Peter Colgan President

Robert Cassidy Pres. Elect

Victor Tom Pres. Elect


Kaliviotis Pres. Elect

Melinda Nicholson Secretary

Joel Berenson Treasurer

Our sponsors who are so generously helping us do what we do

Calendar: May 2 Dinner at the Athenian Greek restaurant, Lowell, 7:30 pm

May 4 Minuteman ARC fundraising walk

May 4 Work party at Job Lane House

May 7 Oliver Ceberio, Resolute Marine Energy in Boston

May 13 Classification talks - new members talk about what they do

May 17-19 District Conference, Boxborough

May 23 Healthy Bedford by Design, Old Town Hall, 7:30 a.m.

May 27 VA Memorial Day – volunteers needed for ice cream serving

June 1 Bedford Bicycle Safety Day

June 6 District Governor Installation, Nashawtuc Country Club

June 15 PMCKids Challenge

June 19 Installation of Club Officers for 2013-2014!

Visiting Rotarians: Sandi Wilson, Rotary Club of Billerica and Art Costa, former Bedford Rotarian and now president of the Tewksbury Club

Membership Milestones: Happy birthday to Linda on May 10. Jacquelin celebrates her second year with the club on May 3. Bob Mead, along with the club itself, celebrates a 57-year anniversary on May 5!

Pay It Forward capstone event: Linda gave us a recap of the capstone event of Pay It Forward Day, our Stop Hunger Now meal packaging project at the middle school. We bested our original goal of 10,000 meals and packaged 14,905 meals in 90 minutes with about 120 volunteers. Mike Sullivan, regional director of Stop Hunger Now, was really impressed with the work ethic, engagement, and spirit of everyone who turned out. These meals will go to Haiti and Zambia. Congratulations to everyone involved, and special kudos to (1) President Pete for thinking big about a project for peace as mandated by RI President Sakuni Tanaka and coming up with Pay It Forward Day, (2) to Linda for being an amazing champion for the Stop Hunger Now project and bringing it to us and (3) to Diana for getting the schools on board with such verve and great effect. Wow. Great day.

Job Lane House work party: Thanks to everyone who has signed up for the work party at the Job Lane House this Saturday morning, May 4. Bring gardening tools – rakes, shovels, hoes, trowels. We’ll be supporting the efforts of the Friends of the Job Lane House and the Bedford Garden Club.

Athenian Greek restaurant, May 2, 7:30 pm: An impressive contingent is headed for an evening at the Athenian Greek Restaurant in Lowell, May 2.

Steve Taylor and ServPro invite us to lunch on May 8 for a Servpro Expo, 11:30-3:00 at the Depot Building in Lexington Town Center. Door prizes include Red Sox tickets.

Healthy Bedford by Design – Sponsored by Toward a Healthier Bedford and the Bedford Chamber of Commerce, “Healthier Bedford by Design” presents Mark Fenton speaking about “How where we live affects how we live, an environmental approach to how we can shape Bedford to support healthy living and improve our local resources”. Free – and breakfast will be provided. 7:30-10:30 a.m., Old Town Hall, 16 South Road.

VA Memorial Day – We helped out last year and it was a great day. A fantastic way to meet and appreciate veterans, serve up some great ice cream and have a great day. May 27.

Installation of District Governor – Doug Detweiler of the Concord Club will be installed as District Governor on June 6, and we’re invited to attend. Our club will underwrite the cost of attending.

Chelmsford Ducks – Jessica brought us news about a Chelmsford Rotary fundraiser; they’re hosting a (rubber) duck race. See Jessica for raffle tickets.

Program – Kris Ansin, Executive Director of Mali Health Organizing Project, travels between Cambridge and Mali working to improve life for Malians living in an area called Sikoro outside of Bamako, Mali’s capital. This NGO (non-governmental organization) was founded in 2006; it focuses on improving maternal and child health and in its six years has seen significant progress in these areas. One in five children will die in Mali before they reach five years old. In Sikoro, this mortality rate has been reduced to 1% ; one in 22 women in Mali will not survive childbirth – in Sikoro, this too has been reduced to 1%. The organization’s method and goal is to create a sustainable network, train local people to take over, and then be able to move on to work with another area. Since 2006, MHOP has been able to offer 30,000 health worker visits (most health workers are local people who have been trained in the program), 1,022 baby deliveries, and has strengthened a sustainable health system. Kris is the only full-time staff member from the U.S. – and he grew up in the Fitchburg-Leominster area.

Raffles and Happy Dollars: Victor won the door prize and Art Costa had the chance at the 50/50 but the pot remains…

In Happy dollars, we chose to be succinct because our speaker program was about to get squeezed, so the following people just reported being happy: Melinda, Jessica, Jim, Devon, and Susanna. Bill wasn’t sure why he was happy but he knew he wasn’t unhappy. Deb was glad it was a beautiful day. Steve was happy he’d be going golfing, Bob M. was happy for 17 wins for the Red Sox; Mark was surprised (and happy) about the Red Sox; Kevin had a quote which I couldn’t write down fast enough; Victor reported that Mike Sullivan said the Stop Hunger Now event was the best ever; Cliff was glad his son had gone to Tuckerman’s Ravine and made it back; Andy noted that we’ve skipped over spring into summer; Nat was really happy about the great turnout for the Athenian Restaurant night and for the upcoming work party at the Job Lane House; Linda was glad for all the PIF helpers; Patsy was glad for our speaker, visiting Sandi was glad for our speaker and for Margarita; Ralph was eager to talk about global grants at our next meeting; Bob C. was…confused…about Kevin’s quote, and Margarita was grateful for the wonderful work of Sandi Wilson.

The Four Way Test / Let’s Make Up!
1.  Is it the TRUTH?
2.  Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4.  Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? / Mon
Tues / Chelmsford 12:15 p.m. Radison Hotel; Maynard 6:15 p.m. Payton’s River’s Edge; Reading 12:15 p.m. Peter Sanborn Place; Lexington 12:15 p.m. Waxy O’Connors
Clinton 12:15 p.m. The old Timers Restaurant; Hudson 6:00 p.m. Hudson Portuguese Club; Wellesley 6:30 p.m. Wellesley Community Center; Woburn 12:15 Holiday Inn Select Hotel; Billerica 8:00 a.m. Billerica Marriott Courtyard
Locations verified 12/6/10 / Wed
Fri / Acton-Boxborough 12:15 p.m. Holiday Inn, Boxborough; Restaurant; N. Reading 12:15 Hillview Country Club; Waltham 12:15 p.m. The Chateau Restaurant; Wilmington 12:15 p.m.
Ayer 6:30 p.m. Bull Run Restaurant; Brookline 12:00 Holiday Inn; Burlington 7:30 a.m. Bickfords; Concord 12:15 p.m. Colonial Inn; Marlboro 12:15 p.m. Coral Seafood; Westford 12:15 p.m. Westford Grille; Nashoba Valley 7:15 a.m. Houghton Building (1st & 3rd) and Nancy’s Café (2nd and 4th)
Burlington 12:15 p.m. American Legion Hall; Littleton 7:30 a.m. Ken’s Cafe


1956‐57 Glenn Sims

1957‐58 E. Gottschalk

1958‐59 Ron Davis

1959‐60 John Bowen

1960‐61 George Doherty

1961‐62 Frank Hennessey

1962‐63 Robert Mead

1963‐64 Clifford Hughes

1964‐65 Fred Olson

1965‐66 J. Clive Enos

1966‐67 Nathaniel Brown

1967‐68 Donald Drew

1968‐69 Joseph Bruno

1969‐70 Ralph Collins

1970‐71 John Whalen

1971‐72 George Benson

1972‐73 Maurice Nolan

1973‐74 Pat Sciaraffa

1974‐75 Ed Moore

1975‐76 Ed Moore

1976‐77 Winston Bridge

1977‐78 “Syke” Bumann

1978‐79 Matt Tomassian

1979‐80 Peter Kilmartin

1980‐81 Lawrence Carlton

1981‐82 Paul C. Dick

1982‐83 David Valdina

1983‐84 Jack Wilson

1984‐85 Peter Corea

1985‐86 Robert A. Cassidy

1986‐87 Ottfried Weisz

1987‐88 Kenneth W. Luther

1988‐89 John B. Debaun

1989‐90 Kenneth R. Walcott

1990‐91 David J. Rossi

1991‐92 James W. Harrill

1992‐93 Peter Light

1993‐94 Norma A. Barton

1994‐95 Ralph M. Hammond

1995‐96 Holly A. Chaney

1996‐97 Milan W. Jackson

1997‐98 Gregory S. Symko

1998‐99 Florence A. Rossi

1999‐00 Robert M. Kennedy

2000‐01 Heidi A. Pusatere

2001‐02 David R. Hannum

2002‐03 Joel Berenson

2003‐04 William Waite

2004‐05 Meg Packenham

2005‐06 Susanna Natti

2006‐07 Terrence Parker

2007‐08 Lea Ann Knight

2008‐09 Virginia Clerkin

2009‐10 Victor Tom

2010‐11 Cliff Rober

2011-12 Christine Pinney