50% of places each year are allocated to church attendees and 50% to other faiths and non faith

Please read the accompanying notes before completing this form. The form, which should be completed by a parent or carer of the person who is applying for a place, must be returned by the date stated to:

Mrs Smyth

Admissions Officer

Bishop Stopford’s School

Brick Lane



SECTION 1: To be completed in all cases in BLOCK LETTERS

Please state: (in all cases ‘applicant’ refers to the child)

Applicant’s surname: ______

Applicant’s first name(s): ______

Please tick the appropriate box: Male Female

Applicant’s home address:



______Post code: ______

Parent/Carer 1 e-mail address ______

Parent/Carer 2 e-mail address ______

Parent/Carer 1 telephone number ______

Parent/Carer 2 telephone number ______

Applicant’s date of birth: ______

Name of school the applicant currently attends:______


Is the applicant a member of a Church of England congregation or of any other Christian congregation? Please tick the appropriate box.

Yes No

If YES, please ask your priest, minister or pastor to complete Section 7 once you have completed Sections 1 to 6.


Does the applicant currently have or have they previously had a sibling(s) attending Bishop Stopford’s School at Enfield? (Please note: A sibling is defined as a blood relative or someone living at the same address as part of the same family). Please tick the appropriate box.

Yes No

If YES, please state:

a. the name(s) of the student(s) or former student(s):



b. The current Year group or last year at the School: ______


If you have adopted the child and they were previously looked after, please tick the following box.

The child was in Local Authority care under Section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989

Please provide a copy of the adoption order and a letter from the local authority that last looked after the child confirming that he or she was looked after immediately prior to the order being made.

If you are from the Local Authority and completing this form on behalf of a looked after child, (acting on behalf of the child’s parents) please tick the following box.

The child is in Local Authority care under Section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989

Please provide:

a. the name of the Case Worker: ______

b. the Case Worker’s telephone number: ______

The Local Authority should provide written confirmation of the above details.


The ethos of this School is:

Recognising its historic foundation, the School will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles and practice of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at Parish, Deanery and Diocesan level.

The School aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all of its students.

Governors hope that the parents who have chosen this School for their child have done so knowing that it is a Church of England School with a distinctive Christian ethos. Governors therefore expect parents to give their full support to this ethos.

We ask all parents applying for a place here to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. This does not affect the right of parents who are not of the faith of this School to apply for and be considered for a place here.


I DECLARE that everything stated in this document is the true and sincere basis of the application for a place at Bishop Stopford’s School at Enfield.

Parent/Carer’s name in BLOCK LETTERS: ______

Parent/Carer’s signature: ______

Date of application: ______

THIS FORM should now be given to your priest, minister or pastor if you are claiming membership of a church so that Section 7 can be completed.

·  Please sign below after Section 7 has been completed if this is relevant.

I have seen and agreed the details included in Section 7:

Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent or Carer


To be completed by a priest, minister or pastor (or by an appropriate Church Officer, if such a person is not available) after the Parent or Carer has completed Sections 1 to 6.

Additional Note to Parents: Parents who have moved (or whose priest, minister or pastor has moved) within the last two years are advised in their own interests to obtain where necessary or possible a letter of recommendation from their previous priest, minister or pastor.

Has the Applicant (the child) attended worship at your church for the past two years?


Signed: ______

Name (please print): ______

Position (e.g. Incumbent): ______

Address: ______Telephone No: ______

Name of Church attended: ______

Address of Church attended: ______

Please tick the appropriate box:

(Church of England) / Methodist / Salvation Army
Baptist / Pentecostal / United
Greek Orthodox / Roman Catholic / Other (please state below)

Other (please state): ______