NAME…………………………………. SURNAME……………………………………

FOLLOW UP TEST 7 Unit 7 CLASS ………………......


1.  Rewrite the sentences using conditional type 2.

Example Jill is not a top dancer. She does not train as often as she should.

If Jill trained more often, she would be a top dancer.

1. Mark does not have a girlfriend. He is too shy.


2. Susan and Paul have different personalities. That’s why they do not get along well.


3. I don’t speak to my sister very often. She is always unkind to me.


4. Mrs Drone speaks all the time. That’s why I am often absent-minded during her classes.


5. Jimmy yells all the time. People think he is neurotic.


6. The Hongs cannot afford to buy a detached house. They don’t earn much.


2. Choose the correct option in the following sentences.

1. If I want/wanted to talk to Miriam, I would call her on her mobile.

If she replies/replied to my text messages, I would call her.

2. If Miriam really loves you, she will/would forgive you. You forgot her birthday.

If you wrote/writes down birthdays in your diary, you won’t/wouldn’t always forget them!

3. I would/will do anything for her if she decides to see me again.

My mum wouldn’t/won’t believe me if she heard/hears me now.

4. If I could/can go back, I would/will remember her birthday.

I promise I would/will send her a huge bunch of flower if she called/calls me now.

5. If I were/am you, I would/will answer the phone immediately. It’s ringing!

3. Read these “if-clauses” and fill in the gaps.

1. It might be nice tomorrow. If it ………… (be) sunny, we ……………… (go) to the theme park.

2. John’s wife is in Rome at the moment. If she ………… (be) here, she ……………… (tell) him not to give up.

3. The trains are rarely late. If we ……………… (arrive) on time, we ……………… (manage) to go to the theatre.

4. My dad is always very busy. If he ……………… (have) time, he ……………… (help) me with my homework.

5. The concert hall is just a few miles from here. If you ……………… (hurry up), you ……………… (arrive) on time.

6. If I ……………… (speak) Japanese well, I ……………… (live) in Tokyo, but I don’t know a single word of it.

4. Complete the following sentences:

1. If I won a lot of money on the lottery, ……………………………………………………………...

2. If I were a famous star, ……………………………………………………………………………..

3. If I could change my whole wardrobe, ……………………………………………………………..

4. If we all spoke the same language, …………………………………………………………………

5. If I had more free time, ……………………………………………………………………………..

5. Insert for or since before these time expressions:

1. ………….a long time.

2. ………….we were at high school.

3. ………….she moved to Spain.

4. ………….2ND April.

5. ………….last week.

6. ………….a week.

7. ………….three months.

8. ………….1957.

6. Fill-in the correct reflexive pronoun in each sentence.

1.  I am thirsty and cold: I will make …………….a cup of tea.

2.  Alice closed her eyes and found …………… a very strange country.

3.  You two are old enough to look after …………………….. .

4.  The idea in ………………..was not bad, but the film was badly directed.

5.  The boy was trying to hide …………………. behind a tree.

6.  How dirty you are! Look at ………………….in the mirror.

7.  Fill-in either PRESENT PERFECT or SIMPLE PAST:

1.  You don’t usually have such a big lunch! …………………(you not have) breakfast this morning?

2.  I like your jacket. Where ……………….. (you buy) it?

3.  At Selfridges. But it ...... (cost) me a fortune.

4.  How much ...... (you pay) for it?

5.  Is Mrs. Howard there? I am afraid, she ...... (just go out).

6.  She ...... (leave) a minute ago.

7.  We ...... (have) a lot of rain lately.

8.  Who...... (invent) the telephone?

8.  Build-up a correct sentence using PAST CONTINUOUS and SIMPLE PAST:

1.  We/have a picnic – it/start rain


2.  He/drive home – his car/break down


3.  Dad/try to repair it – bonnet fall on his head


SCORE = ...... /out of 80 points.