1. Turbine inlet valve

1.1 Guaranteed Technical Particulars




1. General

i) Manufacturer

ii) Place of manufacture

iii) Type designation

2. Main data

i) Maximum leakage from main

valve when fully closed against

rated head of 143 m (with

new seal).

a) Through seal

b) Maximum leakage from bypass

valve at rated head of 143 m

ii) Maximum head loss through the

valve at a flow required for rated

turbine output at rated net head.

iii) Maximum torque required to close

the valve with a flow corresponding to

a) Rated turbine output at

rated net head.

b) Specified turbine overload

output at rated net head.

iv) Main dimensions of inlet valve

a) Inside diameter

b) Length of valve body (excluding


c) Maximum distance from

horizontal centre line of

valve to lowest portion


v) Lowest factor of safety (referred to

design stress) for any hydraulically

loaded part of the valve.

vi Valve operating oil pressure.

a) Minimum

b) Maximum

1.2 Other technical particulars




1 Head loss through the valve at a

flow required for rated turbine


i)  At net head of 143 m.

ii)  At Gross head of 161.447 m

2 Servomotor

i) Make

ii) Nominal design oil pressure.

iii) Active volume

iv) Range of opening time.

v) Range of closing time.

3 I) Guaranteed closing time of

MIV at rated load and

rated head of 143 m.

ii) Guaranteed closing time of

MIV at over load of (110 %) and

max. head of 161.447m

iii) Guaranteed maximum

opening time at rated


iv) Guaranteed maximum

opening time at Max.head

4 Weight

i) Weight of complete shut off valve.

ii) Weight of complete oil pressure

unit with pump set equipment.

iii) Estimated shipping weight of


iv) Maximum weight of valve

assembly to be handled by

power house crane.

5 Dimensions

i) Minimum floor opening required

for valve installation/ removal.

a) Width

b) Length

2.0 Runner

2.1.1 Guaranteed Technical Particulars





i) Runner

ii) Material

iii) No. of blades

iv) Runner diameter(throat)

v) Inlet diameter

vi) Weight

vii) Dia. at centre line of distributor (D).

viii) Blade angle at inlet & outlet.

ix) Runner labyrinth

a) Material, standard, surface

hardness (BHN).

b) Method of fixing and

removal of runner.

x) Details of hard abrasion coating on

a) Blades

b) Labyrinths.

xi) Hydraulic flow velocity in turbine.

a) Absolute at inlet.

b) Peripheral at inlet.

c) Relative at inlet.

d) Absolute at outlet.

e) Peripheral of outlet.

f) Relative at outlet.

2 Centralised grease lubrication system.

i) No. of pumps.

ii) Type and make of pump.

iii) Capacity of grease reservoir.

iv) Rating of pump.

v) Number of grease distributions.

vi) No. of point fed by grease

vii) Frequency of lubrication.

viii) Recommended type and grade of


ix) Piping material.

x) Points served by system for turbine.

xi) Make of pump motors.

xii) Grease consumption per cycle,

per week, per month (Kg.)

xiii) Rate of grease flow into turbine

greasing points during application

of grease (LPM).

3 Governing System

3. 1 Guaranteed Technical Characteristics


Item Designation Value Remarks


1 General

i) Manufacturer

a) Control

b) Hydraulic unit

ii) Place of manufacture

a) Control

b) Hydraulic unit

iii) Type designation

a) Control

b) Hydraulic unit

2 Main data

i) Sensitivity of governor to respond

to min. speed change of rated


ii) Max. dynamic pressure for total

load rejection of all three turbines

working in parallel on 110% load

at max. net head of 143 m.

iii) Max. speed rise for total load

rejection of all three turbines

under working conditions as per

(2-ii) in percentage of rated speed

iv) Governor operating oil pressure

a) Minimum

b) Maximum

c) Rated

v) Range of adjustment of gain


a) Proportional gain

b) Derivative gain

c) Integral gain

vi) Type actuator & emergency

valve type

vii) Minimum wicket gate setting

a) Closing

b) Opening

3 Governor oil pumps

i) Number of main oil pumps

ii) Type of oil pumps

iii) Unit governor oil pump discharge


iv) Power rating of main pump motor

v) Power rating of jockey pump motor

vi) Type of pressure switches

4 Pressure accumulator

i) Total oil volume

ii) Design pressure

iii) Minimum possible operating cycles

of wicket gates (close -open) without

recharging tank

iv) Dimensions of tank ( H x Dia.)

5 Sump tank

i) Total oil volume

ii) Size of sump (L x W x depth )

6) Hydraulic oil

i) Total quantity of oil required for

complete system including


ii) Type of governor oil

7) Oil quantity

i) Oil pressure vessels

ii) Number of vessel & capacity

iii) Dimensions

iv) Normal working pressure

v) Minimum working pressure for

safe operation

vi) Number of complete operations

8 Weight of complete governor

actuator cabinet with pump set


4.0 AVR system

4.1 Guaranteed Technical Particulars




1 Manufacture

2 Place of manufacture

3 Type designations

4 Applicable standards

5 Rating of excitation system

at rated generator output and

rated power factor (hot rotor


i) field voltage

ii) field current

iii) field power

iv) No load excitation voltage

v) No load field current

vi) field flashing current and


6 Ceiling voltage in per units

of rated field voltage.

i) Ceiling voltage at no load

ii) Ceiling voltage at rated


7 Field current at rated ceiling


8 Excitation system voltage

response ratio.

9 Response time to reach 95%

of the difference between rated

ceiling voltage and full load field


10 Time to reach +0.5% of

ceiling voltage from rated


11 Maximum time period for

operation at ceiling voltage

power factor 0.9 and maximum

generator power.

12 Data of excitation system at

110% rated generator terminal

voltage, power factor 0.9 and

maximum generator power.

i) field voltage

ii) field current

13 Maximum continuous output

capability of excitation system.

i) maximum field current

ii) maximum field voltage

14 Maximum duration of over

excitation period

15 Time to reach 5% limit of

generator terminal voltage

in case of load rejection

16 Maximum overshoot of

generator terminal voltage

in case of load rejection.

17 Setting time to reach 0.5%

limit of generator terminal

voltage after over speed


18 Range of voltage level setting

19 i) Range for manual control

of excitation.

ii) Frequency range of operation

iii) % transformer drop


20 Excitation transformer

i) Type

ii) Transformer continuous three

Phase power rating.

iii) Transformer voltage ratio

iv) Transformer no-load losses

(three-phase) at rated voltage,

and rated frequency.

v) Vector group/ connection.

vi) Transformer total losses

(75oC three-phase) at full

load at rated voltage and

rated frequency.

vii) No-load current at rated

voltage and frequency.

viii) Impedance voltage (75oC)

at rated frequency on 100%

rated kVA.

ix) Transformer temperature

rise after continuous operation

with rated kVA, under rated


- winding (by resistance)

- core

x) Transformer rated voltage at

rated frequency and no-load.

a) high- voltage

b) low voltage

xi) Standard applicable

xii) Material

a) Core

b) Conductor

xiii) Class of insulation

xiv) BIL

xv) Temperature rise

21 Voltage Regulating system.

i) Make

ii) Type

iii) Accuracy of voltage regulation

iv) Range of voltage setting.

a) Auto mode

b) Manual mode

v) Voltage regulation from no

load to full load.

22 Rectifiers

i) Type of rectifiers

ii) Type of thyristor

iii) Number of thyristor per

Interchangeable module.

iv) Number of modules per

bridges of stacks.

v) Number of bridges or


vi) Number of parallel paths.

vii) Number of thyristor

a) In series

b) In parallel per path

viii) Rated current of rectifier

ix) Rated voltage of rectifier

x) Average forward current

rating per thyristor.

xi) Forward voltage drop per


xii) Maximum safe operating


xiii) Maximum surge current


xiv) Max. permissible duration

of surge current.

xv) Cooling fans for rectifiers

(if necessary) number of


xvi) Fan ratings.

xvii) Electrical fan motor ratings

a) Rated voltage

b) Rated power


xviii) Auxiliary transformer(s) for

cooling fans and other

a) Ratings

b) Rated primary voltage

c) Rated secondary


23 Field circuit breaker

i) Rated current

ii) Rated voltage

iii) Rated breaking current

iv) Total opening time

v) Total closing time

vi) Operating sequence

24 AC- field flashing equipment

i) Duration of flashing

ii) Power rating of field

flashing transformer.

iii) Rated voltages of transformer

a) primary side

b) secondary side

25 DC- field flashing equipment

i) Power requirements

ii) Supply voltage

5.0 Protection System

5.1 Guaranteed Technical Particulars




1. / General features
A / Protective devices
i) / Manufacturer
ii) / Whether entire system from same manufacture
iii) / Whether static type
iv) / Whether numeric type
v) / Year of commissioning of first plant with identical equipment
vi) / D.C. infeed :
a) Supply voltage
b) D.C/D.C converter included
c) Tolerances of supply Voltage
vii) / Overload protection
viii) / Short-circuit protection
ix) / Power consumption per cubicle
x) / Insulation accuracy to IEC 255-A
xi) / Indication :
a) hand reset flag
b) Light emitting diodes
xii) / Accuracy :
Time error of calibration/ repeatability
2. / Protection cubicles :
i) / Type
ii) / Protection class
iii) / Dimension (L x W x H )
iv) / Maximum weight
3. / Trip circuit supervision :
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Continuous/on command
iii) / Time delay
iv) / Fixed setting (approx.)
v) / Auxiliary elements :
Hand reset
vi) / Supervision current
Max. trip circuit supervision current
4. / Test devices :
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Provided for each assembly
B. / Relays :
1. / Differential relay :
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Current setting :
a) Differential elements
b) Differential current
c) Bias
iii) / High set over current elements :
Operating time :
- less than 3 x IN
iv) / Harmonic restraint :
-  Based on second harmonic content included
v) / Relay Stability
- Through – fault
2. / Stator earth fault relay :
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Voltage setting
iii) / Time setting
3. / Over current relay :
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Setting range of time relay
iii) / Setting range of instantaneous element
iv) / Setting range of over current
v) / Setting range of instantaneous element
4. / Over voltage relay
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Setting range of the pick-up values
a) Delayed trip
b) Instantaneous trip
iii) / Time setting range
iv) / Reset ratio
5. / Under voltage relay :
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Definite time
iii) / Inverse time
iv) / Two setting levels
v) / Voltage setting :
a) Setting range
b) Start element reset at
c) Continuously variable
d) Steps
vi) / Operating time :
a) Continuously variable
b) Steps
c) Setting range
6. / Negative phase sequence relay (46)
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Adjustable pick-up value
a) First stage
b) Second stage
iii) / Tripping time-laq adjustable
a) First stage
b) Second stage
7. / Field Failure relay
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Setting range of pick-up generator
iii) / Time setting :
a) First Stage
b) Second Stage
iv) / Time integrator setting :
a) Pick-up
b) Drop-out
8. / Reverse power relay:
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Two setting ranges
iii) / Pick-up range
iv) / Pick – up 2nd range
v) / Maximum torque angle
vi) / Reset ratio
vii) / Direction reversible during operation
viii) / Operating time :
a) Continuously variable
b) Step
c) Definitive
d) 1st time setting range
e) 2nd time setting range
9. / Directional over-current & earth fault relay
i) / Type/designation
ii) / Setting range of time delay
iii) / Setting range of instantaneous element
iv) / Setting range of over current
10. / Synchro-check relay (25)
i) / Type/designation
ii) / 2 channel device
iii) / Independent check on criteria (3)
a) Voltage
b)  Power

6.0 24 kV Switchgear

Guaranteed Technical Particulars




1. / Manufacturer’s name
2. / Overall dimensions
a.) / Length in mm.
b.) / Breadth in mm.
c.) / Height in mm.
3. / Overall weight
4. / Shipping wt. Of the largest package
5. / Dynamic and static load on the floor
6. / Shipping dimension
a.) / Length in mm.
b.) / Breadth in mm.
c.) / Height in mm.
1. / Type and make of circuit breaker
2. / Place of manufacturer
3. / Standard to which circuit breakers are manufactured
4. / No. of phases
5. / Frequency
6. / Normal current capacity(Standard)
7. / Derated current capacity(site)
8. / Rated making capacity
9. / Service voltage and system
10. / Insulating media
11. / Rated power frequency insulation level to earth for one minute
12. / Rated power frequency insulation level to earth across open contacts for one minute
13. / Rupturing capacity of circuit breaker offered MVA
14. / Method of closing
15. / Method of tripping
16. / Normal voltage for operation of :-
a.) / Closing mechanism
b.) / Tripping mechanism
17. / Power at normal voltage for closing coil(Watts)
18. / Rated impulse insulation level to earth .
19. / Rated insulation level to earth across open contacts
20. / Nominal pressure/vacuum bar (if applied)
21. / Making capacity peak current KA
22. / Breaking capacity
a.) / Symmetrical KA
b.) / Asymmetrical KA
23. / Short time currents
a.) / One sec. KA
b.) / Three sec. KA
24. / Operating time from the instant trip coil received its tripping impulse to the instant at which the contacts separates.
a.) / Without current(Seconds)
b.) / For given breaking current(Seconds)
i.) / 10%
ii.) / 30%
iii.) / 60%
iv) / 100%
v.) / Short circuit
25. / Arc duration from from separation of arcing contacts to instant of arc extinction stated for breaking currents of no. of loops at :-
i.) / 10% short circuit