/ The Citadel
School of Education
Division of Counselor Education
EDUC 330 Sec 01: Developing Leadership Skills Through Peer Counseling
Fall 2016
Instructor: Dr. Molina / Class Meetings: Mon, Wed, Friday
Office: Summerall Chapel / Class Hours: 1100 - 1150
Telephone: 843-953-5049 / Meeting Room: 305 Capers Hall
Email: / Office Hours: Recommend making an appt. / Walk-ins accepted, as time allows
Credit Hours: 3

Required Textbook:

Newton, F. B., & Ender, S. C. (2010). Students helping students: A guide for peer educators on college campuses (2nd. Ed.). San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons.

Course Description:

This course investigates the role, responsibilities, and personal commitments of Peer Counselor skills within the Corps of Cadets, the Active Duty, and Veteran undergraduate student body at The Citadel. It is important for students in leadership roles, and the others earning a minor in Leadership Studies to develop and reinforce the skills necessary to provide supportive services to their peers by exploring the impact of personal values, gender, and culture upon one’s leadership and facilitation abilities.

The learning outcomes and quality of experience within this class rest on both the students and instructor coming to class prepared. Each must be willing to interact, engage in class discussion, and exchange ideas regarding leadership and facilitation. The class will be seminar-based, with much of the time spent discussing assigned readings and their relation to the development of individual leadership and facilitation philosophies. It is critical, therefore, that each member read the assigned material before class and be ready to engage in class discussion.

Student Information:

This elective course is included in the minor in Leadership Studies and is intended for those students who wish to supplement their study in a principle content area with a scholarly consideration of the subject of leadership.


Developing Principled Educational Leaders

The Citadel’s professional Education Unit prepares principled educational leaders to be knowledgeable, reflective, and ethical professionals. Candidates completing our programs are committed to ensuring that all students succeed in a learner-centered environment.

The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit is committed to the simultaneous transformation of the preparation of educational leaders and of the place where they work. Specifically, The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit seeks to develop principled educational leaders who:

·  Have mastered their subject matter and are skilled in using it to foster student learning;

·  Know the self who educates (Parker J. Palmer) and integrates this self- knowledge with content knowledge, knowledge of students , and in the context of becoming professional change agents are committed to using this knowledge and skill to ensure that all students succeed in a learner-centered environment; and

·  Exemplify the highest ethical standards by modeling respect for all human beings and valuing diversity as an essential component of an effective learner-centered environment.

The Citadel’s Professional Educational Unit is on the march, transforming itself into a Center of Excellence for the preparation of principled educational leaders. Through our initial programs for teacher candidates for P-12 schools and our advanced programs for professional educators in P-12 schools, The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit transforms cadets and graduate students into principled educational leaders capable of committed to transforming our schools into learning communities where all children and youth succeed.

The Citadel’s Professional Education Unit has identified 15 performance indicators for candidates to demonstrate that they are principled educational leaders who are knowledgeable, reflective, and ethical professionals:

Knowledgeable Principled Educational Leaders…

1.  Have mastered the subject matter of their field of professional study and practice;

2.  Utilize the knowledge gained from developmental and learning theories to establish and implement;

3.  Model instructional and leadership theories of best practice;

4.  Integrate appropriate technology to enhance learning; and

5.  Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning.

Reflective Principled Educational Leaders

6.  Develop and describe their philosophy of education and reflect upon its impact in the teaching and learning environment;

7.  Develop and manage meaningful educational experiences that address the needs of all learners with respect for their individual and cultural characteristics;

8.  Construct, foster, and maintain a learner-centered environment in which all learners contribute and are actively engaged;

9.  Apply their understanding of both context and research to plan, structure, facilitate, and monitor effective teaching and learning in the context of continual assessment; and

10. Reexamine their practice by reflectively and critically asking questions and seeking answers.

Ethical Principled Educational Leaders…

11. Demonstrate commitment to a safe, supportive learning environment;

12. Embrace and adhere to appropriate professional codes of ethics;

13. Value diversity and exhibit a caring, fair, and respectful attitude and respect toward all cultures; and

14. Establish rapport with students, families, colleagues, and community; and

15. Meet obligations on time, dress professionally, and use language appropriately.

Students needing accommodations because of a disability must register with The Citadel Academic Support Center (ASC) located in Room 117 Thompson Hall. Appointments may be made via email at or calling (843) 953-1820. This office is responsible for reviewing documentation provided by students requesting academic accommodation and for accommodation in cooperation with students and instructors as needed and consistent with course requirements. Please see me privately, either after class or in my office, to let me know how I may best assist your special needs.


The course will provide students with the following CACREP Standards and The School of Education conceptual framework (CF):

1.  develop an understanding of themselves and how they can impact the helping relationship (CF: 1-4,6-9,11,12-15; CACREP SC Standard: B1-2);

2.  increase their understanding of and competence in using basic attending and listening skills (CF: 1,4,6,7-9,12-15);

3.  understand and demonstrate the core conditions of empathy, unconditional positive regard and genuineness (CF: 1, 6-8, 10; CACREP Standard II, K: 5.b);

4.  learn how to set goals with other students and develop strategies and interventions to meet these goals (CF: 1,2,6,8-15; CACREP SC Standard: B7, C1.d, C2.d-f);

5.  develop confidence in one’s ability to utilize these basic attending skills (CF: 1-15)

6.  understand how cultural factors impact interpersonal relationships and the counseling process (CF: 1,4,6,8-15; CACREP Standard II, K: 2.a, 2.e; CACREP SC Standard: A7-8);

7.  examine legal and ethical considerations in the facets of the peer counseling process (CF: 1,8,12-15; CACREP Standard II, K: 1.h, 2.f, 5.g; CACREP SC Standard: A10).

Learning and Developmental Objectives:

·  Introduce students to the role of a Peer Counselor and the skills required to perform this role within their educational and residential environments.

·  Emphasize the importance of peer relations inside and outside the classroom environment to support the academic and social development of other students.

·  Review The Citadel’s rules and regulations, The Honor Manual of The Corps of Cadets, and other campus resources pertinent to student success both academically and socially.

·  Create a learning environment in which interpersonal and intrapersonal skills are analyzed, discussed, and developed within a cadre of upper class cadets and others in leadership roles.

·  Prepare upper class students to become Peer Counselors for first year cadets and other students, thus providing peer support and assistance as needed throughout the initial academic year at The Citadel.

Student Learning Outcomes:

At the conclusion of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to:

·  Write a narrative explaining their personal leadership philosophy within the context of peer counseling and student development;

·  Write and discuss their own personal Mission Statement regarding their role as a Peer Counselor and how they will implement it within a student-centered learning environment;

·  Establish peer-to-peer relationships among student participants within a student-centered learning environment, as well as on the campus at large;

·  Demonstrate effective and appropriate facilitation skills to be used during in-class role plays and out-of-class assignments;

·  Describe in detail and discuss the various transitional issues faced by first year students.

·  Identify and describe The Citadel academic and student support offices and recognize when to refer fellow students to these professional resources;

·  Prepare a narrative explaining their Leadership Action Plan as it pertains to their interactions with first-year students in the role as a Peer Counselor;

·  Practice effective oral and written communication both inside and outside the classroom environment; and

·  Demonstrate competence and responsibility as individual paraprofessionals, in an in-class group environment, as well as a face-to-face interaction with fellow students on the campus at large, and as a Peer Counselor.

Course Requirements:

1.  Attendance, Participation & Professionalism: Students will come to class prepared to participate in class activities and will complete and turn in all written assignments in a timely manner. (CF: 1-8, 11,12,13, 15)

2.  Practice and Skill Development: Students will participate in role play activities and mock peer counseling sessions, demonstrating the skills appropriate to their current level of development. Feedback will be given immediately following participation.

3.  Throughout the semester students may receive assignments through an online educational tool. Instructions will be included with each assignment, as well as deadlines for submission. It is the student’s responsibility to check email for assignment and class announcements.

Course Assignments:

Leadership Philosophy I and II During the first two weeks of the semester, students will be asked to write a short leadership philosophy statement, as it relates to peer counseling concepts. The Leadership Philosophy will require students to incorporate their own previous experiences that have elements of leadership, from establishment to implementation. As the semester progresses, and through assigned readings and guest lectures, students will revise their Leadership Philosophy to demonstrate their personal and professional growth throughout the semester. Student revisions at the close of the semester will include a reflection on their development and will address their experiences within the class setting.


Leadership Philosophy Statement I (blue book) / 5
In-Class Activities Participation, Attendance and professionalism / 40
Quizzes from assigned readings / 10
Midterm Exam / 20
Leadership Philosophy Statement I (blue book) / 5
Final Exam / 20
Total Points / 100

Final course grades will be determined based on the following scale:

A = 90 - 100% B = 80 - 89% C = 75 - 79% D = 70 - 75% F = < 70%


(Subject to change at instructor’s discretion)

Please note: “Q” stands for quiz on assigned reading for that day

Week 1: Peer Counselors on the college campus; Impact of peers;
Wed, Aug 24
Friday, Aug 26 / Introductions
Course Overview
Week 2: Intercultural Competence
Mon, Aug 29
Wed, Aug 31
Friday, Sept 2 (Q) / The difference between education and training.
Assignment: In Class: Written Leadership Philosophy
Assignment Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter1 (Peer educators on the college campus, pp 1-27))
Week 3: Communication Skills
Mon, Sept 5
Wed, Sept 7
Fri, Sept 9 / Assignment Read (Student maturation and impact on peers, pp 28-56
Assignment Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter 3 (Enhancing cultural proficiency, pp 57-93)
Week 4: Developing Problem Solving Skills
Mon, Sept 12 (Q)
Wed, Sept 14
Fri, Sept 16 / Assignment Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter 4 (Interpersonal communication skills: Creating the helping interaction, pp 94-122)
Assignment Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter 5 Problem solving with individuals, pp 123-150)
In Class: Guest Speaker
Week 5: The Group Process: Effectively Working Within a Group
Mon, Sept 19
Wed, Sept 21
Fri, Sept 23 / Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter 6 (Understanding group process, pp 151-178)
Experiential Group Activity: The Fishbowl Tech.
Guest Speaker
Week 6: Leading Groups Effectively
Mon, Sept 26 (Q)
Wed, Sept 28
Fri, Sept 30 / Special Project and Assignment Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter 7 (Leading groups effectively, pp 179-212)
In-Class Group Activities Chapter 7
Week 7: Strategies for Academic Success
Mon, Oct 3
Wed, Oct 5
Fri, Oct 7 / Assignment Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter 8 (Strategies for academic success, pp 213-243)
Discuss Study Skills Strategies
Week 8: Ensuring Academic Success: Using Campus Resources for Support; Guest Speaker
Mon, Oct 10
Wed, Oct 12
Fri Oct 14 / Guest Speaker
Midterm Exam
Week 9: Counseling Ethics
Mon, Oct 17
Wed Oct 19
Fri, Oct 21 (Q) / Assignment Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter 9 (Using campus resources and referral techniques, pp 244-263)
No Class Leadership Day
Assignment Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter 10 (Ethics and strategies for good practice, pp 264-281)
Week 10 Counseling Ethics (continued)
Mon, Oct 24
Wed Oct 26
Fri, Oct 28 / Ethical Dilemmas
Decision Making 101 Guest Speaker
Week 11: Peer education programs in higher education
Mon, Oct 31
Wed, Nov2 (Q)
Fri, Nov 4 / Halloween
Assignment Read: Newton/Ender: Chapter 11
Week 12
Mon, Nov 7
Wed, Nov 9
Fri Nov 11 / Veterans Day
Week 13: Terminating the Peer Counseling Process
Mon, Nov 14 (Q)
Wed, Nov 16
Fri, Nov 18 / Examples of peer education programs in higher education, pp 282-308
In-Class Sharing of Peer Counseling Out-of-Class Experiences (Maintaining Student Participant Confidentiality)
Week 14:
Mon Nov 21-25 / Fall Furlough
Week 15:
Mon, Nov 28
Wed, Nov 30
Fri, Dec 2 / The Art of Leadership
Review of Reading Assignments
Course Evaluations
Week 16:
Mon, Dec 5
Wed, Dec 7
Fri, Dec 8 @ Time: ______ / Course Wrap-Up & Final Exam Prep
Course Wrap-Up & Final Exam Prep
Final Exam

Note: Some class plans may extend to 2 weeks, at Instructor’s discretion.