The Second Book of Enoch

also known as

The Pearl of Great Price

Chapter 1

1The word of Enoch, from the Pearl of Great Price: how'howh.ytook him to heaven.

2 There was a wise man and a great artisan whom'howh.ytook away.

3 And He loved him so that he might see the manner of life and of the most wise and great and unchanging sovereignty of God almighty,

4 And of the most marvelous and glorious and shining and many-eyed station of'howh.yservants, and of'howh.yimmovable throne,

5 And of the ranks and organization of the bodiless hosts, and of the indescribable composition of the thousands and thousands, and the variegated appearance and indescrib-able singing of the host of the cherubim, and of the light without measure, to be an eyewitness.

6 He said, when 165 years were complete for me. I fathered my son Methuselah; and after that I lived 200 years.I complete all the years of my life, 365 years.

7In the first month on the first day of the month, I was in my house alone weeping and grieving with my eyes. When I had lain down on my bed, I fell asleep.

8And two huge men appeared to me, the like which I have never seen on earth.

9 Their faces were like the shining sun; their eyes were like burning lamps; from his mouth something like fire was coming forth; their clothing were more glistering than gold; their hands were whiter then snow. And they stood at the head of my bed, and they called me by name.

10 I got up from my sleep, and the men were standing with me in actuality. Then I hurried and stood up and bowed down to them; and I was terrified and the appearance of my face was changed because of fear.

11 Then these men said to me, “Be brave, Enoch! Do not fear! The eternal'howh.yhas sent us to you. And behold, you will ascend with us to heaven today.

12 And tell your sons and all the members of your household everything that they must do in your house while they are without you on the earth. And let no one search for you until'howh.yreturns you to them.”

13 And I hurried and obeyed them; and I went out of my house and I shut the doors as I had been ordered. And I called my sons Methuselah, Regim, and Gaidad. And I declared to them all the marvels that those men had told me.

14 Listen, my children! I do not know where I am going, nor what will confront me.

15 Now, my children, I say to you: Do not turn away from God. Walk before His face and keep His commandments.

16 And do not diminish the sacrifice of your salvation, and'howh.ywill not diminish the work of your hands.

17 And do not be ungenerous with the gifts of'howh.yand'howh.ywill not be ungenerous with his donations in your storehouses.

18 And bless'howh.ywith the firstborn of your herds and the firstborn of your children, and a blessing will be upon you forever.

19 And do not turn away from'howh.yand do not worship unreal gods, gods who did not create the heaven and the earth or any other created thing; for they will perish, and so will those who worship them.

20 And may God make your hearts true in reverence for Him.

21 And now, my children, no one must search for me until'howh.yreturns me to you.

Chapter 2

1And it came about, when I had spoken to my sons, the men called me. And they took me up onto their wings, and carried me up to the first heaven. And they put me down there.

2 They led me before the face of the elders, the rulers of the stellar orders. And they showed me their going out and going in and their progressions from time to time.

3 And they showed me in the light the servants who govern the stars, the heavenly combinations. And they showed me there a vast ocean, much bigger than the earthly ocean.

4 And they showed me there the treasuries of the snow and the cold, terrible angels are guarding the treasuries. And they showed me there those guarding the treasuries; and they showed me there the treasuries of the clouds, from which they go in and come out.

5 And they showed me the treasuries of the dew, like olive oil. And the appearance of its image was like every kind of earthly flower, only more numerous; and the angels who guard the treasuries, how they are shut and opened.

Chapter 3

1 And those men took me up and brought me up to the second heaven.

2 And they showed me, and I saw a darkness greater than earthly darkness.

3 And there I perceived prisoners under guard, suspended, waiting for the measureless judgment. And those angels have the appearance of darkness itself, more than earthly darkness. And unceasingly they made weeping, all the day long.

4 And I said to the men who were with me, “Why are these ones being tormented unceasingly?”

5 Those men answered me, “These are they who turned away from'howh.y, who did not obey'howh.ycommandments, but of their own will plotted together and turned away with their prince and with those who are under restraint in the fifth heaven.”

6 And I felt very sorry for them; and those angels bowed down to me and said to me, “Man of God, pray for us to'howh.y!”

7 And I answered them all and said, “Who am I, a mortal man, that I should pray for angels? Who knows where I am going and what will confront me? Or who indeed will pray for me?”

Chapter 4

1And those men took me from there, and they brought me up to the third heaven, and set me down there.

2 Then I looked downward and I saw paradise. And that place is inconceivably pleasant.

3 And I saw the trees in full flower. And their fruits were ripe and pleasant smelling, with every food in yield and giving off profusely a pleasant fragrance.

4 And in the midst of them was the tree of life, at that place where'howh.ytakes a rest when He goes into paradise.

5 And that tree is indescribable for pleasantness and fine fragrance.

6 And paradise is in between the corruptible and the incorruptible.

7 And another tree is near it, an olive, flowing with oil continually. And every tree is well fruited. There is no tree without fruit, and every place is blessed.

8 And the angels guarding paradise are very splendid. With never-ceasing voice and pleasant singing they worship God every day.

9 And I said, “How very pleasant is this place!”

10 The men answered me, “This place has been prepared, Enoch, for the righteous, who suffer every kind of tribulation in this life and who afflict their souls, and who avert their eyes from injustice, and who carry out righteous judgment, and who give bread to the hungry, and who cover the naked with clothing, and who lift up the fallen, and who help the injured and the orphans, and who walk before the face of'howh.y, and who worship Him only, even for them this place has been prepared as an eternal inheritance.”

11And those men carried me to the northern region; and they showed me there a very frightful place; and all kinds of torture and torment are in that place, and darkness and gloom.

12 And there is no light there and a black fire blazes up perpetually, with a river of fire that comes out over the whole place, fire and ice, and places of detention and cruel angels and carriers of torture implements, tormenting without pity.

13 And I said, “Woe, woe! How very frightful this place is!”

14 And those men said to me, “This place, Enoch, has been prepared for those who do not glorify God, who practice on the earth the sin which is against nature, which is corruption;

15 Of witchcraft, sorceries, divinations, trafficking with demons, who boast about their evil deeds, stealing, lying, insulting, coveting, resentment, murder, and who steal the souls of men secretly,

16 Seizing the poor by the throat, taking away their possessions, enriching themselves from the possessions of others, defrauding them;

17 Who, when they are able to provide sustenance, bring about the death of the hungry by starvation;

18 And, when they are able to provide clothing, take away the last garment of the naked;

19 Who untie the yoke that has been secured;

20 Who do not acknowledge their Creator, but bow down to idols which have no souls, which can neither see nor hear, worthless gods; constructing images, and bowing down to vile things made by hands,

21 For all these this place has been prepared as an eternal reward.”

Chapter 5

1 And those men took me and carried me up to the fourth heaven. And they showed me there all their movements and transitions, and all the rays of light of the sun and the moon.

2 And I measured their movements and I compared their light. And I saw that the sun has a light seven times greater than the moon.

3 And I saw their circle and their cycle on which each of them goes, passing like the wind. And there is no rest for them by day and by night, as they go off and come back.

4 And four great stars, each star having one thousand stars under it, on the right hand side of the sun’s cycle and four on the left side, each one having one thousand stars under it going with the sun perpetually, and angels going in front of the sun’s cycle, flying spirits, with twelve wings like those of angels, who accompany and run with the sun, carrying the dew and the heat, when;'howh.ygives the command to descend to earth with the light of His rays.

5 And the men carried me away to the east of heaven. And they showed me the gates through which the sun goes out according to the appointed seasons and according to the cycle of the months, for the entire year, and according to the shortening of the duration of the days and of the nights. Six gates, one of which was open, about thirty-one stadia.

6 And I carefully measured their size, and I figured out their size to be so much, those by which the sun goes off to the west. And it becomes even and goes through all the months.

7 And the first gate, he comes out for forty-two days, the second thirty-five days, the third thirty-five days, the forth thirty-five days, the fifth thirty-five days, the sixth forty-two days.

8 And again, turning around at the sixth gate, according to the round of the seasons: and he goes through the fifth gate thirty-five days, the fourth gate thirty-five days, the third gate thirty-five days, the second gate thirty-five days.

9 And the days of the year are completed, according to the cycle of the seasons.

10 And the men led me away to the west of the heaven, and there showed me six large open gates, corresponding to the circuit of the eastern heaven, opposite, by which the sun sets, corresponding to his rising by the eastern gates and corresponding to the number of the day. Thus he sets through the western gates.

11 And when he goes out from the western gates, then four angels take away his crown, and carry it up to'howh.y. But the sun turns his chariot around and travels without the great light and they place the crown on him there.

12 And they showed me this calculation of the sun’s movement, and the gates by which he goes in and goes out; for these gates'howh.ycreated to be an annual horologe.

13 But the moon has a different calculation. They showed me all her movements and all her phases.

14 The men showed me the gates, and they showed me twelve gates to the east, a [1]crown, by which the moon goes in and goes out, in accordance with the regular seasons.

15 By the first gate for thirty-one days, the second for thirty-five days, the third for thirty days, the fourth for thirty days, the fifth for thirty-one days, the sixth for thirty-one days, the seventh for thirty days, the eighth for thirty-one, the ninth for thirty-one days, the tenth for thirty days, the eleventh for thirty-one days, the twelfth for twenty-two days.

16 Thus likewise by the western gates in accordance with the cycle, and in accordance with the number of the eastern gates.

17 And thus she goes, and completes the solar year three hundred and sixty-four days.

18 But the lunar year has three hundred and fifty-four days, making twelve months, in accordance with twenty-nine days. And it lacks twelve days of the solar cycle.

19 It passes by the quarters for three years, and the forth completes it exactly.

20 For this reason they are taken away, outside heaven, for three years; and they are not added to the number of the days, because these ones change the seasons of the year, two new moons in augmentation, two others in diminution.

21 And when the western gates are completed, she turns around and goes to the eastern ones with her light.

22 Thus she goes, day and night, in accordance with the heavenly cycles, lower than all the cycles, swifter than the heavenly winds, and spirits and elements and flying angels, with wings to each angel.

23 And the moon has a sevenfold intercalation, and a period of revolution of [2]nineteen years. And she begins again from the start.

24 In the middle of the heaven I saw armed troops, worshiping God with tympani and pipes and unceasing voices, and I was delighted listening to them.

Chapter 6

1 And the men picked me up from there and carried me away to the fifth heaven.

2 And I saw there many hosts and Watchers. And their appearance was like that of a man, and their size was larger than that of large giants. And their faces were dejected, and the silence of their mouths was perpetual. And there was no liturgy in the fifth heaven.

3 And I said to the men who were with me, “For what reason are they so dejected, and their faces miserable, and their mouths silent? And why is there no liturgy in this heaven?”

4 And those men answered me, “These are the Watchers, who turned aside from'howh.y, two rulers, and two hundred walking in their train, together with their ruler Satanail.

5 And similar to them are those who went down as prisoners in their train, who are in the second heaven, imprisoned in great darkness.

6 And they descended to the earth, and they broke the promise on the shoulder of Mount Hermon, and they saw the daughters of men, how beautiful they were; and they took wives for themselves, to defile themselves, and the earth was defiled by their deeds. Who in the entire time of this age acted lawlessly and practiced miscegenation and gave birth to giants and great monsters and great enmity.

7 And that is why God has judged them with a great judgment; and they mourn their brothers, and they will be outraged on the great day of'howh.y.”

8 And I said to the Watchers, “I have seen your brothers and their deeds and their torments and their prayers; and I have prayed for them. But'howh.yhas sentenced them under the earth until heaven and earth are ended forever.”

9 And I said, “Why are you waiting for your brothers? And why do you not perform the liturgy before the face of;'howh.y? Start up your liturgy, and perform before the face of'howh.y, so that you do not enrage your'howh.yGod to the limit.”

10 And they responded to my recommendation, and they stood in four regiments in this heaven.

11 And behold, while I was standing with those men, four trumpets trumpeted in unison with a great sound, and the Watchers burst into singing in unison. And their voice rose in front of the face of'howh.y.

Chapter 7

1 And the men took me away from there, and they brought me up to the sixth heaven.

2 And I saw there seven angels, grouped together, brilliant and very glorious.

3 And their radiance was like the radiance of the sun when it shines. There was no difference between their faces or in their dimensions or in the mode of their being.

4 These ones regulate, they study the peaceful order of the stars, the growth of the sun and the moon.