Date: 08/29/06 Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. / Facilitator: Dave Hellmich Recorder: Tammy Liles Location: Leestown Campus
Present: Sandy Carey, Bill Davis, Greg Feeney, Dave Hellmich, Deborah Holt, Charles James, Pat Lefler, Carolyn Lewis, Tammy Liles, Lynn Madison, Diana Martin, Mike McMillen, Sandra Mullins, Bonnie Nicholson, Vicki Partin, Teresa Tope, Paul Turner, Greg Zoll Guest: Randy Gonzalez / Absent:
/ Discussion / Action
Additions to agenda;
Prioritizing Agenda items / ·  The following agenda items were added - Merit Bonus Workgroup update, Teaching Dialogs, PS Waitlist, and miscellaneous questions.
Approval of 8/14 minutes / ·  Minutes were approved with spelling corrections to the following names: Bill Davis and Bonnie Nicholson. / Dave will make corrections and send the minutes electronically to the group.
Evaluation of 8/14 meeting / ·  Dave reviewed the evaluation from the last meeting and asked for feedback with regards to chain of command in Academic Affairs.
·  Pat Lefler reported that the Establishing Databases workgroup has met.
·  Carolyn Lewis joined the workgroup on Establishing Databases.
Semester Start analysis – what went well / ·  Group scheduling on the Leestown campus
·  Student affairs did a great job meeting, greeting and directing student traffic on Leestown campus.
·  Coordinators did a great job – as usual
·  Online enrollment went well
·  Adjunct faculty orientation was well attended.
·  Erin Tipton did an excellent job.
·  Bookstore at Leestown campus well organized and helpful for students.
Semester Start analysis – what did not go so well / ·  Bookstore issues on the Cooper Campus
1.  book bundles were a mess / wrong book - wrong software;
2.  The bookstore did not indicate if the book was required or supplemental for each section of a course.
3.  Financial aid checks have not arrived and students can not purchase books.
4.  Course notes (nursing, biology etc) long turn around time with Barnes and Noble and only 1-2 days with Kennedy’s.
5.  Large discrepancy on pricing between B&N and Kennedy’s on in house publications - ex. notes for BIO 137 are $7at Kennedy’s and $20 at B&N / the nursing skills pack is $185 at B&N and Kennedy’s charged $64
6.  The bookstore will not allow students to return books if the shrink wrap has been broken.
7.  The “Check on Hold” program developed by Kennedy’s bookstore for BCTC was discussed.
·  KCTCS enforcing the 5th day add-drop policy (students not being able to register on-line August 25)
·  Incorrect purging of students during the drop for nonpayment was discussed… which led to autonomy discussions.
·  Advising issues and student complaints were discussed because transfer credits and equivalencies are being posted up to 6 months after admission to the college. Sandra Mullins indicated that Palisa Williams-Rushin and Erin Tipton indicated the 6 month time is typical because there is an only one person (Andrea Sanford) evaluating transcripts for the entire district. The need for additional personnel in Student Affairs was discussed.
·  PeopleSoft Issues:
1.  Prereqs in LSAR not recognized causing online registration problems
2.  Manual overrides needed for courses that students have met the prereqs causing long lines and student/faculty frustration.
3. Temporary full time DOM does not have access to changing faculty names on courses – access rights should go with the position not the person.
·  Class cancellations on Friday, Aug. 18 did not leave enough spaces for late registering students. This is especially problematic for ENC, DRE, and MA courses.
·  Override policy varies from department to department and campus to campus, Vicki asked that ADs gather the policy for each academic area in their division so that a master list can be developed. / ADs will send additional specific examples to Dave so that he can discuss bookstore improvements with Peter (manager of Cooper Campus bookstore). It was suggested that an insert be added to bookstore purchases indicating the policy of no refund if the shrink wrap has been broken.
Academic affairs will work with student affairs to change terminology from purge to “drop for nonpayment of fess” and explore the possibility of dropping
Sandra Mullins will be the Academic Affairs Liaison to Student Affairs.
ADs are to gather override policies from their division. Sandy C. will send the group a coordinator list .
Budgets / ·  Randy Gonzalez gave an overview of division budgets and provided each AD with their budget printout.
·  Randy asked that each budget be reviewed to determine if accounts could be collapsed so that each division would have only 5 chart strings.
·  Randy indicated that there was no new money and $420,000 dollars had been reallocated due to the loss of fees.
·  Special Funding requests can be made directly to Randy as the form on the website is old /incorrect. He anticipates special funds will only be approved if critical to program growth and professional development.
·  Randy indicated that a new budget analyst will be hired to support Mindy Huang.
·  HR has developed a training calendar. / Randy is willing to meet with each AD on an individual basis, just e-mail him the request.
ADs are to e-mail Randy an corrected list of coordinators.
ADs are to encourage DOMs to attend the training.
Extended Campus and CCD scheduling work group: / ·  Dave asked that a workgroup be formed to work with Tri Roberts and Mark Manual(or designee) to discuss how we are scheduling and staffing classes for extended campuses, CCD and dual credit/dual enrollment / The workgroup volunteers are Pat Lefler, Vicki Partin, Paul Turner and Tammy Liles (chair).
ADs are to send the committee issues that need to be addressed by the workgroup.
Student Advising / ·  Bonnie reported that advising on August 12 and 15 was problematic at Leestown because some faculty failed to be in their office during advising hours.
·  Sandy C. reported that the new Director for Advising and Assessment, Wendy Bolt, will start Friday.
·  Advising differences between the Cooper and Leestown campuses were discussed.
·  An advising directory for late registration should be posted on the BCTC website.
·  Cross-training of advisors should be addressed and turf wars eliminated. / Academic Affairs would like the same advising processes for Leestown and Cooper. The extended campuses should have a similar/equivalent process. Sandy C. will take this to the Advising Steering Committee and Wendy.
Staff Concerns / ·  Diana Martin informed the group that the DOM request for an upgrade from band 5 to band 7 was denied by KCTCS. She indicated that the upgrade would cost the college less than $20,000. She suggested reducing the current workload of the DOMs to be in line with band 5. Much discussion by the group ensued. / Dave will talk with Deb Cox to explore the possibility of an appeal.
Merit Bonus / ·  Charles indicated that the workgroup has sent Dr. Kerley 2 documents reviewing the process and recommendations for change for determining faculty merit bonus. Suggestions for change include:
1.  the EE rating and merit bonus be separated
2.  better communication with specifics published when merit bonuses are awarded.
3.  calendar change to know who has received an EE earlier so those people can potentially apply for the merit bonus.
Teaching Dialogs / ·  Greg F. distributed information about Teaching Dialogs and asked that we publicize to faculty. Teaching Dialog consultants are Verna Kay Cook (Leestown) Greg Feeney (Cooper) and Molly Frisbie (Cooper). / ADs are to advertise the Teaching Dialogs to Division faculty.
-scheduling / ·  Sandy C. distributed a draft of the Summer 2007/Fall 2007 calendar from Becky Harp.
·  Dave asked how new programs get turf in the assigned room grid. Room assignments by division were discussed.
·  Vicki Partin distributed directions on how to access room utilization in PeopleSoft. / ADs are to review calendar and give input directly to Becky Harp.
ADs need to remind coordinators to schedule rooms for Leestown Campus thorough Sandra Mullins.
-Advisory Cmte / ·  Sandy M. reviewed a draft of meeting rooms for the College-wide advisory board meeting. Several room changes were made to remove meetings from the student center.
·  Dave asked that the ADs send Karen Dearborn a list of advisory board members and estimated number of attendees / Sandy M. distributed the revised copy electronically.
ADs will email Karen Dearborn advisory board members and an estimated number of attendees.
Sandy C. will send the group the process for adding members to the advisory board.
- Promotion / ·  Vicki asked if the BCTC promotion and tenure guide was available. The KCTCS guide is posted online, but not the BCTC version.
Next Meeting / ·  The next meeting will be 9/5 2- 4 p.m. at Cooper Campus OB 210
·  Facilitator - Bonnie Nicholson
·  Recorder –Lynn Madison