Community Centre: Name & Address
Managing Organisation
Contact Name
Email / phone

The Structure of this Premises Healthcheck:

1. Existing Healthchecks
2. Tenure & Planning Permission Status
3. Organisation & Management / 4. Staff & Volunteers
5. Activities, Users & Use
6. Building – Condition & Building-related Systems / 7. Systems, Policies & Plans
8. Finance
9. Interest in Scheme
10. Assessment
Start with key questions in bold – work through subsequent questions as appropriate
Tick column on right if action required, and complete Action Plan
Transfer information from existing health checks etc. where possible

1. Existing Healthchecks

Topic / Question / Current Position / Action
Any existing healthchecks / YES/NO

2. Tenure & Planning Permission:

Topic / Question / Current Position / Action
Tenure type / Freehold / Leasehold / Licence
If Leasehold:
Length of lease / period unexpired / TIP: Are you nearing the end of your lease? Check what actions you need to take
Who is freeholder
·  Rent & Reviews
·  VAT on rent / TIP: Is a rent review coming up soon?
·  Repairing Responsibilities / Internal / fixtures and fittings / external; minor / major repairs
·  Break Clauses / TIP: Is a point at which you could give notice coming up? Check what actions you need to take
Name of organisation holding lease / relationship to group managing, if different.
If Freehold:
Any charges over property
Restrictions on disposal
Open Market Value (approx.)
Any grant-related conditions about occupation of premises
If Licence:
Who is freeholder
Term of Licence
What is included / Rates / power / repairs
All tenures:
Do you pay property rates directly
Water rates paid directly
IF YES and a charity: Will your water company offer concession (on surface and highways water drainage) / Charitable exemption
Included in rent
YES / Included in rent
Is building listed? / YES / NO Grade 2 / Grade 2* / Grade 1
Planning Permission Status / Use Class - D1 / Date granted / Any conditions. Is planning permission appropriate to current uses
Any covenants in operation / YES / NO

3. Organisation & Management

Topic / Question / Current Position / Action
Legal structure of organisation managing the project / Registered charity / Company ltd. by guarantee / Charitable Incorporated Organisation / Ind. & Prov. Soc./ Other (specify)
Registered charity / YES/NO
Is there a trading company / YES/NO
Year organisation established
Board of Management / Trustees / Details:
Meeting cycle / last meeting:
Do you think that the Board have the full range of skills needed to run the building and the project
Representation / Are users represented on Management Committee

4. Staff & Volunteers

Topic / Question / Current Position
Number of employees / No staff / Number: f/t p/t
Job Titles:
Number of volunteers / None / Number:
Who manages the centre on a day-to-day basis
·  Key holders – no. etc. / Does Centre have a (paid) manager? f/t / p/t?

5. Activities & Users

Topic / Question / Current Position / Action
Main activities of centre: By direct provision or through other groups
Cultural / Social / Leisure (inc. arts, sports, lunch-clubs)
Welfare (e.g. advice)
Training / Education
Childcare (nursery / crèche)
Support / capacity building (e.g. back office support)
Acting as a community voice
Transport (e.g. mini-van)
Social enterprise
Letting space longer term– who are the tenants
Any services / facilities you are planning to develop / would like to develop
Focus on a particular group(s) in community / YES: Youth / elderly / women / specific ethnic / cultural/ faith group (indicate / specify others)
No – all
If focus on particular group(s) – Is centre also open to all sectors of community
Examples of use by groups outside target group(s)
Mechanisms for consulting with / most recent consultations with:
·  Users
·  Wider community
Level of overall use / Under-used / at capacity / over-use, etc.
What is geographical catchment area
e.g. neighbourhood, estate, etc.
Brief profile of area
(Index of Deprivation stats, etc.)
How do you record and monitor who uses the centre – what information do you obtain (age/ ethnicity/gender etc.)
Do you regularly analyse the information about the profile of centre users
What other monitoring, evaluation and impact analysis do you do
Would you like to see more use of the centre generally / more use by particular groups
Any barriers to getting more / wider use
Other centres nearby / Your relationship

6. The Building – Conditions and Building Related Systems

Topic / Question / Current Position / Action
Size (approx.) / sq.ft / sq.m
Outside Space
History – when built / major refurbs.
No. of storeys / main materials, etc.
Summary - general condition / Good / Adequate / Needs improvements / Very Poor
Lift(s) / Accessible for disabled people
Outside Space (e.g. garden)
Parking – cars, bikes, bicycles
Public transport access
3 phase power
Compliance with legislation:
Disability Discrimination Legislation
When was the building last checked to ensure that it complies
Are you aware of any non-compliance or other issues
Health & Safety Legislation & Good Practice
·  When was the last risk assessment
·  Do you think it was comprehensive
·  When is the next
·  Do you record significant findings / (n.b. compulsory if employ 5 or more)
What steps do you take to ensure that action is taken in response to risks and hazards noted in the assessment
Who carries out H&S checks / Do they have all the necessary skills
Do you have a (written) H&S policy
·  Are you confident that it covers all the key sections
·  How often is the policy reviewed
·  Has a ‘competent person’ been appointed to assist in undertaking the measures needed to comply with the requirements. / (n.b. All need policy – written policy compulsory if employ 5 or more)
i.e. General Statement of Intent (signed and dated by the Chair or Chief Executive) / The organisation (who does what) / The Arrangements (general to all and specific to some.)
(n.b. legal duty)
Do you involve employees on H&S matters / (n.b. legal duty)
How ensure that electrical equipment is safe / Date last checked / serviced
How ensure that electrical systems are safe / Date last checked / serviced
How ensure that the water systems are properly maintained and operated (e.g. temperature, hygiene) to prevent water-borne infections / Date last checked / serviced
When was lift(s) last serviced
Have you checked for asbestos, and got strategies to remover and/or manage asbestos
Is there a suitably stocked First Aid kit
·  How often is it checked
·  Who is the person(s) designated to take charge of first-aid arrangements
·  Is there a trained first aider
Do you have any vehicles. How control use and maintenance
Do you have your boiler checked (and any other pressure systems e.g. catering equipment.)
How ensure that gas systems and equipment are safe
Do you think you’re your emergency systems are adequate
How do you ensure that your emergency procedures and equipment (fire and evacuation) are up to standard / Escape routes - checked (signs, emergency lighting, etc.)
Fire extinguishers - maintained and checked
Alarms - tested
Smoke alarms - fitted / tested
Sprinklers - fitted / tested
Emergency lighting - fitted / tested
Emergency evacuation - tested
How do you inform and train employees and users in H&S
How do you ensure that users know how to report problems, use the building safely, etc. / e.g. inform on first aid arrangements, procedures for reporting accidents, etc.
How do you ensure that injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences are:
·  Recorded
·  Reported (inc. to enforcing authority where applicable)HSE Incident Contact centre
·  acted on
How do you ensure that equipment (e.g. play equipment) and furnishing and fittings are safe and up to standard
Do you have adequate toilet and washing facilities
How do you ensure that they are at a good standard / (For employees / users inc. people with disabilities, children, etc.)
Do large groups use your premises – have you given consideration to managing crowd safety?
Licensing & Permissions
Do you need / Do you have a licence(s) for the following /are you confident you have all the right licences:
·  Premises licence (covers alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment)
·  Use of live or recorded music
§  Performing Rights Society Licence
§  Phonographic Performance Licence
·  Gaming
Buildings insurance
When last reviewed
Business interruption insurance / N/A
Contents insurance
When last reviewed
Employers Liability Insurance
·  Is Certificate displayed
·  Covers volunteers
·  When last reviewed
·  Do you have legal expenses cover / Cover - £5/10m?
Public Liability insurance:
·  When last reviewed
·  Does it cover e.g. committee members, volunteers (see above.)
·  Certificate displayed
·  Does centres insurance cover hirers, or do they indemnify the centre
Vehicle Insurance
·  Third party/ comp / N/A
Equipment breakdown Insurance
When last reviewed (inc. servicing agreement)
Trustees Liability insurance
When last reviewed
Condition & Surrounds
Who is responsible for decorating
Are you happy with the standard of the building, especially the:
·  common parts
·  exterior / (Internally and Externally)
How do you deal with cleaning
Is the standard of cleanliness usually satisfactory
Are outside areas under your control well maintained and attractive.
Are they used effectively
Is the immediate surrounding area well kept / YES / NO
Do you have a kitchen used for catering for events
Are you confident it meets appropriate standards
Does equipment brought into use after 1993 comply with European Product Safety Directives Does pre 1993 meet requirements in force before 1st Jan 1993 Have any ovens been retrospectively upgraded / (CE Mark post 1995)
Are the premises well ventilated
Is the lighting good and adequate
Can you keep the temperature at a comfortable level
Do you have air conditioning
What are the servicing arrangements
Are humidity levels satisfactory / YES / NO
How is waste disposed of
·  Do you pay for collection
Sustainable building:
Have you carried out any reviews or audits to establish ways of saving energy and resources/ operating more sustainably
Have you taken any actions recently to save energy and resources / operate more sustainably
Do you have any plans to do this
Is energy saving an area of interest
Has an audit been carried out / Yes / No
Yes / No
Safety & Security:
·  How do people feel getting to the building (especially after dark)
·  Inside the building
What systems do you have to prevent / detect intruders / Adequate / How often checked
Do you have polices and strategies for dealing with violence at work
Safe separation vehicles and pedestrians in outside areas
What happens if there is an emergency out of hours
Communication and Information
Are the entrance point(s) easy to find, accessible and welcoming
Is the reception area welcoming and informative. Does a new visitor know where to go
Do you have an efficient room booking system
Is there good accessible information about the building for locals / users
Where is it publicised / displayed / e.g. opening hours / who to contact / how to hire the building / hiring charges, etc
Do groups using the building get good information when they book the building
What form does the information take / e.g. their responsibilities in regard to H&S, cleaning up, insurance cover, reporting problems, making a complaint and emergency contacts
Do you make effective use of IT
Do you have an attractive, informative website
Are notice boards up to date
Posters – informative/ well displayed / up to date/ Images of diverse community life and activities
Leaflets – well stocked
Newsletters, etc
Any major refurb. work planned
Any major re-development planned

7. Systems, Policies & Plans

Topic / Question / Current Position / Action
Do you have any Quality Marks
Are you working towards any
Have you heard of ISO14001 (Environmental Management System)
Got / interested in working towards.
Does the organisation have the following:
Business Plan / Plan (Obtain most recent)
Marketing & Promotion Plan
Annual Report
Room hiring policies / agreements
Sub-letting agreements ( licence, etc.)
Agreements for other space sharing arrangements (e.g. hot-desking)
Equal Opportunities Policies
Safeguarding polices – children and vulnerable adults
CRB checks?
A Repairs and Renewal Policy
An Asset Register
Policies for
Keeping secure data confidential
Operating within the requirements of the Data Protection Act
Strategies for business continuation / Back up of documents, etc.
What other key policies does Centre have

8. Finance

Topic / Question / Current Position / Action
Surplus / Breakeven / deficit for most recent year for which accounts available / If deficit, how funded
Current year ______budget – what is projected outturn / performance to date
What is next year’s projected budget
How much / what proportion of income is generated through (e.g.) lettings, activities, contract delivery (i.e. not grant finance.)
How do you calculate how much to charge
·  For space
·  For other services
What are your charges
Do you think your charges (hiring and other) are at the right level
Might they be too low / too high
Do you engage in trading activities / (subject to tax and VAT)
Is the organisation registered for VAT
Are you confident that you are handling VAT and other tax matters correctly, (including getting VAT relief if a charity where appropriate, e.g. gas and electricity, rent)
If a charity – are you confident that you are obtaining exemption from Climate Levy
Are there reserves
Are these adequate / Note – restricted (for what) / unrestricted
If responsible for maintenance – Do you have a sinking fund or other provision
Any major funding bids submitted /
in preparation

9. Partnership Working

Topic / Question / Current Position / Action
Are you involved in partnership working/ are you a member of networks