The Alexandria and ArlingtonDistricts oftheUnitedMethodist Churchin NorthernVirginia
In order to further the work of evangelism initiatives in the local church, TheNorthernVirginia BoardofMissions (BOM)ispleasedtoopen the applications for small grants for specific evangelism projects that will occur in local communities in the Alexandria and Arlington Districts in the fall 2016 through the spring of 2017.
Grantpurpose: Toincreasethelocalchurch’s community connectionso that disciples can be made for the transformation of the world.Grants awarded are for specific programs and not to enhance a church’s general evangelism budget. The grants are offered to assist churches ingoing the extramile. Applicant churches are expected to be actively engaged inevangelism,hospitality, and discipleship ministries as an ongoing part of their church’s mission.
Grant qualifications: Initiatives should be in the form ofcommunityoutreachorspecialChristmas/Easterpush eventsthat allow for opportunities to build relationships with thegreatercommunity. There should be a plan to build on the momentum of the church’s initiative:Get their names! Have a plan for follow-up events/invitations!
Grant amounts being awarded: The BOM has allocated $10,000 total to be awarded in amounts between $250 and $1,000.
Deadline and other helpful information:ONLYon-time, fully completedapplicationswillbe considered.Prioritywillbegiventochurchesoflimitedfinancial meanswhoalsodemonstrate significantlay involvementandenthusiasmfor their initiative. Senda hard copy or electronicversionofthe completed application andaccompanyingdocumentationtotheBi‐Districtoffice(see below)bySeptember30,2016.GrantswillbeawardedtheweekofOctober24,2016.
| 703‐820‐7200 | Fax703‐845‐8147)
Please note this application is designed to be completed by hand; the electronic application can be downloaded at
Church name: ______Date of application: ______
Pastor(s): ______
Name/Position of person completing this application: ______
Lay Leadership Participating in this Project (fill in as many as apply):
Name: ______Position: ______
Name: ______Position: ______
Name: ______Position: ______
Average weekly worship attendance:
for 2015: ______2016 (YTD):______
Whatisyourchurch’sbudgetforevangelismandadvertisingin2016? ______
Whatpercentage ofyourchurch’sapportionmentswerepaidin2015?______
What percentage of your church’s apportionments were paid in 2014? ______
Hasyourchurchattendedeither of the How to Connect(with Neighbors/in Worship) Bi-District eventsthathavebeenheldin2015-2016? ☐Yes☐No
Hasyourchurchalreadybeguntheevangelisminitiative for which you are requesting a grant?
Pleaseprovidea detaileddescription ofyourchurch’sevangelisminitiativebyaddressingthefollowingquestions (feel free to continue onto the back of this page if necessary):
Whatisthe initiative?
Have youdone thisinitiativepreviously?
How will you use these funds specifically for connecting to your community?
Howhasthe laity ofthe churchbeeninvolvedin the planning ofthisinitiative? Howwillthey be involvedincarryingitout(prayerchains,smallgroupstudies,hospitality efforts,evangelismtraining,churchclean‐up,worship planning, etc.)?
Whatare your plans tofollow up withnew guestsas aresult ofthis initiative?
Please attachyourexpectedbudgetfor yourinitiative.Whatisyourchurchcontributingtothisinitiative? Howdoyouplan tospend local church funds?Howdoyouplanto use grantmoney?
Totalgrantamountrequested:$ (grant amounts will be between $250 and $1000)
Hasyourchurchpreviously engagedinanEvangelism Initiative utilizing Bi-District Board of Missiongrantfunds? ☐Yes☐No
Ifyes,pleasedescribethe impacttoyourchurch/community(usingnarrative andnumbers)ofthe initiative forwhichyoupreviouslyreceivedgrants:
Church name: ______Dateofapplication: ______
Once completed, send this application and supporting documentation to: SarahCalvert. Fax number is 703-845-8147,OR you can forward the documents via the US mail:
Sarah Calvert c/o United Methodist Church in NVA, 3600 Chain Bridge Rd., Suite 1, Fairfax, VA 22030
Scanned copies via email are also accepted; send to
All fully-completed applications and documentation must be received
in the District Offices by September 30, 2016.