Diary Dates
Colchester Office
Activity Groups
Keen to be Green Group
This activity group is restarting in June2013 and will be run by our new GroupCoordinator Jane Diplock. The group willmeet the second and fourth Mondayafternoon in the month with the purposeof providing people with dementia andtheir partner an opportunity to enjoyoutdoor exercise or activities in asupported and friendly environment. Wehave a planned programme of activitiesat different venues. This will include visitsto open gardens and nature reserves,fruit picking, gentle walks and also tenpin bowling. We welcome new membersto the group and would be delighted tohear from anyone interested.
Pleasecontact Jane at the Colchester office – 01206 573708
Active Minds
This new group is an activity group forpeople with mild to moderate dementia. Jane Diplock our new group coordinatorwill be organising facilitated sessionsassisted by volunteers. These sessions willinvolve activities including reminiscenceand discussion, gentle exercise and
games, and arts and crafts. There will bevisits from external therapists. Allactivities will take place in a safe andsupported setting, refreshments areprovided. The group will take place on thefirst and third Tuesday of the month 2pmuntil 3.30pm.
Please contact Jane in the ColchesterOffice for further details of the abovegroups - 01206 573708
Tiptree Dementia Cafe
This new service provides an opportunityfor people with dementia, carers andfamily members to gain information andadvice from health professionals andothers in a similar situation. The café
provides the opportunity to discuss thediagnosis of dementia in an informal andunderstanding environment. Staffmembers will be facilitating the café andwill also be arranging visits from external
professionals who can provide additionalinformation over the coming months. Weprovide free refreshments and wouldinvite those interested to call in at anytime during opening times. The café willbe open on the third Thursday in themonth.
Venue: Tiptree CommunityCentre, Caxton Close, Tiptree 11.00am–12.30pm.
Singing for the Brain
We have regular group meetings on aThursday morning at St Cedds Churchhall and on a Friday morning at Abbott’sActivity Centre. – see Calendar. These sessions haveproved very popular but we are alwayspleased to welcome new members.Singing for the Brain is for people withdementia and their carers; people do notneed any singing ability, just enthusiasmand a willingness to join in.During Dementia AwarenessWeek in May this year, wehad a combined singingsession with the ColchesterMilitary Wives group. Thiswas attended by the Mayorand local dignitaries and waswonderfully inspiring anduplifting.Anyone interested in attending the group should contactAngela Dennis at the Colchester Office for further details – 01206 573708
Peer Support Groups
Marylands Carer Support Group
A support group for carers to meet and talk to other carers in similar circumstances. Staff facilitate this group providing information and support tothose attending.Held on 1st and 3rd Monday of each monthfrom 10.30am to 12.00 noon
Time to Talk
This is a group for people with mild tomoderate dementia enabling them tosocialise with others in a similar situationand share experiences in a relaxed andinformal setting. The group which is
facilitated by staff and volunteers aimsto create a supportive environment whichdelivers information about dementia,practical tips about coping withdementia, experiential learning andsocial opportunities. It is held at the sametime as the Marylands Carers group(above) on the third Monday in themonth 10.30am until 12noon in aseparate room in Marylands.
Memory Garden makeover
We are planning a one off clean up day to tidy our memory garden at Marylands on Wednesday June 26th – weather permitting. If any one would like to help between 10am and 1pm, refreshments will be provided. Tasks will involve weeding, pruning, sweeping and picking any ripe strawberries. Any assistance gratefully received
Social Events
Moving on Group
This group is open to all former carers and provides a network of contacts. Meets Monday fortnightly and includes visits, lunches and outings.
Lunch Club
Club in Colchester for people withdementia and their carers to meet newpeople, make new friends and socialiseover a meal in a supportive environment.The Lunch Club is organised by ourvolunteer Ann Holmes.
Forthcoming Dates:June 28th, July 26th, August 23rd
Please contact the Colchester Office for further details of these social events
Carer Information and Support Programme (CrISP)
The CrISP programme has beendeveloped by the Alzheimer’s Society forfamily and friends of those withdementia. It consists of a series ofworkshops for groups of up to 12 carers,delivered by trained, local Society staffwith appropriate experience, knowledge
and skills. The service will be delivered inColchester by Neena from the localAlzheimer’s office. The workshops havebeen specifically designed for carers andfamily members with a recent diagnosisof dementia and will consist of sixworkshops, held over six weeks. If anyoneis interested in finding out more aboutthese sessions, please contact NeenaPandya on 01206 573708
Colchester Office: Marylands 43 Shrub End Road, Colchester, CO3 3UE. Tel: 01206 573708
Keen 2 B Green1st and 3rd Monday 1.30-3.30pm / Active
1st and 3rd Tuesday 2.00-3.30pm / Tiptree Dementia
3rd Thursday 11-12.30pm / Carers
1st Monday 10.30-12.00pm / Carers
3rd Monday 10.30-12.00pm / Time to Talk
3rd Monday 10.30-12.00pm / Sing 4 the Brain,
St Cedds 2nd and 4th Thurs 10.30. / Sing 4 the Brain,
Abbott Road, 1st and 3rd Fri
June 10th Ten Pin Bowling / June 4th / June 20th / July 1st / June 17th / June 17th / July 11th / July 5th
June 24th Castle Park / June 18th / July 18th / August 5th / July 15th / July 15th / July 25th / July 19th
July 8th Ten Pin Bowling / July2nd / August 15th / September 2nd / August
19th / August
19th / August 8th / August 2nd
July 22nd Marks Hall / July16th / September 19th / October 7th / September 16th / September
16th / August 22nd / August 16th
August 12th Poplar Nursery / August 6th / October 17th / November 4th / October 21st / October
21st / Sept 12th / Sept 6th
September 9th;Brightlingsea / August 20th / November 21st / December 2nd / November 18th / November
18th / Sept 26th / Sept 20th
September 23rd Ten Pin Bowling / September 3rd / December 19th / December 16th / December
16th / October
10th / October 4th
October 14th Hearts Delight Nursery / September 17th / October 24th / October 18th
October 28th Ten Pin Bowling. / October 1st / Nov 14th / Nov 1st
November 11th Ten Pin Bowling / October 15th / Nov 28th / Nov 15th
November 25th Ten Pin Bowling. / November 5th / Dec 12th / Dec 6th
December 9th Ten Pin Bowling / November19th / Dec 19th / Dec 20th
December 3rd