Business Process for New Projects
CMS Business Process for New Projects – CMS Team.
In order to track and prioritize CMS projects, we will be implementing a business process for new projects. This document outlines the steps in the process, who is responsible and how you should keep your ASR tickets updated in line with each step. The IT Projects status column shows the statuses that are used on accompanying IT Project Footprints tickets and is for IT to follow.
This document can also form a checklist for you to follow on a project if you so choose.
Step / Task / Responsible / ASR Ticket Status / IT Projects Status1. / If a department or group on campus is looking for CMS assistance on a project, they should be directed to the Work Request Form located on the CMS Forms page ( Once the form is complete they should email it to . / Requestor / N/A / NA
2. / The person monitoring will send it to the CMS Special Projects Coordinator to ensure that the request form is filled in correctly. The CMS Special Projects Coordinator will work with the requestor if necessary. / CMS Special Projects Coordinator / Open/New / NA
3. / The completed work request then goes to the Senior Director, CMS for review. / Senior Director, CMS / Open/New / NA
4. / If resources are not available, then Senior Director, CMS will communicate this to the requestor and the CMS Mgmt Team.
If resources are available, CMS Special Projects Coordinator will work with the requestor to fill out the Project Data (scope) form. It can be accessed here: ( / Senior Director, CMS
CMS Special Projects Coordinator / Open/New
Approved for Functional Work / NA
5. / If technical resources are required, the AIS Director will evaluate the completed PDF with the CIO and appropriate IT Directors. IT will consult as needed on the PDS.
If a feasibility study is not required, the Work Request and Project Data forms are sent to the CMS Management team for review and feedback. / AIS Director
CMS Special Projects Coordinator / Tech Assistance Requested
Func – In Progress / Evaluation
6. / The finalized Project Data form is then sent to the Senior Director, CMS for review, prioritization, scheduling and resource assignment. A Functional Project Lead is assigned. The AIS director works with the Campus Director to prioritize among AIS IT requests. IT will track in IT Projects. / Senior Director, CMS / Func – In Progress / Evaluation
7. / The IT Directors then prioritize the project in their department and assign and schedule technical resources. An IT project manager is named. / AIS Director / Request Technical Assistance / Planning
8. / The designated Functional Project Lead will then create a Draft Project Schedule based on this template:
( / Project Lead / Assigned to tech Analyst / Planning
9. / The designated Project Lead will then create a Draft development request based on this template. ( / Project Lead / Assigned to tech Analyst / Planning
10. / AIS will review the draft schedule and draft development request and make commitment on delivery date and project content. / AIS Director / Assigned to tech Analyst / Planning
11. / Project lead will then finalize the schedule and development request with the requestor and communicate to the project team and their supervisor. / Project Lead / Assigned to tech Analyst / Planning
12. / AIS commence development of the technical solution. / AIS Lead / Tech in Progress / Implementation
13. / AIS, the project team and the requestors (or designee) test the functions provided by AIS. / AIS Lead, Project Team, Requestor or designee / User Testing / Implementation
14. / The project team complete procedures and training as agreed to in the Project data form. / Project Team / Prod Approved / Implementation
15. / The resulting changes of the project are communicated to the user population. / Project Lead/Requestor / Prod COMR QA
Prod to Chg Cntl for Action / Implementation
16. / The project goes live. / Prod Scheduled / Production
17. / A post implementation evaluation is conducted where the scope of the project is reviewed with the requestor to ensure that all targets and objectives are met.
The evaluation form is located here: ( / Project Lead / Completed / NA
18. / The project is complete. / Completed / NA
If you have any questions regarding the process in CMS please contact .