United States Government

Instructor: Mr. Paul Allison, room 208


Phone: 918-259-4330 ext. 2208


9thGrade U.S. Government covers government as an institution to maintain social order, as well as a very specific look into how our government works. We will cover all the State mandated objectives for 9th grade Government. We will explore the major events and trends in the formation and solidification of our government and learn how it has grown to be as we know it today. This course will be a blend of civics and history and focus on themes of self-government, federal power v. state power and the constitution.


Macgruder’s American Government, by William A. McClenaghan, Prentice Hall, 2007. There is a classroom set of books that doesn’t leave the classroom, if a student needs to check out a book to bring home they may do so at any time.


Paper, textbook, a reliable pen or pencil, and brain must be brought to class every day. You will need 3-ring binder or folder is to keep notes and assignments organized, and to turn in notes before test days (50 points for each unit = 250 points).

Online website:

All unit notes and assignments are posted on my teacher website. To get to the webpage go to – secondary schools – south intermediate – staff webpages – Paul Allison

Topics Covered:

Unit 1: What is government?

- Types of government?

- How our government was created

- The Constitution

Unit 2: Legislative branch

Unit 3: Executive branch

Unit 4: Judicial branch

Unit 5: State/Local Governments, Influences on government

Also included:

Current events

½ Credit for Fine Arts


Unit tests are worth 100 pts. each. The semester final is worth 20% of the course grade. Students may use their ownhand written notes on the unit tests, but not the semester final. The Research Paper is worth 100 pts. In-class assignments and homework vary in point value but usually average 20 to 50 points per assignment. Any in-class work not finished in class will be due the next day as homework. There will be a small amount of extra credit available through current events. Late work will be accepted one day late for one-half the credit. When you return for an absence it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what needs to be made up.

See back page…

Grades will be based on the percentage of total points earned. Letter grades are determined by the following percentages:





F59 and below


I am deeply honored to have the privilege of teaching 9th Grade Government and I intend to respect that trust and do whatever I can to make every student a success. ANY student wanting extra help need only ask. I am excited and enthusiastic that this year will be fantastic. If you need to contact me, you may do so at 259-4330 x2208. I am on school e-mail at . Please contact the counseling office to sign the e-mail access forms to allow me to communicate with you via this medium.

Class Rules:

Be on time, be IN YOUR SEAT and prepared to begin working when the bell rings. There will be no talking while I am giving instructions. If you have a question, raise your hand and I will call on you when it is appropriate. Please do not ask to leave the classroom; passes are rarely given, if at all. Go to the bathroom between classes! No food or drinks (except water) is allowed in the classroom, unless you have a soda/snack pass. If you bring food or drinks into the classroom without a pass you will have to throw it away. No cell-phones are allowed in class! I will confiscate your cell-phone and turn it in to the office if I see or hear it.


School policy will be followed – see handbook for policy

B.A. SIHS Classroom Management Plan

The following steps will be taken for those students who choose to violate classroom rules.

  1. Warning By Teacher.
  2. Teacher Assigned Disciplinary Action.
  3. Parent Contact By Teacher.
  4. Student Referral To The Office.

The teacher reserves the right to refer inappropriate student behavior to the school administration for possible disciplinary action at any time. The teacher reserves the right to impose other administratively approved disciplinary consequences for violating classroom rules.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Broken Arrow Public Schools (BAPS) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following people at BAPS have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: The Executive Director of Human Resources should be contacted for all non-student and/or employment related issues at 918-259-5700 or at 701 South Main Street, Broken Arrow, OK74012. The Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services should be contacted for all student issues except those related to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at 918-259-5700 or at 701 South Main Street, Broken Arrow, OK74012. The Director of Special Education should be contacted for all student issues related to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at 918-259-5700 or at 701 South Main Street, Broken Arrow, OK74012. Inquiries concerning non-discrimination can also be made to the United States Department of Education's Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights.