Grafton City Council Proceedings
April 9, 2018
Mayor John W. Bork convened the regular meeting of the Grafton City Council at 7 PM, April 9, 2018 at Grafton City Hall. Answering roll call were Dalluge, Hicken, Hulshizer, and Schaub. Kruger was absent. Visitors were Bruce White and Merlin Bartz, Worth County Supervisor. Hulshizermotioned, 2nd by Hicken to approve theagenda. Motion carried. Hicken motioned, 2nd by Hulshizerto approve the minutes from the March 12, 2018 regular meeting. Motion carried.
Supervisor Bartz explained the police protection increase to the council. Hicken motioned, 2nd by Dalluge to sign the Fiscal ’19 contract and pay the $1008 increase. Motion carried. Bartz then left at 7:13 PM.
Mayor Bork closed the regular meeting and announced that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing to amend the Fiscal ’18 budget (Resolution #2018-6). No objections either oral or written had been received. Mayor Bork then closed the Public Hearing and reopened the regular meeting. Schaub motioned, 2nd by Hulshizer to adopt Resolution #2018-6 approving the amendment to the Fiscal ’18 budget. Upon roll call vote, all council members voted aye. Resolution #2018-6 is passed and approved.
The Adult Prom made a profit of $3902.32 this year. A huge thank you goes out to the prom committee, all of the volunteers, and everyone who attended this annual event. Clerk then presented the financial reports, past due utility accounts, and bills to be paid. Hicken motioned, 2nd by Hulshizer to approve the financial reports as presented and pay all bills due to date. Motion carried.
Hicken motioned, 2nd by Schaub to approve the building permit from Todd Trettin for a new garage at his house at 510 3rd Street. Motion carried.
Under old business, the council talked about waxing the tile floors at the Community Center. Hicken motioned, 2nd by Hulshizer to have the clerk call Moonlighting Floors to get this done. Motion carried.
There being no further business, Hulshizermotioned, 2nd by Dalluge for adjournment. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:40PM.
John W. Bork, Mayor Renee Petersen, City Clerk