Frequently Asked Questions onthe SSC&P
1. Can activities done during summer holidays be considered for Informal Learning in the Secondary School Certificate and Profile?
No, only activities done during the scholastic year can be considered.
2. Should organisations offering Informal Learning be registered with MQC to be able to fill in the Informal Education forms?
Yes, only those organisations will be considered.
3. Can individual persons who offer Informal Learning like piano lessons register with MQC?
Yes, provided they supply all the necessary information.
4. Can the school use the Informal Learning that students gain outside school hours to create activities / exhibitions at school?
Yes, as this provides further opportunities for learning and it might encourage and push students to attend such activities, thus broadening their horizons.
5. Is there a covering letter to students/parents that explains what needs to be done with regard to Informal Learning?
Yes, it is available on the MQC website .
6. Can students be asked whether they prefer the Informal Education form to be in English or in Maltese to avoid wasting paper?
Yes, students can have the Informal Education form in which language they prefer.
7. What happens if the Informal Learning is in conflict with the school’s rules and regulations?
It is at the discretion of the Head of School to decide whether the student should be awarded marks for Informal Learning. What is done during Informal Learning must be in line with the school’s rules and regulations.
8. For how many Informal Education activities can the student be awarded marks?
A student can be awarded marks for only one activity per year. The student can choose the activity on which he/she wants to be awarded marks for depending on the best attendance. If a student attends to more than one Informal Education activity e.g., Scouts, Band Club, Drama Classes, he/she will make sure to get appropriately filled in Informal Education forms from all the organisations, choose the one he/she wants to be awarded marksfor and put it on top of all his/her Informal Education forms. The student will then hand in ALL the forms to the Form Teacher. The Form Teacher will give marks only to the Informal Education form which is on top (for every student). All the forms (both those with and without marks) are handed to the clerk.Up to four activities (per year) attended to by the student are inputted in the database so that they will feature in the Secondary School Certificate and Profile when this will be printed.
9. On how many Personal Qualities will the students be assessed?
The students will be assessed on a maximum of 5 personal qualities per year. These can change from year to year according to what qualities the student will show to have during that scholastic year.
10. Who will decide for which Personal Qualities out of the 10 the student will be assessed on?
The form teacher will decide, in consultation with the other teachers who teach the student.
11. Will the 2 Personal Qualities chosen by the college be compulsory for every student?
Those 2 Personal Qualities will form part of the 10 qualities from which a maximum of any 5 can be chosen for every student.
12. Will the qualities chosen remain the samethroughout the student's five years at school?
No, every student will be assessed on the qualities that are shown during that scholastic year; they can be completely different from those of the year before, they can be the same, they can be less or more (but not more than 5).
13. Can time-tabled extra curricular activities be considered as Non-Formal activities?
No, since students do not have a choice but to go to such activities. These extra curricular activities can be considered under the section of Formal Education and be given an assessment.