World History 10

2017-2018 Syllabus

Mr. Flores

1st and 5th period

Requirements for this course:


pen - black or blue only

Three ring binder (NOT A NOTEBOOK!) ***Even if using a laptop, you MUST have a binder for all other work.

notebook paper – to be placed in binder (college or wide rule – your choice), if not using laptop

text book – EVERY DAY, whether you think you need it or not!! If your laptop IS your textbook, you MUST have your laptop with you every day.

Binder Specifics:

1” or larger binder (NOT a notebook)

Four tab dividers labeled:

Bell Ringers

Notes (you do NOT need this tab if taking notes on your laptop)

Projects/Worksheets/Daily Assignments

Quizzes/Test Reviews

Social Studies Test Day - Wednesdays

Two to Three test grades per nine weeks

****Exemption IS possible for World History! Keep up those grades with at least an 85 avg!

Course work will comprise:

Reading and Notes


Group Projects (Fall: Middle Ages; Spring: World War II)



Binders (checked each three-week period and counted as a quiz grade. This is an easy 100 when you take notes as required and place all returned materials in your binder in the correct section!!!)

Holocaust Museum Field Trip – Spring 2016

I look forward to a great year as we examine God’s hand at work in mankind throughout

the ages and what He would have us learn from the past.

Mr. Flores 817-457-0770 ext 375


- Arrive on time. Be seated and have history materials out and ready when the bell rings.

Begin the bell ringer in that section of your binder. Be quiet and respectful for prayer time.

- Complete class work as directed – every day. Take notes; participate in discussion.

- Respect teachers and other students by raising your hand to speak and waiting to be called upon.

- Do not move around the room without permission.

- Exhibit responsible behavior in your treatment of all classroom materials.

- Treat teachers and fellow students with respect in both speech and actions.

- Adhere to all aspects of the Eagle Honor Code:

RESPECT for God, rules, property, staff and your body.

RESPONSIBILITY for Godly Leadership and Academics.

RELIABILITYin Honesty and the spoken word.

RELATIONSHIPS with a spirit of love to Students and Staff.

RIGHTEOUSNESS in morality, service, and faithfulness.

As a student of Temple Christian Schools, I acknowledge my personal, and Spirit given, power for good, and I accept the responsibility to make that power felt wherever I am. I realize that what I say and what I do are important not only to me but also to others. I must courageously and consistently do my part to establish and to maintain a climate at Temple Christian Schools in which learning is possible and Christian living is vital. My strength strengthens the entire student body; my weakness weakens the whole. Therefore, I accept my responsibility to respect others as I respect myself, to uphold the ideals and principles of Temple Christian Schools as expressed in the Eagle Honor Code on the back of this sheet and the School Handbook, and to cooperate in whatever is for the greater good of all.