PO Box 12555, Prescott AZ 86304 Toll free 1 888 issues –9 Bob & Geri Boyd

Second Quarter 2004

Jesus said "He who is not with me isagainst me..." In the war between Christ and Satan neutralityisimpossible.

Is This the END of Christianity in America?

An estimated 100,000 churches HAVE CLOSED THEIR DOORS in the decade of the 1990's!"

Voddie Baucham -The Ever Loving Truth

What's the reason for 100,000 churches closing in America this last decade?

For the first time in history a major denomination (the 16 million Southern Baptists) have considered a resolution calling for parents to pull their kids out of what (the resolution calls) 'the godless, anti-Christian- public schools'. Bruce Shortt co-sponsor of the SBC resolution & heard on #850 Come Out & Be Separate

Bruce Shortt sites the Baptist's own statistics that 88% of children raised in the church drop out

by age 18. If this trend continues, Bruce says,

"We will be presiding over the liquidation of the American Church."

Think about THAT! WOW! What's more important than the souls of millions of children? What's more important to GOD than these precious little souls? Is the Church in America missing its most important God-given mission? How much longer can Christians continue sending 90% of their children to public schools and continue to exist - - - as a Church?

No matter what success we have in fighting social problems, if we lose the next generation we lose the future and all the future social battles. In other words we lose the war!

And conversely:

If we train up our children so that they love the Lord with all their hearts and minds we will soon no longer need to fight against homosexuality, abortion, pornography… the next generation will grow up knowing and doing right instead of wrong. That why children should be our top priority.

Children Our Top Priority #846

This is one of the most important programs we've made. George Barna, Director for Barna Research Group, and author of Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions, has an urgent message of life and death for the Church in America! Because Christian children have not been a high priority for the Church, we're losing the culture war and each succeeding generation.

Barna's research shows that by age 13 a child has formed most of his core beliefs and won't change much after that. With only 3% of 13 year olds having a Biblical worldview,what does this say for the future?

LISTEN: 97% of 13 year olds DO NOT HAVE A CHRISTIAN WORLD VIEW and are unlikely to ever get one. This means the future of America will be thoroughly pagan and ripe for God's judgement!

Barna's research indicates:

√ A person's values and beliefs are well established before they become a teenager.

√ A person's moral foundations are laid by the age of 9! (AMAZING! A child's morals are set by age 9!)

√ In most cases, spiritual beliefs are IRREVOCABLY formed when they are a pre-teenager!

√ Since most of those who become believers in Christ do so before age 13 (only 10% after that) why do

Christians send their children to anti-Christian schools?

The first dozen years of a person's life determines what they will be like for the rest of their lives and where they will spend eternity. Instead of asking what kind of education is best, parents need to ask what kind of person do they want their child to become?

These statistics are the tip of the iceberg. GET THE BOOK by Barna - Transforming Children Into Spiritual Champions. Transforming children into SPIRITUAL CHAMPIONS doesn't happen by accident. It takes a PLAN. A good place to start is getting the book. We are offering it this quarter.

The greatest hope for the local Church lies In RAISING GODLY CHILDREN. Yet for most churches this is not a priority. Only 3% of church even have a Christian school.

But I send my children to public school to be good Christian witnesses.

Is this for real or just an excuse? IF YOU PUT ONE GOOD APPLE IN A BARREL FILLED WITH ROTTEN ONES, DO THE ROTTEN ONES GET BETTER or does the good one get like the others?

How can a child be a Christian witness when they have to sit quietly in secular classes taught by secular teachers with secular textbooks? With 88% of Christian children leaving the church whom is really doing the evangelizing? Is it any wonder only 4% of Americans have a Christian worldview?

Children are not adults -- they are immature and untrained. They are in school to learn – not teach. No where in scripture are children missionaries. It's no longer a matter of opinion- it’s a fact- an anti-Christian education produce anti-Christian students. No, not all will succumb but 88% of them. Jesus said: "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher." A school system that ignores God and teaches its students to ignore God is atheistic.

HOW CAN CHRISTIAN CHILDREN BE 'GOOD CHRISTIAN WITNESSES' WHEN 97% of them don't have a CHRISTIAN WORLD VIEW THEMSELVES?- Transforming Children Into Spiritual Champions.

Come OUT & Be Separate#860

Bruce Shortt & Dr Bob Simonds, Pres. CEE

The Bible compares children to arrows in the hands of a warrior. "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them." Ps 127:4-5

Bruce Shortt asks the question: "What warrior would give his arrows to his enemy?" If he did they would soon be turned against him. Just as it's foolish for a warrior to give his arrows to his enemy, so it's foolish to give your children to a system that will change your child's Christian beliefs.

"Millions of Christian children sit in anti-Christian government schools 7 hours a day for their most impressionable 12 years where God is treated as irrelevant to every area of life! Thus many (88%) of Christian children are converted to an anti-Christian world view INSTEAD of evangelizing their classmates."

In Jesus' Great Commission ("Go into all the world and make disciples…" Jesus says, "teach them…"Mt 28) Jesus told Christians, not humanists, to teach His disciples! And he didn't mean just Sunday morning. God never told us to try to take the world by force (like Islam)or clever arguments (like philosophers), but He did tell us to raise children who would honor God in all they do.

Why are public schools unacceptable for Christian children?

"The prevalence of evolutionary theory with their contempt for creation, and the widespread acceptance of homosexuality in public school make the them a hostile place for Christian children."

“Be NOT conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Ro 12:2 "The whole purpose of a public school education is to get kids to CONFORM to this world. It’s totally worldly."

Dr Robert Simonds, President of Citizens for Excellence in Education

Be warned: Those who send children to public schools must know that Jesus said, "If ANYONE causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and drowned in the sea." These are very serious words but His great love for children and their eternal souls is infinitely valuable to Him. And it should be to us.

Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, then order a diet coke?

Why do expensive church buildings sit empty during the week and the kids are sent to an anti-Christian school down the street?

What will it take for Christians to get their kids out of the government schools?

All it takes is a little motivation!

A man worked the 4:00 PM to midnight shift and always walked home after work. One beautiful, moon lit night, it was so bright he decided to take a short cut through the cemetery. As he was walking through the cemetery he didn't see the open grave that had just been dug and he stepped right into it. He immediately started desperately trying to get out. But his best efforts failed, it was deep and the sides were slippery. So after a few minutes, he decided to relax and wait until morning when someone would help him out.

He sat down in the corner and was half asleep when a drunk stumbled into the grave. His arrival roused the shift worker since the drunk was desperately trying to climb out, clawing frantically at the sides. Our hero reached out his hand, touched the drunk on the leg, and said, "Friend, you can't get out of here..." – but he did. Now that's motivation.


Our most requested programs this quarter:

A Muslim Comes to Christ #838

Have you any idea how much COURAGE it takes for a Muslim to become a Christian? What really goes on in the mind of a Muslim terrorist? Walid, was a REAL LIVE Palestinian-Muslim terrorist! His wife challenged him to read the Bible, to find its supposed "errors." He did, this Muslim terrorist read the Bible, and became a born-again Christian. Now there's a death sentence on his head from his own family. He's given up his family, his land and friends to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Before his conversion, at college he invited college students to come to Middle Eastern dinners and learn about their culture. But it was really just to raise money from unsuspecting students to fund terrorism. Christianity brings peace to a culture, and to individuals, but Islam bring war and strife. Austin Milestells of a public school course that indoctrinates students into Islam that's now been ruled constitutional by a federal judge. This isn't a class on world religion but indoctrination into Islam.

WAR On Terrorism#852

Americans are shocked at Muslim terrorist acts, like the beheading of innocent civilians, but have little understanding behind the religious motivation. America is at war, but how does this generation wage war when they're being raised on tolerance, multiculturalism and non-judgmentalism (instead of good versus evil)?

Dr Bob Morey, an expert on Islam who has authored over 40 books, has two doctorates, and predicted 911, has the answer for winning our war on terrorism. Muslim terrorists won't stop at killing fellow Muslims, their family, or themselves or anything else. But there is one way to defeat Islamic terrorism. Dr Morey's plan would stop terrorism. Get this highly requested program to find out more.

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff? If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?

A Godly Education #847

97% of home schooled graduates continue in the Christian faith, but 75-90% of public schooled children loose their faith. Israel Wayne is one of a new generation of home school graduates who is now home schooling his own children. Israel Wayne's family was part of Dr Brian Ray's study on home schooling and was featured in Time Magazine.

Israel Wayne is one of six who were all home schooled by a single mom without a 9th grade education.

Jesus said, "Seek first the Kingdom of God… love the Lord your God with your entire MIND…" A secular education can't teach thatbut a home school education can.

American Independence #848

Why did Americans break away from Great Britain? According to historian and author of The Light And The Glory -Peter Marshall, Americans were not rebelling from Britain but defending themselves from the tyrannical King George and restoring a Godly government. Their slogan was, "No King but JESUS!"

Are we exchanging our U.S. Constitution for a U.N. charter? Tom Deweese, President of the American Policy Center, reports that the U.S. Department of Education is funding a new U.N. propaganda program that downplays patriotism and prepares students to accept a one-world government.

By Design #849

Unscientific ideas from the 1800's:

√ The moon is populated by furry winged creatures. √ Decaying meat spontaneously turned into maggots.

√ Grain turned into rodents, and mud became frogs. √ Diseases can be cured by opening the window to get fresh air. √ People evolved from apes.

Is evolution just a harmless "scientific" theory taught at school? Surveys of students who reject the gospel often do so because they believe evolution has disproven the Bible. Christians have been lulled into believing that evolution is scientific and not religious. But evolution is a religion competing for the minds of young people and robbing many of their belief in God.

Medical doctor, Jeffrey Simmons, has studied the human body, evolution and design for over 40 years. Dr Simmons has written seven books and his most recent is A Medical Doctor Dissects the Theory of Evolution – What Darwin Didn't Know. There is tremendous design in every area of the human body. Cells, in themselves, are incredibly intricate little "factories." Scientific evidence undermines evolution.

To say that a princess kissed a frog and it turned into a prince is a fairy tale. But add the magic factor – TIME –add billions of years, and an illogical idea (frogs evolved into men) now becomes scientific?

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah." The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"

The little girl replied, "Then you ask him".

"Under God" in the Pledge#842

President George Washington said, "If you separate morality and religion and politicsyou can not be called an American patriot." Today that's called the separation of church and state. As an Army Ranger Gary Hortonfought for our freedoms yet when he goes into schools to speak at assemblies he's not given any freedom to mention God the Bible or Jesus Christ.

John Tiner, the author of a couple of little books called Discovering Our Nation's Heritage-In God We Trust, and The Pledge of Allegiance, gives the background of how the word "God" was put in the Pledge and in our national motto.

The American Soldier #843

Memorial Day is a time to remember those who exchanged their tomorrows for our todays. As more and more American soldiers are dying in Iraq, many people have a renewed appreciation for the sacrifices made by our military. Jeremiah Denton, was a prisoner in a Viet Nam prison for seven long grueling years. Jerry tells how his faith in Jesus Christ brought him through the most horrendous tortures imaginable. Chuck Wacker, tells about his grandson being told at school that America started our war with Japan. Liberals are trying to change history. Have they forgotten about Pearl Harbor?

A Pure Revolution #844

Teens are dying because of sexually transmitted diseases, and yet 65% take the chance and lose their virginity by high school graduation. Today purity means life but promiscuity leads to death. AIDS is the leading cause of death among young people (25 to 44).

Doug Herman, author of Time For a Pure Revolution, lost his young wife and little daughter to an AIDS tainted blood transfusion. But out of this incredible tragedy Doug Herman comes out on a life-saving crusade to bring a message of PURITY to teens in public schools across the nation. Students are fascinated and are listening to his powerful message. You will be too.

Living Life with Purpose #845

What's really important to you? What are your life's goals and what specific plans are you making to accomplish those goals. Jesus said to store up treasure in heaven. Amazingly we can use our present lives to accumulate priceless wealth in eternity. Pastor Ryan Rush, one of the foremost authorities on time management and author of Home on Time- Life Management by the Book, will help you organize, prioritize and plan your life for a wonderful fulfilled life. Ryan Rush also suggests ways parents can create treasures by investing in the lives of their children through home schooling.

Freedom From Temptation #841

Internet pornography is pervasive. Is it really possible to have freedom from temptation in today's sexually saturated culture? Best selling author (The Bondage Breaker)and founder of Freedom In Christ Ministries,Neil T. Anderson, is a former associate professor at Biola and Talbot Universities, and teacher of Doctor of Ministry classes. Although satan uses sex as a ploy to lure us into bondage – Jesus came to set the captives free! Neil T. Anderson's newest book is Finding Freedom in a Sex Obsessed World. Neil gives some specific action steps to overcome sexual bondage.