School eLearning Vision for Epping Views Primary SchoolMaximise teaching and learning outcomes utilizing planned, fully integrated, supported ICT ideology and infrastructure to prepare our school community for success in a global world.
Element / Key
Strategy / Current Practice / Target Practice / Actions
What? / Resources/ Budget
How? / Responsibilities
Who? / Timeline
When? / Achievement Milestone
eLearning Leadership / The eLearning Plan / Foundation
The eLearning plan is in early stage of development. / Innovative
The eLearning Plan is integral to the School’s Strategic Plan and includes targets for anywhere, anytime access based on teaching and learning needs. / Develop an eLearning plan / Staff Mtgs x2 utilizing Ultranet Coach,
TSSP / Lead by the eLearning leader in conjunction with all staff including TSSP / By Week 3 Term 3 / Endorsed eLearning Plan by S/C & Ultranet Coach
Integrate eLearning Plan into EVPS Strategic Plan / Staff & S/C Forums / eLearning leader & Leadership Team / Week 6 Term 4
Learning, Teaching, Assessment & Reporting / ICT Integration / Emergent
Students are provided some opportunities in some curriculum areas to use ICT. ICT is mainly used to support existing learning and teaching practices. / Innovative
The use of ICT is well planned and integrated into most areas of the curriculum, to support and extend learning and teaching / Develop common unit planning templates and incorporate ICT into lesson plans and incorporate into lessons. / Include into lesson plans. Develop during planning time. / Classroom teachers with the eLearning leader as a driving force / Ongoing / Increased use of ICT resources
Complete an audit indicating how ICT is incorporated. / Complete during APT time / eLearning leader prepare format
class teachers complete / End of Term 3
ICT Professional Learning / Teacher ICT Capabilities / Emergent
Staff participate in the ePotential ICT Capabilities Survey and develop eLearning goals / Innovative
eLearning is a priority for all staff. ePotential ICT Capabilities Survey is used by staff to support the development of PLP’s and by the leadership team to inform school planning. The school regularly reviews the impact of ICT Professional Learning and teaching. / Develop ICT goals based on the ePotential survey / Staff meeting / eLearning leader ensures all staff complete ePotential survey / End of term 4 / ePotential surveys completed and goals developed
All staff have participated in ICT Professional learning sessions
Individual teachers build ICT into their PLP’s / During common planning time / elearning leader
Individual teachers / Beginning of Term 1 2009
Provide Professional learning sessions for teachers. Teachers exchange of ideas between teachers / Organise presenters in the ICT field. PL sessions e.g. after school, curriculum day.
Staff meetings.
Common planning time. / Interactive Whiteboards
2 Touch staff.
Ultranet Coach
Teachers during meetings PLT’s & staff meetings
Pre service teachers / End of Term 4
Learning Places and Spaces / ICT Ethics / Emergent
The school encourages and supports appropriate social and ethical values in the use of ICT inline with the School Online Policy. / Innovative
The school develops protocols and educates staff and students on safe, equitable and ethical use of ICT at school and at home. / Incorporate education about ethical use of ICT into class sessions including cybersafety / Staff meetings and class sessions
http://icttoolkit. wikispaces.com) / e-learning leader
Ultranet coach / End of Term 4 / All students have signed contracts and have been involved in sessions dealing with appropriate use of ICT.
Distribute computer contracts to all students re-correct usage. / Class sessions / e-Learning leader
Class teachers
e-potential resources / Contract by the end of Term 3
Student ICT Capability / Assessment / Foundation Assessment of student ICT Capabilities against VELS is ad hoc. / Innovative
Student ICT capabilities are assessed consistently against the VELS. Evidence of ICT capability is used to inform curriculum planning. / Develop a student computer Skills Profile based on VELS / Review various profiles in line with VELS and adjust according to our needs at EVPS / e-Potential leader to access and develop various profiles. Investigate the velswiki.
Staff to review and decide on final product. / By the end of Term 3 2008 / An ICT capabilities profile is developed and in use.
Learning Communities / Collegiate Support / Foundation
Teachers independently source and use digital learning resources to support curriculum. / Innovative
Systems and processes support teachers to develop and share ICT rich curriculum / Set up and use intranet on our system for teachers to place curriculum resources and use as needed / TSSP set up intranet
Relevant ICT materials developed and built into programs and placed on intranet / TSSP
eLearning leader
Ultarnet coach / End of term 4 / The intranet is in place and is used by staff
Staff are informed about use of the ultranet.
Familiarisation with the ultranet as it becomes available / Staff meeting / Ultranet coach / When it becomes available
Websites to consider using, as suggested by OUR Ultranet coach:
http://icttoolkit.wikispaces.com can access information related to ethical use of ICT including
http://vels.wikispaces.com measuring student ICT capabilities
http://www.digitaledgeltd.com/uk/index.html Dr. John’s digital excellence
http://www.education.vic.gov.au/management/elearningsupportservices/www/default.htm ethical and safe use of the internet in Victorian school