session at the beginning and end (August and June), and learning modules and online discussions each month between.
24 participants, from 5 community colleges and 8 secondary schools across the state, completed the ELE training. Eight of them joined 29 administrators, IT, professional development staff, and other instructors in 2 implementation workshops. Approximately 2,500 students benefited directly from faculty’s use of interactive teaching methods within the grant term.
- Dennis and John suggested looking at doing ELE again this year, more as like a next level addition. This project really connected with CC and PFI would like to look at how can we continue to offer these opportunities and involve K-12 and be statewide. Would like to explore this for using PFI funds at the June meeting.
- Professional Development External Applications
The Professional Development Committee reviews the five external PD applications that were submitted for the July 2016 – Dec. 2017 award year.The recommendations and findings were presented to the entire Leadership Committee. The PD Committee recognized that the process was a bit abbreviated but were pleased to get 5 applications. The PD Committee reviewed the recommendations for each proposal.
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) pre-service teacher training supportpresented by Kelly Clapp:
The recommendation was to not fund this project because there is no guarantee that the pre-service teachers would be teaching at a PLTW school or taking the information back to a PLTW school. Could be an investment that potentially didn’t have an ROI. Additionally, funding this could result in having to fund all pre-service teachers in the future.
Accuplacer Transition and Professional Development presented by Lori Biesecker:
The recommendation was to fund this proposal on an adjusted basis. The proposal was for community colleges to train secondary schools and counselors on the using and preparing for use of the Accuplacer. Funds are to be used for materials, outreach, and conference expenses; Nebraska Counselors Conference and NCE. Funding was recommended on an adjusted basis to not provide stipends as only 2 of the 6 CC were asking for such.
Additionally, funding for the NCE conference would be approved if the applicants were going to do a presentation at NCE, not just attend. Retha will make sure to receive a copy of the presentation before reimbursing for NCE attendance.
Statewide Career Education Needs Assessment presented by John Blaylock:
The recommendation was to fund this project. This is a large scale focus group for CTE across the state, involving key stakeholders, in a statewide roundtable discussion. Provides direction for career and technical education, professional development and alignment of CTE to other education initiatives in the state. It also will provide information to guide further development of policy, funding and potential legislation.
Although legislation has not passed Congress at this point, it is being discussed and new legislation is anticipated within the next two years. This project will put Nebraska ahead of the curve in terms of gaining meaningful information to the development of the new plan. Addressing the smaller areas and ESUs was a focus of this proposal, roundtables will be held across the state.
The funding is to pay for logistics to hold multiple roundtable discussions. Project management will be directed by Heath Mellow at NCEIF but there will be aplanning committee that will involve all levels of statewide CTE leadership; PFI, ESU’s, community colleges, NDE, CTE, Department of Labor, Economic Development, and legislature educationcommittee representative(s). John, suggests that awarding to NCEIF is not within our guidelines and needs to have and ESU be the fiscal agent. Kelly Clapp will figure this part out.
Developing Authentic Learning Activities in Math, Science, and English Language Arts presented by John Blaylock:
The recommendation was to fund this project. This is an extension to a pilot project that happen a year ago to try and get contextualized learning into the classroom. Provides innovative ways to authentic activities highlight how core academic subjects (math, science, and English language arts) are used in the workforce. It will essentially answer the notorious question posed by students, “When will I ever use this?” The activities and resources included are teams of secondary and postsecondary teachers that will spend a day in a business exploring how core academic skills and knowledge are used in that particular business. The teams will develop real problems and/or resources that showcase how the core academic subjects are used in each business. All resources created will be available to K-12 and postsecondary educators to use within the courses they teach.
Ready for Transition presented by John Blaylock:
The recommendation was to not fund this project because the majority of the activities seem to be more operation and not professional development focused. Additionally, the project focus on retention in high school and community college but it is limited to Lincoln Public Schools and Southeast CC. The project is to narrowly focused and does not benefit anyone outside of Lincoln.
An issue with two of the proposals arose as activities were planned for June 2016, which is before the timeframe in which the funding is awarded (July 1, 2016). Discussion ensued to possibly allow an exception for work to being before July 1, 2016 on the basis that reimbursement for activities would not be submitted until after July 1, 2016.
Moving forward, we need to look at our funding process and timeframe, this issue seems to always come up. It is hard when the summer is split into 2 fiscal years. There are some great projects that should not be denied because of our dates. This should be discussed at our June meeting and may be willing to make an exception, this year as discussion for June will ensue.
Dennis motions to accept the recommendations of the PD committee and to allow activities of proposals that start in June to be allowed with funding requests to occur after July 1. Connie, second the motion. No opposition.
PD Committees recommendations were accepted and the work to be performed before July 1, 2016 exception was accepted and approved. Letters/emails will be sent out today to notify the applicants of the status of their proposal.
- New Member LC Nominations
New PFI Member Large School Voting: Not everyone on the committee knew who the nominees were. Requested a bio of each nominee. Retha will email the nominees asking if they want to be considered and then to send over a bio. In which, Retha will email out the nominee bios to the committee and each committee member will email retha their vote.
VII.Other Business
- Dennis and Jody will be presenting on Dual Credit and the NCE conference, go see them present!
- Our next meeting is June 7, 2016 in Kearney during the NCE conference, it is one of our only face to face meetings.
Future Meeting Dates
June 7, 2016CCC Kearney Center 3:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Central Time
3519 2nd Ave. (Room 132)
Kearney, NE
*There is only one building so just enter through the main door and you should be able to find the room fairly easy. If you need anything, feel free to call, text (785.341.8121) or email me