Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services

Practical Placement
Student Journal
Student name:
Trainer’s name: / Leslee Rees
Qualification: / CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support
Units of competency: / CHCEDS002 Assist implementation of planned educational programs
CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services

239 Station Road

Melton VIC 3337

(03) 8746 1000

Table of contents

Introduction 3

Placement record book 3

Appropriate behaviour during practical placement 4

Discontinuation of practical placement 5

Practical Placement Code of Conduct 6

Workplace Attendance Record 9

Daily Journal 11

Practical Placement Review 24


A practical placement is structured workplace learning that prepares you for the workforce. While you are on practical placement, you will be given the opportunity to perform tasks relating to your course in an appropriate industry setting.

As part of the CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support, you are required to complete a total of 100 hours.

During your placement a supervisor will be appointed to mentor and support you. You will also have access to your trainer through email and telephone support as well as during placement visits.

If you miss any placement days scheduled you will be expected to make up those hours at a time negotiated with your host employer.

Placement record book

During your practical placement you will be required to undertake activities set by your trainer. You must use this record book to:

§  Record your hours of attendance in the workplace

§  Record your responses to set activities

§  Reflect on your placement experience

The Placement Record Book also includes Supervisor’s Reports which must be completed at regular intervals (Trainer to advise) and at the end of your practical placement.

Your completed Placement Record Book is to be submitted to your trainer at the completion of the practical placement period. Your trainer will assist with any concerns you have whilst on practical placement. If you do not complete and hand in your Placement Record Book, you will not be deemed competent in the following units:

§  CHCEDS002 Assist implementation of planned educational programs

§  CHCEDS003 Contribute to student education in all developmental domains

It is your responsibility to ensure that your supervisor signs the Workplace Attendance Record and completes the Supervisor’s Report.

Appropriate behaviour during practical placement

It is not uncommon for a placement facility to hire a student during the course of their practical placement. Generally employers look for these behaviours during placement:

·  Initiative - always be the person asking how you can help.

·  Ability to effectively communicate in English.

·  Punctuality.

·  Always follow the dress code or dress professionally.

·  Carry out all duties asked of you. This, however, does not apply to anything that has social, ethical, professional, OHS or legal consequences such as administering medication.

·  Respect staff and clients rights to privacy and confidentiality at all times.

·  100% attendance is expected for the entire duration of your practical placement. On receiving a practical placement offer, it is your responsibility to ensure that your schedule will accommodate your attendance for entire duration of the practical placement.

·  Give appropriate notice if you will miss a shift. It is your responsibility to find out from the facility supervisor how to report an absence due to sickness and how much notice of absence is required.

·  Avoid lateness or not showing up. A no-show on placement for any reason is grounds for immediate discontinuation of the practical placement assistance from Djerriwarrh.

·  Your mobile must be turned off for the entire duration of practical placement.

·  Do not show up at your placement facility before, during or after placement without authorisation from Djerriwarrh or the facility staff.

·  Do not harass or disrespect staff or clients.

·  Smoking or any form of drug or alcohol consumption is not allowed during practical placement.

When attending practical placement please make sure that you:

·  dress in a plain colour collared shirt or polo top (preferred colours are white, black and blue), formal black trousers, black business shoes (closed toe), or wear a uniform as stipulated by the organisation you are attending;

·  wear your Djerriwarrh name badge (which must be collected from reception prior to your first day of practical placement); and

·  tie back long hair and have no hair falling on your face.

On placement please avoid:

·  t-shirts, especially those with designs or logos on them;

·  sweatpants, shorts and any other non-formal clothing;

·  open shoes; and

·  jewellery of any kind while at work (depending on the industry).

Discontinuation of practical placement

It is the right of Djerriwarrh or the Host Employer to discontinue your practical placement at any time due to inappropriate behaviour. Djerriwarrh or the practical placement facility may require an immediate discontinuation of your practical placement if you exhibit dangerous practices or harmful interactions with facility clients or staff.

If your practical placement is discontinued due to inappropriate behaviour, Djerriwarrh will no longer assist with practical placement. It will then be your responsibility to make arrangements to complete your practical placement.

Practical Placement Code of Conduct


To benefit from the practical placement, the right attitude is very important. You will need to:

·  be willing to learn;

·  complete the tasks assigned to you by the workplace supervisor;

·  listen to instructions and ask questions;

·  be polite, courteous and well-mannered with all staff members;

·  dress appropriately; and

·  follow all workplace policies and procedures.

Appropriate dress code

Employers expect you to dress appropriately for the workplace. You will need to:

·  wear appropriate footwear for the workplace you are attending;

·  wear clean, comfortable and appropriate clothing and jewellery is to be kept minimal;

·  maintain clean and tidy hair with long hair to be tied back;

·  keep fingernails clean and at a reasonable length;

·  maintain good personal hygiene and common sense at all times; and

·  follow workplace policy rules and regulations.

Attendance and punctuality

Employers expect you to be punctual. You will be required to:

·  start your placement on time each day;

·  take only the allocated time for lunch and tea breaks, returning promptly to your work; and

·  contact your practical placement coordinator and/or your workplace supervisor immediately if you are unable to attend your placement.


Good communication skills are important. You will need to:

·  address people in a friendly and polite manner using appropriate tone of voice and terminology;

·  use positive language to promote good communication with staff and clients in the centre;

·  never use inappropriate language at any time;

·  always use clear and accurate communication with staff and be an active participant in the workplace; and

·  have and use good listening skills.


Your personal safety in the workplace is of utmost importance. You must comply with any occupational health and safety requirements of the host employer, including:

·  wearing protective clothing and safety equipment;

·  working in a safe manner;

·  reporting any hazards or unsafe practices that you observe; and

·  reporting any accidents to your workplace supervisor and practical placement coordinator immediately.

Medical conditions

Let your practical placement coordinator and know if you suffer from any medical condition or disability that may affect your work performance.


Confidentiality and privacy must be maintained at all times. You will need to:

·  be respectful of each other’s privacy and their confidentiality;

·  maintain confidentiality about the workplace, clients and staff;

·  leave unresolved personal issues at home;

·  do not be judgemental of others and follow direct and indirect guidance; and

·  meet social media guidelines below.

Electronic communication and social media

Electronic Communication refers to the use of personal mobile devices (such as mobile phones and tablets) for sending and receiving messages, texts, emails or other information.

Social media refers to online interaction and sharing of information. Social media sites include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, YouTube, LinkedIn etc.

You must adhere to the following guidelines regarding the use of electronic communication and social media:

·  students are prohibited from posting photos or discussing any aspect of their practical placement on social media, including specific details about their employer, workplace practices and client information; and

·  during work hours, ensure that any personal mobile devices are put away and on silent mode. Do not engage in personal business during work hours – this includes taking or making phone calls, texting and using social media.

Inappropriate Conduct

The following behaviour IS NOT acceptable:

·  consuming alcohol or drugs;

·  disruptive behaviour and/or verbal abuse towards others;

·  sexual harassment;

·  uninvited intrusion into other people’s lives;

·  smoking in the building;

·  misuse of the centres services, equipment or materials;

·  failure to observe policy and/or safety rules;

·  theft from staff or people accessing the services;

·  physical assault of another person;

·  arson;

·  damaging personal property; and

·  bringing or using a dangerous weapon or article on the premises.

If this behaviour occurs at any time you will be removed from the workplace and your placement terminated.

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Workplace Attendance Record

This is a record of student’s attendance in the workplace.

Student name: / Workplace:
Supervisor name: / Trainer name:
Date / Time in / Time out / Lunch break / Hours worked / Total hours worked / Student signature / Supervisor signature /

This is a record of student’s attendance in the workplace.

Student name: / Workplace:
Supervisor name: / Trainer name:
Date / Time in / Time out / Lunch break / Hours worked / Total hours worked / Student signature / Supervisor signature /

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Daily Journal

You are required to complete a daily journal reflecting on your experiences. In completing the daily journal you may reflect on:

Ø  Any new things you have learnt and how you may use them in future practice

Ø  Any difficulties you encountered in performing certain tasks or mixing with staff and/or students

Ø  How difficulties were resolved

Ø  What you did well and where you require further practice or improvement

Do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.

Daily Journal – Block 1
Start date: / End date:
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Block 1
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Block 1
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Weekly placement
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Weekly placement
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Weekly placement
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Weekly placement
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Weekly placement
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Block 1
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Block 1
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Block 1
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Weekly placement
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:
Daily Journal – Weekly placement
Reflect on the day and record your experiences.
Remember, do not refer to the school, children or staff by name and if you are unsure about issues regarding confidentially, discuss them with your room supervisor or trainer before recording them.
Date: / Room:
Date: / Room:

Practical Placement Review