CI 271 & CI 272

Tentative Course Schedule

Spring 2009 --- “new and improved…”

Dr. A. Aagaard

“…teaching is a complex ‘act’…”

Date / Topic(s) / Readings, Activities,
Experiences, &
Assignments, etc. / Delivered
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
KSDE, NCATE, ISTE / Assessed
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
Week 1/18 / Quote of the Day - Thomas A. Edison - "Discontent is the first necessity of progress." / Arrange:
This Week In History / 1690: The clarinet is invented.
1914: Henry Ford introduces the assembly line. / ·  Bellwork/Sponge Activity: Write Names on Board
Thursday Evening, Jan 22nd
5:30pm - 8:00pm
(150 minutes for videos)
ci 271
ci 272 /

Corbin Education Center…


Policies and Proceedures
Program Goals/Overview of the class (ci 271)
This is myWSU
Educational Technology: flash/pin/USB drive

“the good; the bad; and the UGLY”! ! !
Video Reaction ePapers
“Contextual Factors” / Introduction to professional education:
The beginning of a journey
“First Impressions”
“Ice Breaker”
Guest Speaker: Mrs. Cathy Razook-Ellsworth
Cooperative Education (978-6987)
signing up for “Legal Briefs
(…to be discussed every Monday Day )
Video: “Dead Poet’s Society” (view first 28 minutes)
Using “Contextual Factors”
Read Chapter 1 – “Teachers” / / / ·  Reserve COE Lab --- Weeks #5; #ll
·  Reserve “Clickers” Week #7
·  Guest Speakers”
Week 1 Mrs. Cathy Razook-Ellsworth (Coop)
Week 5 Mrs. Sheryl Logan (Intro to Tchr Ed)
Week 5 COE Tech Center - ppPointers
Week 7 SmartBoard = Cory
Week 7 AirLiner = Cory
Week 7 Clickers = Cory
Week 7 Dr. Linda Mitchell (Early Childhood SpEd)
Week 10 KNEA-s (Ruder/Mukes)
Week 14 Mr. Royce Brunk (Overseas…)
“Video: “Dead Poet’s Society”
Matteboard book holder
Text – “An Introduction to Education: Choosing Your Teaching Path” by Sara Davis Powell
Packet –
·  “Teaching is like fishing”
“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
Albert Pike (1809 – 1891) Lawyer, Journalist, Civil War General
Date / Topic / Readings, Activities,
Experiences / Delivered
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
KSDE, NCATE, ISTE / Assessed
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
Week 2/18
This Week In History / 1642: Isaac Newton is elected a member of the Royal Society.
1922: Insulin is first used to treat diabetes. / ·  Bellwork/Sponge Activity:
Thursday Evening, Jan 29th
5:30pm - 8:00pm
(150 minutes for videos)
ci 271
ci 272 / Ice Breaker “activity”
Discuss Chapter 1 - “Teachers”
Discuss last week’s “Legal Clips” Newsletter
Educational Technology: Boards> chalk, dry erase, et. al.
Overview of Field Experience CI 272
• First Impressions
• Placements
• Requirements (including “TB” test)
Educational Technology: Professional Presentation software: (Apple’s Keynote; Adobe’s Persuasion; and Microsoft’s PowerPoint)
“Observation Cycle”
What are Reflective Practioners? / Video: “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (1-1/2 minutes)
Tools in tool belt
using chalkboard
Video: “Teachers” (view 8 minutes)
eMail requirement: Subject: ci 271/272 mw M –ßßßßßßßßß
podCast - Kear
Video: “Pay It Forward” (view first 11 minutes)
Video: “Master Teacher Series: Segment 1/6 (13 minutes)
“Each one; Teach one”
Read Chapter 2 – “Schools”
View Textbook DVD (...on your own...): “Home Room – One Last Chance”
(Running Time: 20:11 minutes) / Video: “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (view first ______minutes)
The Name Tag”
Video: “Teachers” (view first ______minutes)
Video: “Master Teacher Series: Segment 1/6 (13 minutes)
Video: “Pay It Forward” (view first ______minutes)
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
John Dewey (1859 – 1952) Educator, Philosopher, Psychologist / DUE: TB test results / DUE: TB test results
Date / Topic / Readings, Activities,
Experiences / Delivered
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
KSDE, NCATE, ISTE / Assessed
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
Week 3/18
This Week In History / 1845: Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" is first published.
1920: Walt Disney starts his first job as an artist. / ·  Bellwork/Sponge Activity:
Thursday Evening, Feb 5th
5:30pm - 8:00pm
(150 minutes for videos)
ci 271
ci 272 / Discuss Chapter 2 - “Schools”
Discuss last week’s “Legal Clips” Newsletter
Educational Technology:
Professional Presentation remote control devices
(infrared (ir) Vs. radio frequency (rf)
Educational Technology:
1.  www Vs. www2.
2.  Search Engines
·  Northern Light
·  AltaVista
·  Google
·  Yahoo
·  DogPile / Schools As…
Video: “American Heros” (view 60 minutes)
Read Chapter 3 – “Students”
View Textbook DVD (...on your own...): “Boys in Crisis”
(Running Time: 2:36 minutes) / 1. Principal Chan (Pacoima, CA)
2. Math
3. Counc (MO)
4. Principal (Denver, CO) / Accreditation
• Standards
• Benchmarks
• Indicators
Checklist for NEXT Monday Day day:
·  Name Tag
·  Teacher Plan Book(s) * 2
·  Handouts for Cooperating Teacher(s)
·  MapQuest maps to:
American Heros (up on chair/eyelevel
Dead Poets (huddle up; on desk
Video: “American Heros” (view first 60 minutes)
·  Boca Raton (FL)
Google – Jonathan Kozol
Teaching Style
“Teachers, I believe,
are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.”
Helen Caldicott (1938 - ) Physician, Writer, Activist
Date / Topic / Readings, Activities,
Experiences / Delivered
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
KSDE, NCATE, ISTE / Assessed
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
Week 4/18
This Week In History / 1487 - Bell chimes were invented.
1851 - Gail Borden announces the invention of evaporated milk. / ·  Bellwork/Sponge Activity:
Thursday Evening, Feb 12th
5:30pm - 8:00pm
(150 minutes for videos)
ci 271
ci 272 / “Legal Clips” Newsletter arrives in late afternoon
Discuss Chapter 3 - “Students”
Educational Technology: Audio
·  Digital Audio Recorder /Player
·  MP3 = M4A = podCasting
·  podCasting Vs. iPod
·  20th Vs. 21st Century
·  iTunes
Teaching strategies and Bloom’s taxonomy & other taxonomies
Questioning strategies
Planning with taxonomies
Educational Technology: Projectors
·  Opaque
·  Overhead
·  Data/Video / Video: “Education in the News: The controversy over bilingual education” (03 minutes) (pg 41)
Firm, and
Video: “Boston Public” (Graduation) (50 minutes)
DownLoad Excel spreadsheet from “blackBoard”
Video: “Master Teacher Series: Segment 2/6 (21 minutes)
(pg 62)
Read Chapter 4 – “Curriculum and Instruction” / Video: “Education in the News: The controversy over bilingual education” (3 minutes) (pg 41)
Video: “Boston Public” (Graduation) (50 minutes)
·  Teacher’s Poker face
·  Graduation Robes, Collars, Hoods, Tassles
·  BA = circular
·  MA = Vampire
·  Doc = three stripes of velvet (any color)
Learning Style
Educational Technology: KanEd Portal
Visit the KanEd Portal: P.E.T. and print out
xMultiple Intelligences
xTrue Colors
Learning styles inventory
Learning Theories
Gregorc Inventory
Leadership Styles
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Video: “Master Teacher Series: Segment 2/6 (21 minutes)
(pg 62) - “September, October, & November”
“The curriculum is so much necessary raw material,
but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.”
Carl Jung (1875 – 1961) Psychiatrist /
Date / Topic / Readings, Activities,
Experiences / Delivered
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
KSDE, NCATE, ISTE / Assessed
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
Week 5/18
This Week In History / 1709 - / ·  Bellwork/Sponge Activity:
Thursday Evening, Feb 19th
5:30pm - 8:00pm
(150 minutes for videos)
ci 271
ci 272 / Guest Speaker: Mrs. Sheryl L. Logan, Assistant Dean of Teacher Education for the College of Education
Discuss Chapter 4 - “Curriculum and Instruction”
Discuss last week’s “Legal Clips” Newsletter
Multiple Intelligences (M.I.)
Non-verbal communication
Educational Technology: Professional Presentation software
·  PowerPoint
·  Keynote
·  Persuasion
Educational Technology: webCams
·  iSight/iChat
·  Ms. Y
·  Dr. Ian
·  ‘rural’ Ms. mb
·  COE tech staff
“Sharon Tell”
Instructional Strategies
Effective Lessons/Presentations: Current research / “Teacher Education Student Handbook”
REQUIREMENTS to enter the WSU Teacher Education Program (pp 11-12)
DownLoad Excel spreadsheet from “blackBoard”
Assign Reports and Discussion Groups
Due in four (4) weeks
(week #10/18)
COE Tech Center = “PowerPoint Pointers”
Read Chapter 5 – “Assessment and Accountability”
View Textbook DVD (...on your own...): “The Test”
(Running Time: 19:44 minutes) / Transition Point One:
• Admission to Teacher Education / +/- (3x5 cards)
Participation in Classroom
P.arent T.eacher C.onferences
“In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day’s work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years.”
Jacques Barzun (1907 - ) Educator, Writer
Date / Topic / Readings, Activities,
Experiences / Delivered
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
KSDE, NCATE, ISTE / Assessed
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
Week 6/18
This Week In History / 1709 - / ·  Bellwork/Sponge Activity: What are the ingredients of a “Music Video”
Thursday Evening, Feb 26th
5:30pm - 8:00pm
(150 minutes for videos)
ci 271
ci 272 / Discuss last week’s “Legal Clips” Newsletter
Discuss Chapter 5 - “Assessment and Accountability”
Discuss last week’s “Legal Clips” Newsletter
Educational Technology: math
·  slide rule
·  adding machine
·  calculator
·  graphing calculator
·  spread sheets
·  electronic gradebooks
Educational Technology: data storage
·  Floppy – HA!
·  CD
·  CDR
·  DVD
·  Blu-Ray DVD
·  Flash Drive Technology (iPod Touch 8 & 16) / Video: “Stand and Deliver” (view clip 6 minutes)
Urban Dictionary
Video: “Alternatives: ” (______minutes)
Video: “NIN-(4-1/2 minutes)
Video: “cja-Isaac Asamov’s ‘Robots in Time’
(5 minutes)
Video: “Algebra” (3 minutes)
Review Chapters 1-4 using the overhead projector
“Teacher Education Student Handbook”
REQUIREMENTS to enter the WSU Teacher Education Program (pp 11-12)
Read Chapter 6 – “Technology in U.S. Schools” / / Video: “Stand and Deliver” (view clip ______minutes)
Ponté truché
Video: “Alternatives: ” (______minutes)
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Japanese proverb
Date / Topic / Readings, Activities,
Experiences / Delivered
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
KSDE, NCATE, ISTE / Assessed
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
Week 7/18
This Week In History / 1709 - / ·  Bellwork/Sponge Activity:
Thursday Evening, March 5th
5:30pm - 8:00pm
(150 minutes for videos)
ci 271
ci 272 / Discuss Chapter 6 - “Technology in U.S. Schools”
Discuss last week’s “Legal Clips” Newsletter
Educational Technology: blog
Meeting the needs of exceptional learners
Strategies for adapting instruction
Types of technology in the classroom/planning for integrating technology into the/your curriculum
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) USD 259,
“Block 2” Web Site
Educational Technology:
·  SmartBoard
·  eBeam --- Mimio
·  AirLiner
·  AirLiner by FLEA
Educational Technology: assistive/Adaptive technologies
Educational Technology: online Treasures
March 4 – 7, 2009 --- Dr. Aagaard will be out of town attending a professional conference.
Be sure and refer to “blackboard™” for your out of class assignment(s) / • “Tech4myClassroom”
“Clicker” activity
Video: “Wild Ride” (view 15 minutes)
Video: “SmartBoard” (view 4 + 4 minutes)
Video: “Advocacy” (view 12 minutes)
Video: “1984 - 2004” (view 3 minutes)
Video: “Think Different/Teach Different” (view first ______minutes)
Video: “…I wanna…” (view first ______minutes)
Audio/iTunes = “Tips for First Time Teachers” (30 minutes)
Google = Book covers: Teach like hair’s on fire &
There are no shortcuts
Google = Jack Black, Substitute (“School of Rock”)
Build your blog @
SmartBoard (8 minutes)
AirLiner (18 minutes)
Your students of the 21st Century
·  Rip, Mix, Burn
·  iTunes
·  GarageBand
·  iPhoto
·  iMovie
·  iDVD
San Fernando High School
Marco Torres, teacher
David Peña, student
Read Chapter 7 – “Creating and Maintaining a Positive and Productive Learning Environment” / TOOL BELT ONLY
Block Scheduling
curriculum / Scavenger Hunt: COE Tech Center / -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
·  “Teaching is like a mirror”
·  podCasting T-shirt
Your students of the 21st Century
·  Rip, Mix, Burn
·  iTunes
·  GarageBand
·  iPhoto
·  iMovie
·  iDVD
San Fernando High School
Marco Torres, teacher
David Peña, student
Video: “Education in the News: Computers in the classroom” (21 minutes) (pg 206)
“Disposable Students
“A miracle has happened!
The light of understanding has shown upon my little pupil’s mind, and behold, all things are changed!”
Anne Sullivan (1866 – 1936) Teacher of Helen Keller
Date / Topic / Readings, Activities,
Experiences / Delivered
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
KSDE, NCATE, ISTE / Assessed
Accreditation Standard(s)
COE Program Goals,
Week 8/18
This Week In History / 1709 - / ·  Bellwork/Sponge Activity:
Thursday Evening, March 12th
5:30pm - 8:00pm
(150 minutes for videos)
ci 271
ci 272 / Discuss Chapter 7 – “Creating and Maintaining a Positive and Productive Learning Environment”
Discuss last week’s “Legal Clips” Newsletter
Management styles (Coping & Preventive)
(reactive Vs. proactive)
Educational Technology: cameras
·  Film Vs. digital
·  iPhoto
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Motivating students to learn
Motivational theories
Increasing and enhancing student motivation
Content enhancers
Share and Tell --- “Touch their lives”
Integrating instruction and good management
Observing management
Educational Technology: photocopies Vs FAXs / “Teacher Education Student Handbook”
REQUIREMENTS to enter the WSU Teacher Education Program (pp 11-12) (Review)
Wong Video #3
“Discipline and Procedures”
(36 minutes)
Do N*O*T Read Chapter 8 – “History of Education in the U. S.”
Do N*O*T Read Chapter 9 – “Philosophical Foundations of Education in the U. S.”
Read Chapter 10 – “The Societal Context of Schooling in the U.S.”
View Textbook DVD (...on your own...): “Teacher Fighting Hunger: A Teacher’s Mission”
(Running Time: 5:20 minutes)
View Textbook DVD (...on your own...): “Lessons Learned”
(Running Time: 1:50 minutes)
Video: “Master Teacher Series: Segment 3/6 (21 minutes)
(pg 177)
Video: “The Paper Chase” (view first 8-1/2 minutes)
Video: “The Mirror Has Two Faces” (view first 6 minutes) / -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / ¿Review for the MidTerm Exam?
“Bellwork: Establish Classroom Rules”
Wong Video #3
“Discipline and Procedures”