V. Orozco
2365 Lancashire Drive #1B – Ann Arbor, MI48105
– (614) 506 - 3644
University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MIAugust 2007 - Present
Counseling and Psychological Services (APA Accredited)
Post Doctoral Fellowship
CaliforniaStateUniversityLong BeachLong Beach, CAAugust 2006 - August 2007
Counseling and Psychological Services(APA Accredited)
Pre-Doctoral Internship
The OhioStateUniversityColumbus, OHSeptember 2002 - August 2007
Major Field: Counseling Psychology (APA Accredited)
Master of Arts, December 2004
Doctor of Philosophy, August 2007
University of California, IrvineIrvine, CASeptember 1997 - June 2002
Major: Psychology
Bachelor of Arts
Post Doctoral FellowAnn Arbor, MIAugust 2007- Present
Full-time 12-month (APA Accredited)
Counseling and Psychological Services
University of Michigan
Provide counseling services at a large college counseling center within a brief therapy model. Clients are undergraduate and graduate students from diverse ethnic backgrounds with primarily concerns including depression, anxiety, interpersonal relationship issues, and marital problems. Complete 4 intakes per week and maintain a weekly on-call crisis schedule. Leada women’s therapy group and supervise pre-doctoral and advanced practicum students.
Pre-Doctoral InternLong Beach, CAAugust 2006 - August 2007
Full-time 12-month (APA Accredited)
Counseling and Psychological Services
CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach
Provided counseling services at a diverse college counseling center within a brief therapy model. Clients were undergraduate and graduate students from diverse ethnic backgrounds with primary concerns including depression, grief, sexual assault, marital problems, sexual identity conflicts, interpersonal relationship issues, and adjustment difficulties. Completed 3 intakes per week and maintained a weekly on-call crisis schedule. Co-facilitated a women’s therapy group and grief and loss group.Lead and co-facilitated outreach presentationsto students from diverse backgrounds.
Practicum InternColumbus, OHOctober 2005 - December 2005
Moritz Maximum Security Forensic Hospital
TwinValley Behavioral Healthcare
Provided individual therapy in a maximum security unit to court mandated inpatients found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI) or admitted for competency restoration. Clinical experience included clients with severe psychotic disorders and severe mood disorders.
Practicum InternColumbus, OHJune 2005 - December 2005
Counseling and Consultation Service
The OhioStateUniversity
Provided counseling services at a college counseling center within a brief therapy model. Clients were undergraduate and graduate students from diverse ethnic backgrounds with primary concerns including depression, marital problems, sexual abuse, sexual identity conflicts, interpersonal relationship issues, and adjustment difficulties.
Career CounselorColumbus, OHMarch 2005 - August 2005
Career Connection
The OhioStateUniversity
Provided services in career counseling to university students at all levels of their career development process. Assessed and interpreted students’ interests, skills, and values as they relate to the major and career exploration process using different career assessment tools. Assisted students with goal setting, internship and job search processes,critiquing resumes, vitae, and job search letters. Prepared and delivered a career lecture to undergraduate students.
Practicum InternColumbus, OHSeptember 2004 - June 2005
Rehabilitation Psychology
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Research Unit
The OhioStateUniversityHospital
Administered the Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT) to monitor the cognitive recovery of inpatients. Administered a neuropsychological battery to qualified outpatients and scored the battery for use in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) research projects. Battery consisted of 9 total cognitive tests, which included the WMS-III Logical Memory test, WAIS-III Digit Symbol, Symbol Search, Vocabulary, Similarities, Letter-Number Sequencing, and Digit Span subscales, Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, and the STROOP Neuropsychological Screening Test.
Practicum CounselorColumbus, OHSeptember 2003 - June 2005
Psychological ServicesCenter
Department of Psychology
The OhioStateUniversity
Provided individual counseling services at a department clinic. Clients were undergraduate students from diverse ethnic backgrounds with primary concerns including acculturation, race-related discrimination, self-esteem, anxiety, personality disorders, impulse-control disorders, and career related issues. Completed self-evaluations, client case notes, and termination summary reports.
Practicum SupervisorColumbus, OH September 2004 - December 2005
Psychological ServicesCenter
Department of Psychology
The OhioStateUniversity
Department clinic. Supervised 1-2 counseling psychology Masters-level students per quarter in their second quarter of practicum. Supervision consisted of live observation of supervisees counseling sessions via video followed by one hour of supervision per client. Provided direction and feedback on clinical work, case management, and case conceptualization. Assessed supervisees’ performance, evaluated their progress, and communicated with training director.
Graduate Teaching AssociateColumbus, OHSeptember 2003 - June 2006
General Psychology
Department of Psychology
The OhioStateUniversity
Prepared, delivered, and evaluated lectures, demonstrations, and discussions for 50-70 undergraduates three times per week enrolled in Psychology 100 (3 sections per academic year). Prepared, administered, and graded quizzes. Held office hours weekly to advise students on course-related problems. Chaired committee responsible for and assisted in writing course-wide exam. Encouraged students to participate in experiments and educated them on ethical guidelines and departmental policies regarding the use of human participants in research.
Orozco, V. (2006). One of a thousand stories: A letter to Latin@ parents. ¿Qué Pasa, OSU?, Summer 2006 Issue.
Gloria, A. M., Castellanos, J., & Orozco, V. (2005). Perceived educational barriers, cultural fit, coping responses, and psychological well-being of Latina undergraduates. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 27(2), 161-183.
Orozco, V. (2003). Latinas and the Undergraduate experience: No estamos solas! In J. Castellanos & L. Jones (Eds.), The majority in the minority, expanding the representations of Latina/o faculty, administrators, and students in higher education (pp. 127-137). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Orozco, V. & Constantine, M. G. (February 2005). Perceived social support, relational-interdependent self-construal, collective self-esteem, and career aspirations of Mexican American college women. Poster presentation presented at the annual meeting of the Winter Roundtable at Teachers College, Columbia, University, New York, NY.
Orozco, V., Gloria, A. M., & Castellanos, J. (August, 2004). Latinas’ well-being in higher education: Coping with their educational challenges. Poster presentation presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Kindaichi, M. M., Orozco, V, & Constantine, M. G. (August, 2003). Exploring potential mediators of acculturative stress and depression in international college students from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Poster presentation presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.
Obasi, E. M., Kindaichi, M., & Orozco, V. (February 2003). Cultural adjustment among international students in the United States: Implications for practice. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Winter Roundtable at Teachers College, ColumbiaUniversity. New York, NY.
Hayashino, D. & Orozco, V. (2007). What is a Healthy Intimate Relationship? Workshop on basic rights in a relationship, warning signs of an unhealthy relationship, and safety plans delivered to undergraduate, on-campus housing resident students. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Orozco, V. & Cisco, H. (2007). Relaxation Workshop. Stress reduction via visualization techniques workshop delivered to undergraduate psychology students at CSULB. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
O’Keefe, C., Arcinue, F., Chun, K., Cisco, H., & Orozco, V. (2007). Safe Zone Training. LGBT ally training offered to faculty and staff at CSULB. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Arcinue, F., Cisco, H. & O’Keefe, C., & Orozco, V. (2007). Diversity Training. Workshop on privilege and stereotypes delivered to student employees at CSULB’s UniversityArt Museum. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Prince, J., Arcinue, F., Cisco, H., Orozco, V. (2007). Resident Assistant Training: Helping Distressed Students Part II. Training workshop offered to 40 undergraduate housing and residential life resident assistants. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
O’Keefe, C. & Orozco, V. (2006). LGBTRC Speaker’s Bureau Training. Training workshop offered to undergraduate LGBT students. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Orozco, V. (2006). Resume Writing. Workshop presentation for undergraduate members of a Latina-based sorority. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Orozco, V. (2006). Latino Education in the U.S. Invited lecture for Teacher Credential and upper division undergraduate students enrolled in a Chicano & Latino Studies course. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Moreno-Alcaraz, & Carrillo R. (2006). Latina Connection Conference at CSULB. Facilitated a small discussion group for undergraduate Latina students. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Hayashino, D. & Orozco, V. (2006). Relationships. Workshop presentation for undergraduate students enrolled in a Women and their Bodies course. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Arcinue, F., Chun, K., Orozco, V., & Prince, J. (2006). CAMPOrientation: Transitions and Challenges in College. Workshop presentation for freshman undergraduates of migrant parents. CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach, Long Beach, CA.
Chalk, H. & Orozco, V. (2005). Conflict resolution, self-esteem, and positive body image. Workshop presentation for an undergraduate sorority. The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, OH.
Claman, E., Kozee, H., & Orozco, V. (2005). GLBT Career Paths Open House. Campus programming outreach through the MulticulturalCenter. The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus. OH.
Orozco, V. & Kozee, H. (2005). Career psychology and career interventions. Invited lecture for undergraduate students enrolled in a counseling psychology course. The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, OH.
Orozco, V., Augustus, C., Brown, D. & Kozee, H. (2004). Hispanic/Latina women: Cultural values and gender role expectations. Presentation for a graduate level course on counseling women. The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, OH.
Orozco, V. & Leal, V. (2003). Latina/o cultural values. Invited lecture for a graduate level counseling psychology course. The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, OH.
Orozco, V. (2004). Ethics: Power in Supervision. Presentation for a graduate level course on ethical and professional issues in psychology. The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, OH.
Winter Roundtable Student Scholarship. Teachers College. New York, NY. 2005. ($100)
Graduate Enrichment Fellowship. Columbus, OH. 2002.
Order of Merit Service Award. University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA. 2002.
Ronald E. McNair/STAR Internship Program. University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA 2000. ($2,000)
Research AssistantColumbus, OHJune 2006 – July 2006
Rehabilitation Psychology
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Research Unit
The OhioStateUniversityHospital
Administered the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), South Oaks Gambling Screen, and subscales of the WAIS-III and WASI to traumatic brain injury and healthy control research participants. Scored subscales of the WAIS-III and WASI, including Arithmetic, Matrix Reasoning, and Letter-Number Sequencing. Administered the GOAT to monitor the cognitive recovery of inpatients. Enrolled research subjects, transcribed testing interviews, and compiled subject files. Inputted research data into a computerized database.
Research AssistantColumbus, OHJune 2005 - September 2005
Rehabilitation Psychology
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Research Unit
The OhioStateUniversityHospital
Administered the GOAT to monitor the cognitive recovery of inpatients. Administered and scored a neuropsychological battery for use in TBI research projects. Trained incoming practicum students in use of WMS, WAIS-III subscales, and administration of GOAT. Screened participants and observed clinical interviews to determine presence of psychiatric disorders, traumatic brain injuries or other neurological disorders, and substance use disorders. Enrolled research subjects and compiled subject files. Inputted research data into a computerized database.
Research Team Member (2002-2003). Investigated cultural competency. Dr. Madonna G. Constantine
(Team Leader). The OhioStateUniversity.
Honor Student (2000-2002). Honors in Psychology Program. Two-year program to conduct individual study. Completed a comprehensive literature review, collected, and analyzed data. University of California, Irvine.
Research Fellow (2001). Summer Research Opportunities Program. Conducted graduate-level research. Attended GRE preparation courses and presented a study proposal in written and oral form at a university-wide conference. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Research Fellow (2000-2001). Ronald E. McNair/STAR Internship Program. Conducted a research study
on the MMPI-II and Latino population, presented findings at a university-wide conference, and participated in graduate school workshops. University of California, Irvine.
Research Fellow (2000-2001). Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. Research investigation
and poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Symposium. University of California, Irvine.
Research Fellow (2000). Summer Academic Enrichment Program. 5 week intensive program to
complete a research proposal, practice analytical reading and thinking, and learn statistics. University of California, Irvine.
California Latino Mental Health Conference.Building personalismo, simpatia, and competence among mental health providers serving the Latino community. Fullerton, CA. March 2007.
Law & Ethics: Morning Live… Clinical Dilemmas with Clients. Long Beach, CA. Feb 2007
StrengthsQuest Educator Seminar.Irvine, CA. Jan 2007.
Black Fathers Symposium.CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach,Long Beach, CA. Oct 2006
The Fifth Annual Skip Hinchman Memorial Symposium. Boys Will Be Boys: Cultural and Psychological Perspective on Male Development.Long Beach, CA. Oct 2006
12th Annual National Conference on Diversity, Race, & Learning, The OhioStateUniversity,Columbus, OH. May 2006
OhioPsychological Association of Graduate Students Spring Institute. The OhioStateUniversity,Columbus, OH. April 2004
Latino/a Studies in the Midwest Symposium, The OhioStateUniversity,Columbus, OH. April 2004
Chair, Psychology 100 Exam Writing Committee. The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, OH. 2005
Chair, Psychology 100 Team Internet. The OhioStateUniversity, Columbus, OH. September 2004 - June 2005
Alumni Advisor, Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority, OhioUniversity. Athens, OH. May 2003 - June 2005
Resident Advisor, Summer Academic Enrichment Program, University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA.
Summer 2002
Peer Counselor, Center for Women and Men, University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA.
September 2001 -June 2002
Scholarship Director, UCI Student Government, University of California, Irvine. Irvine, CA. Sept 2001-
June 2001
Mentor/Tutor, DwyerMiddle School. Huntington Beach, CA. Sept 2000 - March 2001
- Foreign Language: Fluent in Spanish
- Computer Skills: Work knowledge of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Internet Explorer
2002 - PresentAmerican Psychological Association
2002 - 2007American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS)
2003 - PresentNational Latina/o Psychological Association
2004 - Present Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (APA Div. 45)
2005 - PresentSociety of Counseling Psychology (APA Div. 17)
Don Dell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Counseling Program
The OhioStateUniversity
107 Townshend Hall
1885 Neil Avenue Mall
Columbus, OH43210
(614) 688-8287
Michael W. Johnston, Ed.D.
Training Director / Licensed Psychologist
Counseling and Psychological Services
CaliforniaStateUniversityLong Beach
1250 Bellflower Boulevard, BH 226
Long Beach, CA90840-0111
(562) 985-4001
Joseph L. White
Professor Emeritus
University of California, Irvine
2259 Social Science Plaza B
Irvine, CA92697-5100
(949) 824-5969
Jeanett Castellanos, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Social Sciences
University of California, Irvine
369 Social Sciences Tower
Irvine, CA92697
(949) 824-6298
Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Counseling & Health Services
University of California, Irvine
202 Student Services 1
Irvine, CA92697-2200
(949) 824-4642