Quarterly Exchange:

Updates to the Interstate Compact Rules and other interesting items you may need to know:

First of all, the internet site for the Interstate Compact is:

This is a very friendly site that is updated almost daily.

Web Ex

Training is available online. Topics of training are listed on this site and include History of the Compact and Legal Background; Rules, Chapters 1, 2 & 3; Chapters 4 & 5. In addition, these sessions are recorded and can be viewed at your leisure.

Updated Forms

Based upon the changes to the rules, the forms are frequently updated. Using the most up to date form is beneficial to ensure compact eligibility.

Reply to Transfer Request 11-9-05

Request for Reporting Instructions11-3-05

Transfer Request 11-3-05

Also available online translated forms:

English and Spanish

English and Chinese (Mandarin)

English and Russian

English and Vietnamese

Travel Permits in the World of Misdemeanors

Travel permits need to accompany the Request for Reporting Instructions Form – as it is used to allow the offender to return to their home under expedited circumstances.

Travel permits are not necessary when an offender is travelling to another state, without the intent of re-locating. Travel, which includes vacations and employment, may last up to 89 days within the calendar year before it is considered re-location and would need a formal transfer investigation.

New Rules

Updates to the rules took effect on January 1, 2006. Changes to the following rules include:

Rule 1.101 Definitions

Rule 2.110 Transfer of offenders under this compact

Rule 3.101 Mandatory transfer of supervision

Rule 3.101-1 Mandatory transfers of military, families of military, and family members employed

Rule 3.101-2 Discretionary transfer of supervision

Rule 3.104-1 Acceptance of offender; issuance of reporting instructions

Rule 4.103 Special conditions

To see the actual changes, head to the Interstate Compact website

Advisory Opinions

The most recent advisory opinions are:

Supervision Fees – January 2006

Shock probation released from prison – January 2006

Again, to read the opinions, head to the Interstate Compact website.

Should you have questions regarding a specific case, please contact the Washington State Department of Corrections Interstate Compact Office at (360)725-8735.


Carrie Trogdon-Oster

Deputy Compact Administrator


(253)377-7636 cell