ALA Annual Conference 2004

ALA RUSA MOUSS ILL Committee Meeting.

Monday, June 28th 2004; 8:30 - 10:30 am.

Ritz Carlton Orlando Grande Lakes, Genoa One Room.

29 + people attended, (not all signed sheet). * = Committee members attending (12).

Stephanie Atkins, UIUC,

Anne Beaubien, U of Mich, * Chair

John Brunswick, ATLAS, (ATLAS)

Heather Campbell, Jacksonville Public Lib,

Jennifer Cella, U of Miami, *

Ann Coder, Brookhaven College, *

Anthony Davis, U of Mich, * (intern)

Tom Delaney, Columbia U,

Eileen Downing, Lee County Public Library System,

Terri Fox, Westchester Library System,

Marilyn Grush, U of Delaware, *

Julie Harwell, EBSCO, *

Douglas Hasty, FIU Lib, Miami FL,

Gary Ives, Tx A and M, *

Summie Kim, NLM, (NLM)

Cristi Macwaters, Colorado State Univ,

Collette Mak,

Robin Moskal, U of Md, Baltimore County, * (Vice Chair)

Ken Niles, NLM , (NLM)

Cyril Oberlander, Portland State University,

Kathy Ridenour, U Mass, Amherst,

Merle Slyhoff, U of PA Law, (AALL Liaison changes)

Carol Smale, LAC,

Cheryl Truesdell, IU Purdue Fort Wayne,

(ILL Discussion Group Chair)

Rick Uttich, City College of NY, (ACRL Copyright Committee)

Kay Vyhnanek, Wash State Univ,

Cherie Weible, U of Il at Urbana, * (intern)

Lynn Wiley, U of Il at Urbana,

Mary Wilke, CRL, (CRL)

Tanner Wray, U of Md, *

David Zopfi-Jordan, U of MN *

Mary Hollerich, Northwestern University Law,

Committee members unable to attend (2)

Karen Liston, Wayne State U

Nada Vaughn, Washington U (Incoming Chair)

Preliminary matters

Anne Beaubien (Chair) called the meeting to order at 8:40 am and welcomed everyone to the meeting. ILL committee members and observers each introduced themselves and named the institution they represented. David Zopfi-Jordan volunteered to take the minutes prior to the meeting.

Agenda was reviewed and approved as issued. Minutes from Midwinter 2004 were approved without correction (Marilyn Grush/Julie Harwell).

STARS update and MOUSS Board Report

Mary Hollerich provided STARS update. An election for the new STARS Executive Committee was held at the RUSA MOUSS ILL Discussion Group meeting June 26. Mary will be the STARS chair next year, Anne Beaubien will be the Vice Chair/Chair elect, and members-at-large will be Tom Schneiter, Lynn Wiley, and Tanner Wray. Over seventy volunteer forms have been received and Mary Hollerich will make appointments to committees trying to involve as many people as possible and representing different types of libraries. The ILL Committee, Boucher Award Committee, and ILL Discussion Group will transfer over to STARS. Section bylaws will be submitted to the membership for approval at the 2005 Midwinter Conference in Boston. Four new committees and one pre-conference are planned for next year.

RUSA members can select membership in as many sections as they wish at no additional charge to their RUSA membership fee. ALA and RUSA are promoting a reduced membership rate fee for paraprofessionals and ALA offers a reduced membership fee for international librarians as well. Mary Hollerich encouraged us all to spread the word about STARS and to promote STARS membership to international librarians so that we can benefit from their participation in STARS activities. Collette Mak (OCLC) offered to forward information to appropriate groups if Mary drafts a letter about the special category for international members. Virtual appointments may help with finding public library staff that would not be able to attend otherwise. People will be able to officially join STARS starting Sept 1st 2004. Collette Mak asked about students: getting ILL in the curriculum and other ILL practical applications in their studies and if students could have virtual appointments to STARS committees.

We should do a summary of STARS on the ILL listserve highlighting the new committees and calling for members in September.

Cyril Oberlander is the new Webmaster for STARS.

ILL Programs: past and future

Program Summer 2004

David Zopfi-Jordan reported the ILL Program ”License to Fill: E-journals, licensing and fair use in the digital environment”.

Anne Beaubien introduced the speakers. Ken Frazier (U of Wisc Madison) was facilitator. The other speakers were Janet Croft (U of Ok), Daviess Menefee (Elsevier), Tracey Armstrong (CCC), Tom Sanville (Ohio Link).

ILL Librarians are making a good faith effort to follow fair use and not abuse the system. Contracts can disagree with the copyright law and be more restrictive on usage. Publishers generally do not want digital ILL. Librarians need to continue their efforts to have contracts allow use of e-journals for ILL.

Pre-conference Summer 2005

Lynn Wiley reported on behalf of on Margaret Ellingson and Karen Liston. Plans for the 2005 Summer Pre-Conference are in progress and details are being finalized. The theme of the Pre-conference is the current change in resource sharing and workflow. Vendors may be invited to be involved.

Licensing; Kay Vyhnanek led a discussion on licensing ILL and electronic journals continuing a discussion from Midwinter 2004. The goal was to identify strategies that ALA STARS could employ to effect change in this area. Points made were as follows:

·  Vendors are loosening up fallowing Elsevier’s lead. Paper to ARIEL is the current accepted way. Other publishers are also allowing it now

·  In order to get grant funds some patrons need to be allowed electronic files, the research may even publish with them.

·  We need to educate the publishers and try and influence them to allow Digital ILL.

·  If contract terms or some contract language was on the web, it would help others negotiate for licensing. However publishers may say one thing on the web but put other language in their contracts. It would be interesting if libraries vs. publishers shared contract language.

·  We need to see what direction or pressure can be given for licensing.

·  We need to follow through with vendors and find information for a generic starting point.

·  Some states have open records laws even if the contract says it cannot be made public.

·  STARS should have a forum for this issue and the Vendor Relations Committee is a possibility.

·  Perhaps ALA could send a STARS member to the APA convention to speak to the librarian’s perspective. Mary hopes that the committee for vendor relations will include publishers as well as developers of ILL management systems.

·  We need finding tools to access electronic documents and be able to locate what is available.

·  It’s important not to box yourself in with the license agreement language versus fair use.

·  There are Reserve and licensing issues and question what resources ALA has. This would be a good issue for the STARS Education and Training Committee and the LAMA Circulation and Access Services Committee to work on.

·  The move towards unbundling and push towards usage is a factor and we need to watch these unfolding developments.

·  Lynn Wiley stated that the two midwinter breakfasts that Anne Beaubien organized as a dialog between librarians and publishers have been effective in educating each other about the issues and have served as a catalyst for change in some publishers’ permissions.

·  Licensing rights and resource sharing information for authors.

Interlibrary Loan code for the United States Explanatory Supplement Draft text for expected timeline for sending bills for ILL Service and replacement.

Marilyn Grush presented the amendments to the ILL Code US Explanatory Supplement. Sections 4.9 and 5.4 were revised and, after much discussion and editing, the ILL Committee members approved the changes

Change for section 4.9 (addition before current last paragraph):

It is the responsibility of the requesting library to pay invoices received or to notify the supplying library of any billing questions not later than six months from the billing date for the charges in question. The requesting library should also make every attempt to resolve billing questions within six months of notifying the supplying library of an apparent billing error.

Change for section 5.4 (addition after current last paragraph):

It is the responsibility of the supplying library to send final bills for service not later than six months of the supply date, final overdue notices not later than six months of the final due date, and final bills for replacement of lost material not later than one year of the final due date. The supplying library should also make every attempt to resolve billing questions within six months of receiving notice of an apparent billing error.

Collette Mak suggested the policies could be spelled out on the OCLC Policy billing section for each library where practitioners could look up the information.


Anne Beaubien clarified the RUSA Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States and Explanatory Supplement replaces any separately published guidelines under the total purview of the ILL Committee (e.g. Guidelines and Procedures for Telefacsimile and Electronic Delivery of Interlibrary Loan Requests and Materials). Guidelines and other documents that RUSA ILL Committee owns will move to the RUSA STARS web site.

ALA Library fact sheet on ILL

Mary Hollerich gave an update on the ALA library facts sheets which ALA owns. The RUSA Staff updated them since midwinter but they should be reviewed. We should clarify who is the audience, what is the purpose, can they be changed? After some discussion it was felt that perhaps there should be two fact sheets—one for those who know nothing about ILL such as a new trustee, and another geared towards librarians new to ILL. The group wondered if an FAQ should be developed. Tanner Wray suggested that the STARS Education Committee look at these.

Reports from groups

RUSA - ILL Discussion Group

Cheryl Truesdell (Discussion Group Chair) reported on the meeting Saturday morning which included the election of the new STARS Executive Committee and the group celebrated with two cakes provided by OCLC. STARS committee charges were provided as a handout and there were some very productive discussions on the roles and possible projects for the four new STARS committees. Lynn Wiley gave a presentation on “Winging it Overseas: international interlibrary loan. The Virginia Boucher OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award went to Joan Ellen Stein, Karen Oye presented the award. Liaison handouts were provided before the conference and liaisons were invited to give updates at the end of the meeting about significant changes to their written reports.

Amy Boucher will be Chair for the ILL Discussion Group for 2004 - 2005.

IFLA-Lars Leon

Lars Leon is the ALA representative to the IFLA Document Delivery and Interlending Committee. If anyone has something they want him to bring up or has questions about this committee or IFLA please contact him. He mentioned that they are working on a variety of issues including ILL training programs. IFLA will also be meeting in Buenos Aires in August.

ACRL Copyright Committee-

Richard Uttich gave a report from the ACRL Copyright Committee. The URL for ALA’s copyright page is International copyright is now a very hot topic because international agreements and trade treaties may adversely impact libraries and U.S. copyright law. There are a number of bills to watch for domestic copyright issues. The INDUCE Act, S.2560, is aimed at companies that offer peer-to-peer file-trading software, and would allow a copyright holder to sue a manufacturer based on the technology if the product is merely capable of being used to engage in copyright infringement. The Digital Media Consumers’ Rights Act of 2003, H.R. 107, proposes to fine tune several sections of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that, in practice, have proven to be excessive and chilling in their effect on legitimate research and innovation. The resolution recognizes that a student, researcher or consumer should be allowed to circumvent a technological lock if their activities do not result in copyright infringement, and it reaffirms “fair use” in an attempt to strike a fair balance between the rights of copyright holders and users of copyrighted material. Another resolution of interest is H.R. 3261, the Database and Collections of Information Misappropriation Act of 2003. It provides overly broad protection for commercial database producers and inadequate exceptions for educational, scientific, and research institutions. Libraries support H.R. 3872, the Consumer Access to Information Act of 2004, as a reasonable alternative.

AALL Liaison changes report-Merle Slyhoff.

AALL is changing the "format" of the AALL liaison. The rep won't be attending all ALA meetings; only meetings where policies are being worked on. For example, Merle attended and participated in the rewriting of the guidelines. When the committee is working on the like, the AALL rep would attend meetings and be a part of the groups working on them. For other meetings the rep would get the emails and minutes.

David Zopfi-Jordan (AALL member) reported the Law Library Suppliers list has been updated at


·  Boucher Award. Joan Stein received the award. The new chair of the committee will be appointed by the STARS Executive Committee.

·  Social events-Douglas Hasty

o  RUSA ILL dinner at Wolfgang Puck was a success and a Friday night ILL dinner will be repeated in Boston January 2005. The dinner and conversation was wonderful. A day at Epcot was also planned.

o  Doug Hasty and Amy Boucher volunteered to plan the next ILL dinner in Boston.

o  Doug announced he would like to plan an ILL dinner for those going to IFLA in Buenos Aires

o  Anne Beaubien thanked Doug Hasty for his good work organizing these social events.

·  The ILL Committee’s website will soon include the ALA web form

·  The ILL Committee’s website will be moved to RUSA STARS

·  Transition of officers/chairs.

o  Anne Beaubien thanked the outgoing committee members and welcomed Nada Vaughn as the new chair of the ILL Committee. Robin Moskal, University of Maryland was elected Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect.

·  Lynn Wiley thanked Anne for her work and gave her a wedding gift of appreciation on behalf of the ILL community.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:35

Respectfully submitted

David Zopfi-Jordan

ALA ILL Committee Member