Science Process Skills
AAAS Process Skills
Basic Skills / Integrated Skills1. Observing / 8. Defining Operationally
2. Classifying / 9. Formulating models
3. Space/time Relations / 10. Controlling variables
4. Using numbers / 11. Interpreting Data
5. Measuring / 12. Hypothesizing
6. Inferring / 13. Experimenting
7. Predicting
1. Observing- Noting the properties of objects and situations using the five senses
2. Classifying- Relating objects and events according to their properties or attributes (Involves classifying places, objects, ideas, or events into categories based on their similarities.)
3. Space/Time Relations- Visualizing and manipulating objects and events, dealing with shapes, time, distance, and speed
4. Using numbers- Using quantitative relationships, e.g. scientific notation, error, significant numbers, precision, ratios, and proportions
5. Measuring- Expressing the amount of an object or substance in quantitative terms, such as meters, liters, grams, newtons, etc.
6. Inferring- Giving an explanation for a particular object or event
7. Predicting- Forecasting a future occurrence based on past observations or the extension of data
8. Defining Operationally- Developing statements that present a concrete description of an object or event by telling one what to do or observe.
9. Formulating models- Constructing images, objects, or mathematical formulas to explain ideas
10. Controlling variables- Manipulating and controlling properties that relate to simulations or events for the purpose of determining causation in experimental research design
11. Interpreting Data- Arriving at explanations, inferences, or hypotheses from data that have been graphed or placed in a table (this frequently involves concepts such as mean, mode, median, range, frequency, distribution, chi-square test, t-test)
12. Hypothesizing- Stating a tentative generalization of observations or inferences that may be used to explain a relatively larger number of events but that is subject to immediate or eventual testing by one or more experiments in experimental research design
13. Experimenting- Testing a hypothesis through the manipulation and control of independent variables and noting the effects on a dependent variable; interpreting and presenting results in the form of a report that others can follow to replicate the experiment using experimental research design