What’s New in MIL-STD-3014

New added data types as of 17 April 2005:


31913F (Hex)GENERAL DIST HORIZ(4 bytes)

Scalar distance in a local horizontal plane

320140 (Hex)TIME DURATION(4 bytes)

Duration or period of time

321141 (Hex)TARGET 1SIGMA HORIZ(2 bytes)

Horizontal error estimate, one sigma probability of target coordinates

322142 (Hex)TARGET 1SIGMA VERT(2 bytes)

Vertical error estimate, one sigma probability of target coordinates

323143 (Hex)TARGET HEIGHT(2 bytes)

Target object vertical dimension


55922F (Hex)IDENT TARGET ID(32 bytes)

Target ASCII name, sixteen characters long

564234 (Hex)MISSION STRMLN TC MSG(8 Bytes)

Data required to generate a legacy-formatted MIL-STD-1760 TC Msg; includes words 4-7; Platform will reconstruct Command, Header, Instruction, Subaddress & Checksum Words

565235 (Hex)MISSION STRMLN TD BLK(60 bytes)

Data required to generate a legacy-formatted MIL-STD-1760 TD Msg, words 1-30; Platform will reconstruct Command Word. Data Word 30 may be formatted as a message checksum in some applications.

560230 (Hex)TARGETTYPETARGET TYPE(2 bytes)

Legacy Target Type (13R-001 message, word 04)

561231 (Hex)NAVIGATION POSN-HVEL(18 bytes) Position & Horizontal Velocity vector

562232 (Hex)NAVIGATION POSN-VEL-TIME(28 bytes) Position/Velocity vector with Time Tag

563233 (Hex)NAVIGATION LAR WEDGE(16 bytes) LAR Reference Lat & Long, R1, start/stop azimuth, R2

Upcoming changes:

Editorial update version of MIL-STD-3014

An update to MIL-STD-3014 went into the Tri-Service approval process as of 8 March 2005. It will be published as soon as approved. Corrections are editorial. The corrections include:

Online Access Changes:

Foreword, Page ii

6. Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to (ASC/ENOS, 2530 Loop Road West, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7101) or emailed to (). Since contact information can change, you may want to verify the currency of this address information using the ASSIST Online database at or .

Paragraph 2.2.1, reference to MIL-STD-1760

(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of the above specifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094 or online via ASSIST at or .)

Corrections to align Table I and Figure 4 with text, are highlighted in red/yellow below:

Other proposed changes, planned for discussion at July 2005 user group meeting:


Discussion centers around USER CODEs proposed by Boeing (Hornet) , and concern that more specific itemization might be required than the proposed generic “JDAM”, to distinguish, for example, missions for the penetrator in a mixed load of JDAM Mk 84 and BLU-109s.

Proposed USER CODES by Boeing (Hornet) are:

JDAM (GBU-31/32/35/38)User code 1(d); 0001(h)

JSOW A/B (AGM/ATM-154A/B)User code 2(d); 0002(h)

JSOW C(AGM/ATM-154/C)User code 3(d); 0003(h)

SLAM ER (AGM/ATM-84H/J)User code 4(d); 0004(h)

JASSM (AGM–158A/B)User code 5(d); 0005(h)

SDB (GBU–39)User code 6(d); 0006(h)

Separately, a member of the user group identified the need for a “Default” or “No Statement” or “Not Applicable” USER CODE, to apply where design of a MiDEF module or file renders the meaning of a USER CODE invalid. Usefulness, numbering and definition of this USER CODE will be discussed at the July user group meeting.