Mosspark Primary



Parent Council Minutes

Mosspark Primary School Parent Council

29 March 2016 in the ICT Suite, Mosspark Primary School

Dr Campbell (MC) thanked all for attending, especially Briony Willis, and went over the minutes from the last meeting.
Mrs Glancy, Mrs Morton, Ms Muller, Ms Mullin, Mrs Burke
Miss Stoddart, Mrs Beaton, Ms Scholten, Ms Michael,
Briony Willis, Mrs McKiernan, Dr Campbell,
Ms Neef, Mr Mailler, Mrs Cullen, Mr Mowat, Ms Macdonald.
Proposed - Nicky Neef
Seconded - Stuart Mailler
Mosspark Primary and Nursery Class Parent Council Head Teacher Report Tuesday 29th March 2016
Staffing- Mr Mowat has been successful in obtaining a PT post in Ibrox Primary. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him on his promotion and thank him for everything he has done for Mosspark Primary. Miss Dunwoody will be returning from Maternity Leave on 9th May. Mr Mowat will start his new job on 9th May and Miss Dunwoody will take over in P6/5. Mrs Corrigan will return from Maternity Leave on Monday 16th May. Miss Clark will continue to teach P3/2 on a Thursday and Friday. Mrs Baird will return from Maternity Leave on Monday 23rd May and will take over P4 from Miss McLaughlin. Miss McLaughlin will be leaving to live in Canada over the summer for two years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for everything she has done for her class and the school this year. She has been a real asset to the staff team. We will have a fulltime permanent vacancy which will be filled by the current recruitment drive. I hope to retain Miss Clark on a full time basis also after the holidays. A newsletter will be issued at the end of this week informing parents/carers of these changes. Teachers will tell their classes tomorrow.
Music Tuition- Andrea Kuypers Music Specialist at Bellahoustonhas been in touch and may be able to start after the Spring Break. To give you an idea of costs we can get hold of a basic flute for £100 and saxophones and clarinets are nearer the £200 mark. These are Chinese instruments and not brilliant but we can get three of them for the price of one decent Japanese made instrument. Would the Parent Council be able to fund 4 instruments? * The school will fund 2 instruments from school funds and look at getting some more out of next year’s budget. We have also signed up for Samba drumming tuition and guitar tuition through Glasgow’s CREATE programme and are waiting to hear if we have been successful for next term. Our first year university students finish this Friday and children will be performing a showcase about what they have learned to parents/carers on Friday.
Open Afternoons-Evaluations from parents/carers who attended were 100% positive. We will now be holding these at the end of each term.
School Show-Having an evening performance of the school show proved to be popular with tickets selling out quickly. The majority of parents /carers were able to get their first choice of seats. Some issues with people not getting their first choice of seats however we were able to offer tickets to these people as some were returned. There was a good turnout out of pupils for the evening with72 % attending.
Sports Relief-We raised £160 for Sports Relief.
Reading Tests-We are part of the pilot for the new Scottish Government Reading tests. All P4-P7 pupils have now completed this online assessment. This was carried out as part of a normal reading lesson during language time. We will look at the results to see how they compare with our own assessments.
Library-Mr Mowat has set up a focus group. Thanks to all those who have given their time to help make our library a more useable and enjoyable space. The last book fayre raised £819.60 together with money left from previous book fayres we have £1000 to spend on books. The Pupil Council will ask classes what they would like. There will be a big push in Term 4 and next session to encourage reading for enjoyment. Reading will be on our SIP next session.
Sporting/Active Schools Achievements-Well done to our Athletics Team who were first in the South West Heats. They are participating in the final at the Emirates tomorrow. Well done also to our Street Dance Team who won the South West Heats. They go through to the finals in June at the Glasgow Concert Hall.
Fair Trade-Our Fair Trade fortnight event proved to be successful in raising awareness of Fair Trade in our community. Many thanks to all the parents/carers who provided baking for our Fair Trade Café. We were disappointed by the turnout for this event considering there are so many parents in the playground at 9am. We are looking for ideas how we could make this more successful next year.
Buddy Bench/Friendship Area-Elaine McSporran and the Community Council managed to get us a bench. It needs some work and we hope to paint it in Term 4. We will be making a Friendship Area in the Playground and will be painting our winning Values characters on the wall where there is currently a mural.
Wildlife Garden-We have managed to secure a grant of £9600 from Awards for All to create a Wildlife Garden and picnic area at the side of the school. GHA have helped us find a contractor (ex servicemen’s charity) to do the fencing for this area which takes up a sizeable amount of the grant. GHA have also offered to provide some of the costs towards the fencing. The area will be used at playtime/lunchtime giving the pupils an opportunity to eat/sit in a grassy space. It will also be used for outdoor learning and will consist of a Willow Classroom and benches. Work will start after the Spring Break.
  • The PC will donate £600.00.

The Ceilidh raised £410.00, making the total cash in the bank
Payments still to come from the account as follows:-
Clerk’s fee £300.00
To school for tartan backdrop
(As agreed 23/2/16) £100.00
To school for bus trip to Edinburgh
(As agreed 23/2/16) £150.00
Musical instruments for school £600.00
Money owed to Dr Campbell 70.00
The books have been cleared from the library.
Still to check if any of the books belong to teachers.
It was suggested the unwanted books could be donated to School Aid for Africa. Mrs Cullen will look into this.
Ms Michael suggested donating the books to the Book Barn in Pollok Park. Pupils could help the staff transport the books.
Mrs McKiernan (EM) showed members a plan of the new library.
Nicky Neef (NN) will find out if furniture left over from the Commonwealth Games Athletes’ Village, would be suitable for use in the library. As Ms Stoddart is looking for sofas for a Wellbeing Space and Quiet Area within the school, she also would be interested in this.
Parents have made themselves available for constructing the furniture and painting the library. Painting will be done on 22nd April 2016.
The Pupil Council and teachers will choose non-fiction books, to the value of £1,000, which is money raised from recent school Book Fairs
Briony Willis will be responsible forselecting novels/fiction.
It was suggested money be kept aside in future years from PC funds to keep the library updated.
Mr Mowat will keep everyone up to date with progress. / Ms Neef
Ms Stoddart
Mr Mowat
Members have yet to decide a date.
Our Lady of the Rosary Parent Council has asked if we could avoid having our Car Boot Sale on the 11 June as this would coincide with their fete.
They have kindly offered local scouts to run a barbecue at our sale. / Dr Campbell
Communication from Mosspark Community Council looking for new members.
P7 Disco
MC will confirm with Mosspark Parish Church the hire of the hall.
The PC will donate £100.00
A bake sale was suggested to raise funds.
Ticket price £5.00 which should cover the let (£50.)
Pizzas could be ordered from Bella Vita. Ms Stoddart will telephone for a price.
Use of musical instruments in school.
A music specialist from Bellahouston Academy should be working with pupils after the Spring break.
Music students have also been working with pupils in the school, and will be putting on a musical recital. Mr Mowat will video this and show on Twitter.
New Members
It has been suggested to try and encourage new members;a current member attends the P1 induction afternoon, and invites are given to nursery parents to attend the next PC meeting and the AGM.
Ms Stoddart will ask Mrs Glancy to mention this is the next nursery newsletter.
Mr Mowat
The PC wishes Mr Mowat well in his new post. / Ms Stoddart
Mr Mowat
Ms Stoddart
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 9 May 2016 at 7.00pm


Morag Campbell Chairperson