Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc Meeting

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

9:00 A.M.

Vince Whibbs Conference Room

1st Floor, City Hall


Members Present: President Jack Brown, Mike Swinehart, Paul Entrekin, Butch Hansen, Charlie Switzer, John Ochs, Dave Glassman, John Clark, Roger Rowe, Jill Hubbs.

City Representative: Bill Weeks

Legal Advisor: Ed Holt

Members Absent: Joe Denmon, Roberto Rivera, Joe Glover

President Brown called the meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Foundation Board of Directors to order at 9:03A.M. He led those present in prayer/ moment of silence, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. He acknowledged and welcomed the visitors.

The GCVAC representative

The Wall south Representative

Rob Johnson of the PNJ

City engineer

Dee Roberts and Roxy Platt and others

City Engineer’s Report: Derrik Owen provided a report on the status of Park projects being overseen by the city. He reported a communication with the BP grant administrator and said that flexibility of funds between identified projects was acceptable to BP as long as the scope of projects remained the same. A summary of the projects and current costs is attached.

-  The Wall lighting installation is in progress and should be completed by 1/17/14 with a test possible next week.

-  A presentation on a Master Planning scope by the contractor could be available next week.

-  Another contractor is developing the scope of concrete repairs needed.

Park Mission and Theme: President Brown modified the order of the agenda to enter proposed Mission and theme ideas developed by Butch Hansen and President Brown for consideration by the board ahead of presentations for additional monuments in the Park. The proposals are attached and after consideration will be discussed at the next Board meeting.

Purple Heart Association Representative: Jim Byron of the Purple Heart Association reported that his organization raises money for the monuments in many Florida Panhandle locations. He emphasized the city “owns” the Purple Heart Monument and any expenses to repair it and he was happy to see repair money for the monument in our budget plans.

Minutes: The minutes of the December 3, 2013 meeting were approved.

Presentation for Park Development: Dee Roberts of CBTR made a presentation on behalf of the GCVAC, Inc. (attached). The presentation was read by Dee Roberts and proposed the donation of a bronze memorial sculpture “Letters from Home” being developed by local artist Roxy Platt. She emphasized how she thought the memorial was consistent with the proposed theme and mission of the Park.

Additional discussion included:

-  President Brown’s concern that the advertizing of a recent GCVAC fundraising event mischaracterized the status of the proposed donation and presented a conflict of interest for VMPF Board members to participate.

-  Roxie Platt clarified her role and desires for the sculpture and indicated she would not profit monetarily from the project.

-  Mike Swinehart asked questions to clarify the relationship between the GCVAC and CBTR and Roxie Platt and that the relationship is fiduciary.

-  Charlie Switzer asked questions to clarify that the proposed donation included maintenance on the memorial and that the desired timeline was for installation by Memorial Day 2014.

-  President brown estimated 3-4 months before a vote on this proposal would be considered because of other pressing Board business.

John Clark made a motion that this proposal be tabled. Roger Rowe seconded. The motion passed 9-1 with Charlie Switzer voting against.

Temporary Adjournment: 1011 to 1022

Park Logo: Clever Ogre a local marketing company was introduced by Paul Entrekin. They presented 4 proposed logos for the Park which they developed to solicit feedback and additional ideas. They will work on additional logo proposals based on the feedback provided and present them at the next meeting. They are donating their time for this effort.

Financial Report: Mike Swinehart presented the recent bank statement which showed a balance of $5000. He proposed developing a list for fundraising efforts. There was discussion about what letters are required to be sent to donors for tax purposes. John Clark volunteered to provide a template from letters used in another 501.c.3 organization.

Master Planning: Roger Rowe reported the deadline for the BP grant funds is May 31, 2014 with the 6 month extension just granted by BP. This deadline has just 84 working days and it will be difficult to responsibly spend the available funds in that period of time because there are many proposed projects to get planned approved and completed. He questions whether current efforts to develop a Master Plan that includes potential Park expansion and additional funding sources is needed now, or if current efforts should be focused on the current property and funding available.

Roger Rowe moved to table current Master Planning efforts and delay a presentation on the scope of a Master Plan. John Ochs seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

There was additional discussion about applying for RESTORE committee funding.

President Brown reported that discussions with the City Administrator confirmed the three site cutouts adjacent to the Park are there for VMP use for new memorials. A meeting will be scheduled with the City to formally amend the Licensing Agreement to include these sites.

Technology: Dave Glassman reported that a meeting is scheduled for the first Wednesday in February with the Wall South Board to discuss web site coordination. He is also establishing a formal phone number for the corporation.

Next Meeting/Adjournment: The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 9:00 in the same meeting room. The meeting adjourned at 1130.