NPHC Minutes for September 10, 2012

  1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 5:06pm.
  2. Invocation
  3. Roll Call: AΦA-1, AKA-1, KAΨ-1, ΩΨΦ-1, ZΦB-1, ΣΓΡ-1
  4. Adoption of Minutes: Approved
  5. Adoption of Agenda: Approved
  6. Executive Board Report
  7. President – Trying to take a different approach to different situations
  8. Vice-President – Suspended report due to absence
  9. Secretary – Check for corrections on Delegates
  10. Treasurer – Current Balance is $3,112. 39; approved corrections to report
  11. Committee Report
  12. Fundraising/Social Bonding: Greek Expo – DJ Matchez ($200) and MC Socialite?; ideas for the semester: NPHC Olympics, Fun Day (3 captain heads ~ captains would choose their teams, Water balloon fight/Pool party (end of Spring semesters)
  13. Community Service: Forum about voting and meaning of political parties – have a Republican, Democrat, and independent speak on the party that they are a part of; voter registration cards will be available to fill out; Potential place: Moody; Tentative date: September 26th
  14. Old Business
  15. Greek Expo
  16. Completely scratched the idea of Greeks from other chapters to perform
  17. Chapters with highest GPA will perform first and sit towards the front
  18. Next meeting will have work schedule and practice times
  19. UL is trying to get us a stage, if not, we will rent a stage
  20. Flyer is in the works and working on getting intermissions
  21. There will be no prize
  22. Ticket prices: $7 until Friday and $10 at the door
  23. Doors open at 5p and show will start at 6pm (more like 6-ish)
  24. Meet the Greeks
  25. September 13th at 5pm in Griffin 147
  26. Executive Board will meet at 3:30pm and Presidents/chapters will meet at 4:30pm
  27. All chapter presidents and executive board will introduce themselves – Chapter presidents will state their name, organization, national founder date, and chapter charter date
  28. Presentation should be a maximum of 10 minutes – Executive Board will be there to monitor the time
  29. No stroll off afterwards – Strictly professional
  30. Tentative date for a stroll off: Wednesday from 12p-1p
  31. Door Prizes: 5 people will receive $10 in Cajun Cash
  32. New Business
  • Amendment for NPHC Week (with corrections)
  • How early could a week be requested: Second to last NPHC Meeting of the Spring Semester
  • What constitutes a week: Sunday to Sunday 8am to 2am
  • Hosting events (of all types) during another chapter’s week will result in a fine of $500 that will go directly to NPHC. Unless the chapter president of the imposing party can provide written documentation from the president of the organization being imposed on granting permission of the imposing chapter to host the documented event.
  • *In some cases, Nationals of a certain chapter may give a certain time frame to have intake/probate. If this is the case, an official document from Nationals (signed by the regional director or someone of higher status) shall be submitted to NPHC Exec Board for further review. If the document is approved and is indeed valid the chapter being imposed on shall understand that this special circumstance and shall grant that chapter permission to hold that event, and only that event (excluding probate parties, socials, forums, and etc.), unless given permission from the imposed party chapter president.
  • *Homecoming week cannot be requested.
  • There will be a lottery to pick weeks.

X.Greek Affairs Report: See Council Announcements

XI.Chapter Announcements: BMLA—bowling night tomorrow at Lafayette Lanes from 9-12am, $4/hr or $22/hr with a group of 6

XII.General Discussion
