Program for North American Mobility in Higher Education

Canada-European Community Program for Co-operation
in Higher Education and Training

Survey of Exchange Students / Pre-Exchange Feedback

This questionnaire relates to the international academic exchange you will soon be participating in.

You can help us ensure that this program is meeting its goals and objectives by responding to this questionnaire and the one you will be asked to complete after your exchange. The information you and your fellow exchange students provide will allow us to highlight to the public and to policy makers the relevance and success of this particular exchange project. It will also contribute to our assessment of international mobility projects collectively and international education generally. As a student who benefits from this program, your input is vital. We want to continue to improve the program in order to maximize results, to ensure its relevance and to positively impact students.

We would appreciate it if you would complete and return the entire questionnaire to the address below before you leave on the exchange. The information requested in this questionnaire, and the one you will be asked to complete when you return, will remain confidential and will only be used for statistical research purposes. We are not asking for any identifying information such as Social Insurance Number or name, but the last section does have some more personal questions to allow us to compile a profile of the exchange student population as a whole.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation and we wish you every success during your studies.

Where to send your questionnaire, once completed:

International Academic Mobility Initiative

Learning Strategies and Support Division

Learning and Literacy Directorate

Human Resources Development Canada

140 Promenade du Portage

Place du Portage, Phase IV

Hull, Québec

K1A 0J9


1.  Title of project under which the exchange will take place: (if you do not know, please ask your institution)

2.  Calendar year in which the exchange will take place:

Section 1 – Background Information on the Exchange

3.  In which province/territory is your university or college located?

Newfoundland  Saskatchewan 

Prince Edward Island  Alberta 

Nova Scotia  British Columbia 

New Brunswick  Yukon 

Québec  Northwest Territories 

Ontario  Nunavut 

Manitoba 

4.  Name of your institution in Canada:

5.  Is this a university or college?

( ) University

( ) College

( ) University College

( ) Other

6.  What is (are) your field(s) / discipline(s) of study?

7.  What is the province/territory of your permanent residence?

Newfoundland  Saskatchewan 

Prince Edward Island  Alberta 

Nova Scotia  British Columbia 

New Brunswick  Yukon 

Québec  Northwest Territories 

Ontario  Nunavut 

Manitoba 

8.  Age

( ) Under 18

( ) 18 – 21

( ) 22 – 24

( ) Above 24

9.  Are you a Canadian Citizen or a Landed Immigrant?

( ) Canadian Citizen

( ) Landed Immigrant

10.  What is your family's annual income?

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Below $20,000

$20,001 / $35,000

$35,001 / $50,000

$50,001 / $75,000

$75,001 / $100,000

above $100,000

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11.  Are you in receipt of a student loan under the Canada (or provincial) Student Loan Program?

( ) Yes

( ) No

12.  Name of the institution you will be attending during the exchange abroad:

13.  Country of exchange:


Survey of Exchange Students / Post-Exchange Feedback

Mexico 

United States 

France 

Germany 

United Kingdom 

Spain 

Italy 

Greece 

Austria 

Netherlands 

Finland 

Denmark 

Sweden 

Belgium 

Ireland 

Luxembourg 

Portugal 

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Section 2 – Language

14.  What is your language of study at your current institution?

( ) English

( ) French

( ) Both English and French

15.  In what language will you study during the exchange?

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( ) English

( ) French

( ) Spanish

( ) German

( ) Italian

( ) Greek

( ) Dutch/Flemish

( ) Finish

( ) Danish

( ) Swedish

( ) Portuguese

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16.  How fluent would you say you are now in the language you will be using in your studies during the exchange? Please use a scale of 1 to 10 where “1” means “not at all fluent” and “10” means “fully fluent”.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

17.  Did you receive language training in the context of your exchange?

( ) Yes (go to question #18)

( ) No (skip to question # 19)

18.  How fluent would you say you were prior to language training in the language you will be using in your studies during the exchange? Please use a scale of 1 to 10 where “1” means “not at all fluent” and “10” means “fully fluent”.

1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

19.  Will you receive language training in preparation for the exchange?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Section 3 – Culture

20.  How familiar would you say you are now with the cultural aspects of the country you are going to? Please use a scale of 1 to 10 where “1” means “not at all familiar” and “10” means “very familiar”.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

21.  Did you receive cultural training in the context of your exchange?

( ) Yes (go to question 22)

( ) No (skip to question 23)

22.  How familiar would you say you were prior to cultural training with the cultural aspects of the country you are going to? Please use a scale of 1 to 10 where “1” means “not at all familiar” and “10” means “very familiar”.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

23.  Will you receive cultural training in the context of your exchange?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Section 4 - Other Support

24.  What type of support, other than language or cultural training, did or will you receive in the context of your exchange? (Check as many as apply.)

( ) finding lodging

( ) making travel arrangements

( ) linking up with students at host institution

( ) obtaining visas/work permits

( ) meeting with officials at the host country's Canadian Embassy

( ) other, please specify:

( ) no other support

25.  Overall, how satisfied are you with the support received in preparation for the exchange? Please use a scale of 1 to 10 where “1” means “not at all satisfied” and “10” means “very satisfied”.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Section 5 – Educational Experience

26.  Will you receive as many credits in your study abroad as you would have at your own institution?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Section 6 – Conclusion

27.  Would you be able to go on an international study exchange without this financial assistance?

( ) Yes (go to question 28)

( ) No (skip to question 30)

28.  Would you have been able to study abroad in the country you will be studying in, without the financial assistance of this program?

( ) Yes

( ) No

29.  Would you have been able to study abroad in the discipline you will be studying in, without the financial assistance of this program?

( ) Yes

( ) No

30.  Do you have any additional comments to make on the upcoming exchange?

Section 7 – Additional information

Completing this section is encouraged but optional.

The information collected in this section, as in the questionnaire as a whole, will not be used to identify an individual student, but to compile a profile of the total exchange student population participating in our programs.

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31.  Gender / sex:

( ) Male

( ) Female

32.  Are you:


/ Yes / No
an aboriginal person?
a person with a disability?
a member of a visible minority?
a woman?

Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire.

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Version: May 6, 2003