April 27, 2006
ISRT Pre-Conference Board Meeting
In attendance: Rikki Fleischer, Victor White, Patti Allen, Karen Roberts, Candice Moore,
Andrea Summers, Molly Arnzen, Randy Harp
Meeting called to order at 6:09 PM
Motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve previous minutes from
Winter Telephone Board Meeting as they were published in Scattered Radiation.
Treasurer/Membership Report: Report published in Scattered Radiation. Updated report
handed out. Have had a great response by students to
membership. It was brought up that some people did not
receive their renewals. The membership officer will continue to
try to keep the list updated. If a member does not receive a
renewal in the mail, they can still renew their membership by
going to the ISRT website.
President’s Report: Nothing to report at this time.
President Elect’s Report: The plaque's were ordered and brought to the conference.
The President Elect is preparing to move into office of President.
Conference Report: Pre-registrants for the conference: 85 full conference, 25 Friday only and
17 Saturday only. At this point it is uncertain if a profit will be made, but the
committee felt it was important to keep the conference affordable so that
more techs could get their continuing education. TurnKey will have a table
set-up as well as Primary Health and St Al's. The speakers will all be free
except for one. The banquet will be a buffet. There will also be food
provided in the mornings and during breaks.
Scattered Radiation Report: No report at this time
Northwest Conference Report: The 2007 NW Conference will be held in Oregon
April 12th-14th. Information about this will be set-up
during the ISRT conference this weekend. The last conference
in Salt Lake City was a success.
Historian Report: There is no report at this time. We need someone to take pictures on
Saturday when the Historian is not here.
District Reports
NISRT: Nothing to report.
SWISRT: Right now there is no SWISRT. However, the chairman said that she would
consider starting it up again.
SCISRT: Next year's conference will be held in Burley. Joel will be chairman of the
conference committee with the help of techs from Gooding. It was suggested to
include a golf-scramble.
SEISRT: Nothing at this time
Committee Reports: Nominating committee has chosen a nominee for president elect.
Elections will occur on Saturday. There have been no nominations for the
Jean Machacek Award this year.
Old Business: It was asked if we are still doing absentee ballots. This should probably be
addressed as we update the policy and procedures manual.
It was asked if a student has been chosen to go to leadership conference. At this
point, there has been no one that has shown an interest in going. An issue that
was addressed was the fact that in order to qualify for the conference a person
must be a member of the ISRT and the ASRT. There are several students who
have not become members. There are people who have asked why they should
bother becoming a member. One point that was brought out was that in order to
have a voice and get some of these bills passed, we need to have more people
involved in the state societies. It was mentioned that if techs knew that there
could be a possibility of having to re-take the registry every 10 years, as is
rumored, more techs would become involved in the societies.
The educational scholarship fund needs to be tracked. The treasurer will find out
where that money went and how much it is. It was originally set up for techs or
students to apply and receive CE’s for conference attendance. It was recalled
that when it was set up, it was for ISRT Conference registration for 2 people.
Criteria and information will be gathered regarding this and will be brought to the
next meeting to be discussed and voted on.
New Business: The secretary’s bag will be sorted and archived. BSU is the place to put our
archive of minutes, correspondence, and Scattered.
The new by-laws will be reviewed and voted on at the business meeting
Next Meeting - Post conference Board Meeting: Sunday, April 30th at 8:00 am
Meeting adjourned at 7:22pm
Submitted by Candice Moore BSRS, R.T. (R)(M)
ISRT Secretary