9th Grade english Syllabus

Alvin High School 2016-2017

802 S Johnson St • Alvin, TX 77511 • Phone: 281.245.3000

Teacher: Jennipher McGraw

Tutorial Hours: Thursdays from 3:00PM-4:00PM
Course Description:
9th grade English students continue to increase and refine their reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing communication skills. Students will plan, draft, and complete written compositions on a regular basis. Students will also edit their papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct usage of the conventions and mechanics of written English to produce a paper free of errors.
Students will read many novels, dramas, several short stories, and numerous poems during the course of this year.
Weekly vocabulary lessons will expand their knowledge of words and will push students to use them in their daily lives. Students will become familiar with the use of great technology resources in the classroom. Students will write at least one major-grade paper each grading period and complete a major project per for each unit. The students in Mrs. McGraw’s English class will learn time management, priority-setting, and self-discipline as they complete the reading and writing tasks that address the objectives of the course.
Class Goals:
I have set class goals that will motivate students to reach for academic success this year and years to come.
  1. 100% of students will PASS the STAAR exam.
  2. 100% of students will master each TEK/Objective at 80% or better.
  3. 100% of students will complete the course with 80% or better.

Required Class Materials
All materials will need to be in the classroom by Friday, September 9, 2016. All materials will remain in the classroom with students’ names on their belongings. Students are welcome to take home their composition notebooks, any assignment, notes, and/or binders as long as they are returned the next day.
Each student is responsible for having all of the following in class each day:
●Pens, blue or black ink ONLY—worked turned in that is written in other colors will NOT be graded.
●One Spiral Notebook
●INDEPENDENT BOOK (from library or home)
●Folder with brackets(to be left in class)
Additional Materials by Class Period (to be turned in to teacher):
1st:one box of markers
2nd:one package of notebook papers
4th:one box of highlighters
5th:one box kleenex
6th:one pack of color pencils
Bathroom Policy
It is highly recommended that students use the restroom during transition to classes; however, students are allowed three restroom passes per grading period.Once those three passes are used, students will not be permitted to leave class to go to the restroom, unless in emergency situations which will be determined by the instructor. Restroom passes do not accumulate; everyone has three passes, no matter how many he/she may utilize each grading period. If students come in during transition, drop their materials at their desks, go to the bathroom, and do not make it back to class by the bell, they will be marked tardy.
B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device) Policy
Students are allowed to bring their own device to assist with instructional activities. However, if students are using their device during instruction or without the teacher’s permission, disciplinary action will follow. (This includes headphones.) If the students do not abide by this policy, the following will occur:
· 1st Infraction: Device will be confiscated and returned at the end of class.
· 2nd Infraction: Device will be confiscated and turned in to the Assistant Principal.
· 3rd Infraction: Student will be referred to the Assistant Principal for disciplinary action.
Dress Code Policy—District Wide
The district’s dress code policy is included in this information packet. Students should become familiar with it. If a student is out of dress code in class, he/she will be asked to correct the attire; if that is not possible, the student will be referred to the Assistant Principal for disciplinary action. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE ROOM UNLESS THEY ARE IN COMPLIANCE.
Grading Policy
Grades will be inputted/updated weekly. Essays and Projects tend to take longer to grade and students will be informed early if there is a delay in the grading process for one of those two items. The following is a general guideline for grading:
· Tests, Projects, Essays: 50%
· Quizzes, Homework, Daily Classwork 50%
Tardy Policy
If a student is not inside the classroom when the bell rings FOR ANY REASON, he/she will be marked tardy. Calling or emailing your previous destination is not an option. You must have a pass with your name, the time, date, and teacher’s signature on it. If you are more than 10 minutes tardy without a pass, it will be recorded as a T/10; accumulation of any type of tardy for any reason will result in disciplinary action.
Tutorial days and times will be posted in the classroom and will not change. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the classroom. Students MUST sign-up if planning to work with Mrs. McGraw; however, Co-Teachers offer tutorials on other days and their directives may vary in regards to signing up.
Attendance and Late Work
●Homework is due at the BEGINNING of the class period or at the designated time on our Google Classroom website. Anything turned in after that is considered late and will receive a 10 point deduction each day. NO daily grade assignments will be accepted late. No exceptions.
●Make-up work is to be completed in a timely manner. A student has the same number of days to complete make up work as he/she missed from school. (Example: Absent 2 days: you have 2 days to turn in or make up work.)
●It is your responsibility to consult with me at the appropriate time (before or after school).I will not remind you to turn in your makeup work; you are responsible for turning it in.
●Make up tests/quizzes will be given after school, by appointment only.
Feel free to communicate with me via e-mail if you are absent or know you will be absent in order to receive your assignments.
9th Grade ELA Classroom Policies and Procedures Agreement
***Please read, complete and turn in the form below, no later than Friday, August 26, 2016.***
This acknowledges that the syllabus has been read and explained to the student and that the student and parent/guardian understand everything within the syllabus.
Student Name: ______
(Please Print)
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
(Please Print)
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian’s Phone #: ______
(Best number to reach you)
Parent/Guardian’s E-mail Address: ______